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Zombie Safari? You bet Jurassic!

Operation post news articles about films that are on the production company websites I found while writing other articles continues with more fun from Red Sea Media! Next up is Zombie Safari, which sound suspiciously like a park-themed movie about dinosaurs, except with zombies. So far it is just a collection of posters at the moment with a 2015 target release date. I hope they copy entire scenes wholesale except with zombies instead of raptors. Because that would just be nuts. NUTS! Also, never trust billionaires! Kill them all!

Years after the zombie apocalypse, life has returned to normal. A billionaire, driven mad by what happened to his family years ago, opens a zombie safari theme park. But when the power goes out, nothing is left to stop these “captive” zombies from escaping.

Via RedSeaMedia

Zombie Safari

Zombie Safari

Asylum giving us Asian Schoolgirls!

In what could be really cool or potentially offensive, one of Asylum’s upcoming 2014 films is called Asian Schoolgirls! It practices what it preaches, with schoolgirls of the presumably Asian variety beating up some mobsters that kidnap them.

Kidnapped by a Los Angeles crime syndicate, a group of schoolgirls must fight and seduce their way to vengeance, teaching the criminals a lesson in kicking butt and taking names.

Asian Schoolgirls is directed by Lawrence Silverstein. The listed cast is Minnie Scarlet, Sam Aotaki, Andray Johnson, and Alan Pietruzewski. Just from the brief description and cast list I’m already ready to watch this film, Asylum does things a bit odd at times, but they have a pretty good record of throwing out surprising stories and films (especially recently) and there is a good chance that this will be a fun ride. And maybe it will lead to Asian Schoolgirls vs. Bearanchula! Minnie Scarlet seems well aware of the racial politics of Asian fetishes and does not come off as the type who would sign up for a film that just reinforced them, I am betting more is going on that the exploitative title.

The only other information I could find is a resume from costar William Jones. Granted, this is probably because Asian Schoolgirls is a loaded search term filled with photos of naked chicks.

Speaking of which, it was hard to find images of the two listed actresses, Minnie Scarlet and Sam Aotaki, that I could use in the article (especially Minnie Scarlet!) I just ended up taking images off of their tumblrs so we can see the two stars:

Minnie Scarlet:
Minnie Scarlet

Twitter (NSFW) – https://twitter.com/MinnieScarlet
Tumblr (NSFW) – http://minniescarlet.tumblr.com
RebelMayhem (NSFW) – http://rebelmayhem.com/author/minnie-scarlet/
Did I mention all her stuff is not safe for work? Because it ain’t!

Sam Aotaki:
Sam Aotaki


The Real House Pets of Beverly Hills shows even the 1% pets hate the 0.01% pets!

Operation post news articles about films that are on the production company websites I found while writing other articles is in full swing as we drop by Red Sea Media. First up is The Real House Pets of Beverly Hills, which exists only in poster form at the moment and has a projected release date of 2015. Judging by the synopsis, the animals will talk, which instantly makes this film worth watching. Also, there is a weird class warfare angle, but only among the super rich pets! So….

A group of Beverly Hills house pets live the good life, but when stuck-up “show dog” Bella moves in she quickly takes over, wreaking havoc on the poor house pets. Now the house pets must band together to get rid of the mean dog that wants to ruin everything.

Yes, who did let the dogs out?

Via RedSeaMedia

The Real House Pets of Beverly Hills

In Korea, Pirates will roam the seas!

Korean movie Pirates

Pirates (해적: 바다로 간 산적) is an upcoming Korean film featuring bands of pirates that try to catch a gray whale that has swallowed a royal stamp. For those not in the know, the royal stamp will allow whoever owns it to give orders that have the official signature of the royal family, thus causing a whole bunch of trouble. Pirates stars Kim Nam-Gil (Portrait of a Beauty), Son Ye-Jin (Yobi, the Five Tailed Fox), and Sulli (member of K-pop girl group f(x)). It will be directed by Dancing Queen‘s Lee Suk-Hoon. There isn’t much else in English yet, but a nice high seas costume film could be a whole lot of fun!

Via AsianWiki

Korean movie Pirates

Korean movie Pirates

Korean movie Pirates

YA books to films update!

Daughter of smoke and bone

Time for more greenlighted YA books with gimmicks! “Why?”, you might ask? It’s because these are generally very very cheap, come witht heir own entrenched fanbase, and there is always the potential Twilight/Hunger Games mega-million$. So expect more and more YA films to get greenlit even if you don’t like them! One of these entries won’t even get published for well over a year! So far no casts are attached.

The book: Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor (a trilogy, 3rd book due in 2014)
The gimmick: A 17 year old woman dates an angel, and there is a war against demons
Why it might be good: Laini Taylor has hot pink hair in every photo I’ve found of her. The setting of Prague means they can use a cheap European crew to keep costs down.
Why it might suck: It sounds like City of Bones, and we all know how well that did! Laini Taylor has hot pink hair in every photo I’ve found of her. Director Michael Gracey is a visual effects man with no completed directorial films yet. They probably won’t use “How Do You Talk to an Angel” by The Heights on the soundtrack.

The book: The Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard (will not even be published until 2015!)
The gimmick: in a dystopian future, people are divided up based on the color of their blood. A 17 year old woman becomes a revolutionary leader
Why it might be good: Breaking Bad writer Gennifer Hutchison will be adapting it. It’s been called Graceling meets The Selection.
Why it might suck: This sounds like The Hunger Games except with a racism allegory for babies. Also the book won’t be published for two years, which makes it sound like it was picked up because the author knows someone, not because the book is any good. No one outside of the YA world knows what the hell I am talking about when I say “Graceling meets The Selection

Never fear, there will surely be more and more YA books…in the FUTURE!