But 2008 was so long ago, it’s time to revisit the story of Day of the Dead, or at least make more sweet sweet $$$$ off of the name recognition now that World War Z somehow didn’t bomb. Enter the producers of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D, Lati Grobman and Christa Campbell, who are out to proof that they are the new faces of horror. Thus they want to create a film that is more like the original and less like World War Z. Which is an odd comparison to make, but okay, sure, whatever. Christa Campbell was even in the 2008 remake of Day of the Dead. Because this can’t get any weirder. Luckily, they are keeping the budget at $10-20 million, which should be enough to get a return even if it does terrible.
Forget that, I’ll just eat some Zombie Star Trek Captain Cookies.