Rocketbobs on the Replica Props Forum has put up one of the most awesome projects in the history of awesome projects showing up on message boards on the internet. Restored one of the robots from the film
Robot Jox, Achilles. He reassembled from two of the models used on screen, the Tank Tred Bot and the Flying Stunt Bot. Both of the models were missing parts or damaged, but when combined they make a fully restored Achilles! Besides the great photos of the restored model, there are plenty of pictures of the restoration in progress. It took four years(!) of loving care to bring the world something so cool. One thing I did learn was that the Robot Jox models were five feet tall, that’s pretty crazy!
Rocketbobs explains how the prop worked:
For the big bots the went old school Thunderbirds style. Picture frame cable was screwed directly to the internal 2×4 wood internal structure. The pivot points are all cast iron plumbing fittings, on the inside. The knees and elbows are simple slip joints…loosen the screw if ya want it to move:) a long steel pole stuck out his back that was puppeteered for gross body movements. Above the whole thing was scaffolding with cables to hold him up. He was also pushed and pulled off screen to make him move. There are very few shots of the full five footer in the film. Mostly close-ups…I’m sure six guys are holding him up right off camera.
If mine didn’t have the back pole and base pole, he would sit down by him self…just like a marionette.
Rocketbobs might put up archival prints of the original art by Steve Burg, based on Ron Cobb initial drawings. If so, I’ll link it here.

Many more pictures on the Replica Props Forum
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October 12, 2012 at 2:16 pmThis is really awesome! Excellent job!
Tars Tarkas
October 12, 2012 at 3:10 pmThe praise should go to Rocketbobs as he’s the one making this happen