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Wingnut Web – The IRS are the REAL TERRORISTS Editon

So a crazy crazy dumbass named Andrew Joseph Stack III got mad because the IRS didn’t fall for his fake religion con and wanted money, so he burned down his house with his family still inside (they got out thankfully) and then crashed a plan into an IRS building. Seriously, he was crazy. And he posted a gigantic rant on the internet filled to the brim with crazy craziness. It looks like he killed two people with his crazy stunt. So what is the reaction of our favorite Wingnuts? Will they cheer on someone attacking the IRS? Or condemn the crazy guy for being crazy? Let’s find out….

It’s okay to kill people if they’re people I don’t like

Killing innocent people? Hilarious! Hehehe….. Snort!

Quoting this dude just because he has a giant Viking picture for a sig!

Paying your fair share and funding infrastructure that makes America great is Terrorism!

Bookie1066 – thinks killing 5000 people is a good idea. Also bonus crazy sig!

Sancho Iligalo! Hilarious! You should write for Seinfeld!

skimbell is happy because crazy people go crazy and he can sit at his computer and do nothing while pretending to be a “Patriot” while another moron declares the IRS is the real terrorists

Let’s drop a bomb of crazy into this thread!

Someone will cheer if people go Henry Bowman? Who is Henry Bowman? Only the main character of a novel Unintended Consequences (popular at gun shows!) where he spends the whole thing gunning down Government Employees. And this fucker will cheer them on. That’s a real terrorist! FreeRepublic.com chose to NOT delete this comment.

Dead Corpse is another crazy mo-fo. He’s an OathKeeper and a 3%er, meaning he’s a paramilitary crazy frakface.

And also desperate to overthrow the US government!

Don’t insult my Texas Secession buddies!!!

metmom is another one who hates the IRS and thinks anyone who doesn’t want to kill them is a terrorist sympathizer!

Joe Stack is the GREATEST AMERICAN HERO WHO EVER LIVED! You only wish you were patriotic enough to burn down your own home while your family was inside! GI Joe has NOTHING on Joe Stack!

First reply of the first thread about the plane hitting the building:


RoseofTexas thinks she’s living in Gotham City!

Joe Stack was framed! 2-18 Trutherism!

Everything that ever happens ever is a terrorist attack!

They will cover up this crash and no one will acknowledge it happened!

Bill 0’Reilly (notice the ZERO they used in his name so he can’t search on Google for them talking about him!) is in on the 2-18 conspiracy theory!

Quick! Spin him away from us!

Crashing into buildings will help us….somehow!

If this guy knew about Obama, he’d crash planes into dozens of buildings!

No, Holocaust Shooter James Wenneker von Brunn WAS a White Supremacist and he POSTED ON FREEREPUBLIC.COM!!!! What the frak??? FreeRepublic deleted all his posts! More here!

If he did, it would just get deleted

Let’s check in on how Joe Stack is getting spinned now:
I see….

And what does Resistnet think of all this???

Until next time….

Wingnut News Droppings

All the latest crazy news:

the NYTimes wrote a keen article about the Tea Party and Keith Olbermann did a special comment about them.

From the Grosser Than Gross Dept.: Taitz was “hotter, hornier, wetter, tighter, more of a nympho than I’ve ever met.

A teabagging nutbag (redundant) who is currently nameless has called for the hanging of Democratic Washington Senator Patty Murray:
“What happened to Jake when he ran with the wrong crowd? What happened to Jake when he ran with the wrong crowd. He got hung. And that’s what I want to do with Patty Murray.”

CPAC starts Thursday. What 12-year-old will excite old white guys this year? Also, Glenn Beck will headline, and the Acorn Pimp and his “Please send me money” girl (James O’keefe and Hannah Giles) will get a special award. This year it is XPAC. Don’t tell the actual X-PAC, and don’t tell CPAC that X-PAC made a sex tape with Chyna and naming their convention after a sex tape maker is totally conservative.

Also, whoever the frak the Autotune the News guys are, they will be there too. To do something.

