If you’ve never heard of Neil Breen or his new epic movie Fateful Findings, then consider yourself educated, fool! One look at the trailer should leave you with a lasting impression that Fateful Findings is a film you need to watch immediately. Unfortunately for us and for the world, Fateful Findings has not yet been released. This must be rectified IMMEDIATELY! Call your local movie distribution company, call your local theater, call the President. Call call call, get Fateful Findings out there.
It’s got psychic powers, hacking, hate for books, government marches, odd bluescreens, will o’wisps, random desert imagery, and Neil Breen’s name all over it.
December 25, 2012 at 9:53 amEveryone should have a copy of “Throw This Book” on their desk.
Tars Tarkas
December 25, 2012 at 9:58 pmMine keeps ending up on the floor. I can’t figure it out…