A Year in Death – 2009

2009 was a pretty shitty year. Even though it began with the historic election of President Obama discontentedness among Americans over unemployment, housing foreclosures, credit card debt, bank accounts drying up, and Muslims in the White House was at an all time high in 2009. Crazy was also at an all time high last year, which when combined with discontentedness, makes for an alarming trend in violence (and especially gun violence). Most people are still talking about the shootings at Fort Hood and decrying what a horrible tragedy it was (and it was a tragedy arguably the worst of all the events) but I think this selective memory has less to do with the fact that 13 people died and more to do with the fact that Nadal Hasan was a Muslim, which of course is our enemy and we should hate with a fiery passion because look what that “religion of peace” has wrought blah de blah de blah!

If we look back over 2009 and all the bloody incidents that occurred, however, there’s a different picture that emerges. Christian, Jew, Muslim, Scientologist, whatever the creed or race or background of all these individuals they all shared a good deal of discontent in their lives which led them to perpetrate their horrible crimes and murders. Many of them were motivated by hatred towards another type of person or by anger towards the financial crisis (and dem thar jew bankers), or were just crazy off-kilter wackos to begin with who were fulfilling their own destiny by going down in a blaze of gunfire, but in the end many of these people were too ashamed by their situation and probably ashamed about what they just did (killing lots of people) that they ultimately took their own lives after getting their anger out.

I don’t like to dwell on these kinds of incidents, I’m certainly not as morbid as most people I’ve met, but I decided to put together this collection of shootings/murder-sucides in 2009 because there actually doesn’t seem to be a place that has cataloged all this in one place. No, really! Even searching Google News for “2009 shootings” returns nothing related to the major news events that we all remember hearing about last year. It’s important to look at all these incidents as a whole, I believe, and also important to put the American circumstance in 2009 in context. People were pissed, people still are pissed, and we’re probably going to have another recession before the year is out. And add to that equation the many Americans still live in dreadful fear of many things (terrorism, religion, their bank account, police officers, Communists), so we’re not out of the woods yet (plus with the Tea Partiers calling for violent armed revolution I don’t think we’ll hear an end to it until we get a new president). So on that note, I present a chronological chart of all (or as many as I could find on Wikipedia) indicents of violent gun crime in 2009:

The Zone nightclub shootings

When: January 24th, 2009 | Where: Portland, OR | Who: Erik Salvador | Weapon: 9mm handgun

The Deceased: Martha “Tika” Paz de Noboa, Ashley Lauren Wilks, Erik Salvador

The Injured: Jouyuan Trista Chang, Susanna “Susy” De Sousa, Jalontae Howard, Gonzalo Vasquez Orozco, Anne Sophie Rialland, Ana Zambrano Soledispa, Bradley Steven Yoast

Lupoe Family murder/suicide

When: January 27th, 2009 | Where: Los Angeles, CA | Who: Ervin A. Lupoe | Weapon: handgun

The Deceased: Ervin A. Lupoe, Ana Lupoe, Lupoe’s three daughters

Meeks Family murder/suicide

When: January 29th, 2009 | Where: Whitehall, OH | Who: Mark Meeks | Weapon: handgun

The Deceased: Mark Meeks, Jennifer Dallas-Meeks, Jimmy Meeks, Abbigail Meeks

Amador Family murder/suicide

When: February 25th, 2009 | Where: Miami, FL | Who: Pablo Josue Amador | Weapon: handgun

The Deceased: Pablo Josue Amador, Maria Amador, Priscila Amador, Rosa Amador

Oakland Police Officer shootings

When: March 21st, 2009 | Where: Oakland, CA | Who: Lovelle Mixon | Weapon: SKS automatic pistol

The Deceased: Sergeant Mark Dunakin, Officer John Hege, Sergeant Ervin Romans, Sergeant Daniel Sakai

The Injured: Sergeant Pat Gonzales

Binghamton Civic Center shootings

When: April 3rd, 2009 | Where: Binghamton, NY | Who: Jiverly Antares Wong | Weapon: 9mm Beretta, .45 pistol

The Deceased: Parveen Ali, Almir Olimpio Alves, Marc Henry Bernard, Maria Sonia Bernard, Li Guo, Lan Ho, Layla Khalil, Roberta King, Jiang Ling, Hong Xiu Mao Marland, Dolores Yigal, Hai Hong Zhong, Maria Zobniw

The Injured: Shirley DeLucia, Long Huynh

Pittsburgh Police shootings

When: April 4th, 2009 | Where: Pittsburgh, PA | Who: Richard Poplawski | Weapon: WASR-1o rifle, .22 rifle, pistol

The Deceased: Officer Eric G. Kelly, Officer Stephen J. Mayhle, Officer Paul J. Sciullo, II