One Night In Chyna

Captain America battles Teabaggers, Marvel apologizes

First, let me apologize for the lateness of this post. Between ER visits, my wife’s birthday, and Valentine’s day, this kept getting delayed to the point where it became a huge story.

For those of you who had equally busy lives this week, you may not know that in a recent issue of Captain America (#602), the good Captain and his friend Falcon need to go undercover in an anti-government group. A group that has protests against the Federal Government, and carried signs identifying them as Teabaggers. Par for the course, as Captain America has regularly taken on enemies of America. But, the Teabaggers in real life were angry. They were mad at the picture stories that said they were bad, so they threw a temper tantrum and screamed until Marvel apologized.

Marvel is now owned by Disney, who the Fundies hate anyway because Mickey Mouse doesn’t stone the gays at the theme parks, so pretty much anything Marvel doesn’t isn’t going to appease crazy idiots who weren’t buying your stuff in the first place. So I say, don’t bother to apologize, because there is nothing to be ashamed of in fighting Right wing idiots bent on warping the country into their own personal Hell.

So here is the offending panels (Click for HUGE!):

And here are some typical FreeRepublic.com reactions:

These comic books are something only losers read, that’s why I’ll make a big fuss!

The free market is obviously a sign of outside foreign influences! And good job not reading Liberality!

Bryanw92 boycotts everything, leaving him nothing to do but to sit in the dirt. On the RIGHT side of the dirt.

Sooooo much stupid in one tiny little post!

Before the Internet Marvel was 100% hippies selling arms to Saigon

Oh, Travis McGee, your racist screed will be featured here soon enough…

Maybe if SevenofNine (don’t tell him the Federation are space socialists!) actually read comics he would be able to speak English.

First of all: Taint. Second of all: Free market, baby!

Rastus sure reads a lot of comics for hating comics so much. Even I don’t know that much about Seige! I did read Planet Hulk, and I recommend it to everyone.

Yeah, make your protests even more of a giant circus! Please?

For some perspective, besides Captain America’s own title, one of the best Captain America books was What If?, which featured various alternate outcomes of classic Marvel Comics events. Thus, Captain America showed up a lot, and many times fought against evil duplicate Captain Americas. In this particular one, a crazy, Right Wing guy has assumed the role of Captain America and proceeds to make it into what is probably a Teabagger’s wet dream:


But then the Real Captain America returns to beat down the crazy:

So What If? rules, Captain America rules, and Teabaggers don’t.

Blackwater kicked out of Iraq

The Iraqis have been working on this for years (and lied to about it) but it looks like they’ve finally pulled it off.  Iraq’s interior minister expelled 250 of their employees from the country yesterday:

Making the announcement on Thursday, Jawad Bolani, the interior minister, said: “We have sent an order to 250 former Blackwater employees, who today are working with other security companies in Iraq, to leave the country in seven days and we have confiscated their residence permits.

“All of those concerned were notified four days ago and so they have three days to leave. This decision was made in connection with the crime that took place at Nisur Square.”

Separately, more charges of prostitution and fraud are being reported by the Washington Post :

In court records unsealed this week, a husband and wife who worked for Blackwater said they have firsthand knowledge of the company falsifying invoices, double-billing federal agencies and improperly charging the government for personal expenses…

In their suit, the Davises assert that Blackwater officials kept a Filipino prostitute on the company payroll for a State Department contract in Afghanistan, and billed the government for her time working for male Blackwater employees in Kabul. The prostitute’s salary was categorized as part of the company’s “Morale Welfare Recreation” expenses, they alleged.

If you’ll recall, not that long ago a big fuss was being made over alleged prostitution and fraud and canceling contracts with another organization:

Multiple bills were produced with many co-sponsors, with one eventually being passed and quickly ruled unconstitutional by a federal court.  Legislation to simply restrict companies running wild with mercenaries has not been given nearly as much attention. In 2007, Illinois Representative Jan Schakowsky introduced a bill to do just that, titled the Stop Outsourcing Security Act .  It was promptly sent to die in committee.

