The film is directed by Shinichi Karube and written by Machiko Nasu. It stars Shun Shioya as Ken Haine, Ainosuke Kataoka as Kikumasa, and Shinichi “Sonny” Chiba as Chief Director Hakkaisan. There’s also an actress named Nagisa Oshima, which is the same name as a very famous Japanese director.
Ken Haine (Shun Shioya) is the president of a real estate company and he is known as the “King of Kabukicho”. He becomes sick and tired of making money. Ken then begins to say that he wants to go to school to look for some excitement. General Manager Masamune Kiku finds a vocational school located in the center of Kabukicho. Ken illegally enrolls in the vocational school. At the vocational school, the school is full of unusual people including a professional wrestler and a gay student.
Kabukicho High School opens May 3rd in Japan
via AsianWiki