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Could The Purge BE any more The Return of the Archons?


“Without freedom of choice, there is no creativity. Without creativity, there is no life.” — James T. Kirk

Ethan Hawke has a problem, besides not living up to the legacy of Explorers. You see, now he lives in an alternate future where to fight overcrowding in prisons, the geniuses at the US Government set up a once-a-year 12 hour slaughterfest where all illegal crimes are legal. How this solves any problems at all is not addressed. Instead, we get a movie about a home invasion, that could have happened in any movie and doesn’t need a ridiculously stupid fantasy story as an excuse. But, whatever, dudes. Have your little home invasion movie. I’ll be watching The Return of the Archons, the Star Trek episode that has a similar plot but will be a bajillion times better!

Synopsis of The Purge:

Given the country’s overcrowded prisons, the U.S. government begins to allow 12-hour periods of time in which all illegal activity is legal. During one of these free-for-alls, a family must protect themselves from a home invasion.

If you want to watch the trailer, it is here.

Runs this joint!


  • DC

    May 8, 2013 at 12:43 am

    Yup. Bad rip off of Return of the Archons. I picked that up too, the first time I saw the trailer for this movie. Which is worse? This, or a bad JJ Abrams Star Trek rip off? They both sound equally horrible, to me.


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