AmericanGrandJury.org – Obama never attended Columbia University

Chinese stooges AmericanGrandJury.org and their new best bud convicted felon Pastor David Manning have just spend an exhaustive investigation of looking at pixellated Japanese porn and have concluded that Barack Obama never attended Columbia University.

ChineseGrandJury.org declares:
1) Columbia University will not divulge whether the “alleged” diploma issued was in the name of Barry Soetoro or Barack Hussein Obama. No public record exists regarding the diploma.

2) Obama alleges he attended Columbia in 1982, 1983. But, the investigators have been UNABLE to turn up a single shred of written documentation for the years 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 that show where Obama appeared on a school roster, register, faculty memo, bulletin board, school awards, dean’s list; where Obama’s name appeared in a yearbook, club record, fraternity record, extra curricular activity member roster, student newspaper, student radio or tv activity; where Obama appeared in any records as a worker, employee, laborer in or about Columbia University; where Obama enrolled in any sports activity or program.

3) As a graduating senior in 1983 he does not appear in any Political Science (his major) or Granduating Class yearbook or invitation records.

4) There is absolutely no documentation of any kind to show Obama attended, lived, worked or played at Columbia University during the investigated 4 years.

5) Interviewed professors, college employees, students (who were at Columbia during the years in question) have failed to turn up a single person that can remember Obama. This is irrefutable evidence. Think about your own situation if Obama had attended your college? A “now-famous” person went to your school? Many would be able to say, “of course I remember.” At Columbia, not a single person has been able to say he or she remembers Obama.

One small problem, there is all this evidence that he did attend Columbia University. All easily found on Google in a matter of seconds. But no problem!

The commentors on the blog were ecstatic over the discovery…

If I declare everything about Barry Soetoro lies then I can claim anything!

It is a good day when people die, just like Jesus said in the Bible. Oh, wait, I meant Worf on Star Trek…

Barack Obama doesn’t keep his Columbia diploma in his back pocket to show to people, thus it doesn’t exist!

One guy=entire black community.

How dumb to you have to be to get banned from RedState.com?

Rev. Manning is part of the conspiracy of disinformation! He’s the real long-legged mackdaddy!

This guy can’t even spell birth certificate, much less know what one looks like

Go back to writing science fiction novels, Kevin Anderson!

The news hit FreeRepublic.com like a ton of bricks, and soon bricks were crapped in every direction as the crazies fought to be the most crazies while voices of reason were ignored like the RINOs they are. Only REAL PATRIOTS know that Barack Hussein Obama was born of a pod and had no real parents, only the genetic donations of Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Malcolm X, an actual black panther, and Dolemite.

We are seekers. Seekers of poo!

A black zombie, of course…

Galtoid is willfully ignoring the links I posted above, many of which are in that Freeper thread.

Speaking of which….But wait, that means Barack Obama roomed with Al Qaeda! I got you now, Barry S.!

Everyone is covering everything up. They even blew up the shuttle Columbia to help cover Obama’s Columbia records!

ETL is freaking crazy, but at least he doesn’t believe Obama is the Anti-Christ. And bonus “revenge against the libs” guy who will probably try to burn down your house if Palin is elected in 2012.

Barack Obama – armed truck robber! I think someone needs to stop watching Armed and Dangerous! No, wait, that movie rules. Everyone needs to watch Armed and Dangerous!

Sorry, I didn’t read this post, I was thinking about that scene in Armed and Dangerous where John Candy gets in the Semi and that cool dude starts driving through traffic….

“Everything will fall down like a house of cards” and similar phrases are in about 50% of these posts, so if you ever want to pretend to be a Birther you have to use that phrase every other post.

In 18 months, Missouri gal is going to be very disappointed.

What the frak is this crap?

Freeper poetry.

Only FreeRepublic.com can get to the bottom of this mess! To the Freepmobile! Wait, the Freepmobile is a rascal scooter…

mojitojoe, racist extraordinaire, I have saved your post to laugh at in 2012.

Of course, no man would have a mustache like that…

The most retarded photoshop conspiracy on Freep of the day belongs to…

Hey, you, guy with actual facts! Get out of here!

You see, the negroes are all such slores that they are all related due to childhood sex.

Just think of Kent Brockman screaming “It’s in Revelations, people!”

Luckily, we’ll be saved when John Candy shoots his 50 caliber handgun at the car with Palin in it and it crashes into the tanker truck filled with rocket fuel…

Yes, it is a mystery indeed!

Now With bonus Dr. Orly Taitz Birth craziness!

Rev. Dr. Mr. HM Orly Hussein Taitz Jr. Esq TE has uploaded this secret document sent to her of Barack Hussein Obama’s mother’s forged Social Security card. As you can see, this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt Barack Obama had no mother!


Thanks to User-Friendly and Seventyfour for the tips!

Teabaggers, mad as Hell that they are crazy, act more crazy!

From the “You can’t make this crap up!” Department, this past week in Teabagger Nation has been an insane ride of crazy trying to top crazy, to the point where you had to keep notes on your hand to be the craziest. But more on that later…

Things started off innocent enough when DailyKos did a simple poll asking self-described Republicans (note: This is Republicans, not those who got so fed up with the Republican Party they now self-identify as teabaggers) some questions that showed that they are buying the complete garbage the Right Wing pundits are spewing 24/7.

I’ll steal this summary from HuffPost because of laziness:

# 39 percent of Republicans believe Obama should be impeached, 29 percent are not sure, 32 percent said he should not be voted out of office.

# 36 percent of Republicans believe Obama was not born in the United States, 22 percent are not sure, 42 percent think he is a natural citizen.

# 31 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a “Racist who hates White people” — the description once adopted by Fox News’s Glenn Beck. 33 percent were not sure, and 36 percent said he was not a racist.

# 63 percent of Republicans think Obama is a socialist, 16 percent are not sure, 21 percent say he is not

# 24 percent of Republicans believe Obama wants “the terrorists to win,” 33 percent aren’t sure, 43 percent said he did not want the terrorist to win.

# 21 percent of Republicans believe ACORN stole the 2008 election, 55 percent are not sure, 24 percent said the community organizing group did not steal the election.

# 23 percent of Republicans believe that their state should secede from the United States, 19 percent aren’t sure, 58 percent said no.

# 53 percent of Republicans said they believe Sarah Palin is more qualified to be president than Obama.

When the poll was release, a few right wing pundits went insane. Well, more insane than usual!

BillO said

On the left, we already told you about the crazy Kos people, but somehow folks like Arianna Huffington are now considered legitimate news sources. That’s what the president should be worried about.

And he has Karl Rove on to agree with him, because, why the heck not?

But the real fun began as the Teabaggers had their $549 a seat “for the people” National Convention which started off with a bang as Tom Tancredo called for the return of voter literacy tests! Holy Jim Crow, Batman!

The highlight of the Teabagger Convention (BagCon ’10) was Sarah Palin, fresh off her quitting of being offended over the term retard:

Palin gave an impassioned speech for two-year-olds, where she slammed Obama for using a teleprompter, then promptly read things that she had written on her hand.

This is not a double standard, this is a sextuple standard! Someone call Jon and Kate Plus 8, because we got too many standards!

Another funny story out of this convention comes from this blog about some of the seminars at BagCon ’10:

At a session called “How to Unite State Tea Party Groups”, the speaker slowly and deliberately guided the audience through a basic web search.

“In the space at the top of the computer, type in w-w-w-g-o-o-g-l-e dot c-o-m. That website will help you find what tea party groups near you. Then type, Florida Tea Party, then hit the Enter button on your keyboard.”

It was a slow, painstaking process. He had to repeat himself many times, as some could not keep up; others simply couldn’t hear him because their hearing aids were too low


At the end of his “how-to” seminar, the speaker said, “Listen, if y’all can’t find your local tea party groups, just go to your local gun store. They’ll tell you where they are.”

If you think Teabaggers having trouble using Google is an exaggeration, here is some proof that it is exactly what they do, featuring TarsTarkas.NET!

Our BO is approved…by Axe Bodyspray! This time, TarsTarkas.NET is the one doing the teabagging of some teabaggers! That’s what happens when you remember the Knights Templar!