The Injured: Officer Timothy McManaway, Officer Brian Jones

George Tiller murder

When: May 31st, 2009 | Where: Wichita, KS | Who: Scott Roeder | Weapon: handgun

The Deceased: Dr. George Tiller

Little Rock recruiting office shootings

When: June 1st, 2009 | Where: Little Rock, AK | Who: Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad | Weapon: rifle

The Deceased: Private William Long

The Injured: Private Quinton Ezeagwula

Holocaust Memorial Museum shootings

When: June 10th, 2009 | Where: Washington, DC | Who: James Wenneker von Brunn | Weapon: .22 rifle

The Deceased: Stephen Tyrone Johns

LA Fitness shootings

When: August 4th, 2009 | Where: Collier Township, PA | Who: George Sodini | Weapon: 3 handguns

The Deceased: Heidi Overmier, Elizabeth Gannon, Jody Billingsley, George Sodini

The Injured: 9 others

Gee Family murder

When: September 21st, 2009 | Where: Beason, IL | Who: Christopher Harris | Weapon: Knife/baseball bat

The Deceased: Raymond Gee, Ruth Gee, Justina Constant, Dillon Constant and Austin Gee

Dalton Family murder/suicide

When: September 26th, 2009 | Where: Mount Airy, MD | Who: Charles L. Dalton | Weapon: 12-gauge shotgun

The Deceased: Charles L. Dalton, Jennifer Dalton, Charles Jr. Dalton, Emmaline Dalton

Maxwell Family murder/suicide

When: November 4th 2nd, 2009 | Where: Fayetteville, NC | Who: Billy Maxwell Jr | Weapon: handgun

The Deceased: Billy Maxwell Jr, Kathryn Maxwell, Connor Maxwell, Cameron Maxwell

Fort Hood shootings

When: November 5th, 2009 | Where: Fort Hood, TX | Who: Major Nadal Malik Hasan | Weapon: FN-57 handgun, .45 magnum

The Deceased: Michael Grant Cahill, Major L. Eduardo Caraveo, SS Justin Michael DeCrow, Captain John P. Gaffaney, Frederick Greene, Jason Dean Hunt, Sergeant Amy Sue Krueger, PFC Aaron Thomas Nemelka, PFC Michael S. Pearson, Captain Russell Gilbert Seager, PFC Francheska Velez, Lt. Col Juanita L. Warman, PFC Kham See Xiong

The Injured: 30 others

Orlando Gateway Center shootings

When: November 6th, 2009 | Where: Orlando, FL | Who: Jason Samuel Rodriguez | Weapon: 9mm handgun

The Deceased: Otis Beckford

The Injured: Gregory Hornbeck, Ferrell Hickson, Guy Lugenbeel, Edward Severino, Keyondra Harrison

Lakewood Police officer shootings

When: November 29th, 2009 | Where: Parkland, WA | Who: Maurice Clemmons | Weapon: semi-auto handgun

The Deceased: Sergeant Mark Renninger, Officer Ronald Owens, Officer Tina Griswold, Officer Greg Richard

I’m sure there are some incidents in 2009 that I’m forgetting to mention, but even with an abridged list one can definitely see the uptick in violence, both workplace and domestic, that occurred last year. The list above contains just seventeen, but these were the cases that made the biggest headlines and were the easiest to recall via search. I don’t even want to bother adding up the body count. Here in the conclusion of this post though I’d normally try to make some kind of argument to wrap things up, but really all I have to say here is that this kind of thing is just plain sad. Just plain sad. Let the dead’s passing not be in vain.


Demeking (aka Space Monster Demeking aka Demekingu) is a 2009 daikaiju film released in Japan that so far has avoided much exposure in the US and has really avoided clear images of the title monster. Demeking is based on a manga and much of the imagery is related to a dude riding around on a motorcycle. So it’s got that going for it.

Pictures from UndeadBackbrain more here


Trailers uploaded from NipponCinema here and here

Set in a dreary port town in 1970, the story revolves around a group of boys led by the older Kameoka (Kohei Kiyasu) who form their own exploration group. One day Kameoka meets a strange man named Hachiya (Takeshi Nadagi) who works at the local amusement park. Hachiya is convinced a vision of the future he experienced is real, and one day he will have to fight a giant monster called Demeking to stop it from destroying Tokyo. When the time comes, Hachiya suddenly up and leaves. However, with the guidance of a note he leaves behind, Kameoka and his friends set off on an adventure to discover the true nature of Demeking.

Official site
Thanks to Avery

Wingnut Web – Using FEMA Camps for Good, Not Evil Edition

Well, on this Martin Luther King Day, let us celebrate by not judging posters by the color of their avatars, but by the content of their posts. And these posts show they are awful, awful people. But what else do you expect from Resistnet.com? We got a bunch of crazy mo-fos today. We got people justifying not giving money to Haiti, we got birthers, we got people threatening to overthrow the US government, we got crazy women writing walls of text, we got a guy saying it is moral to be a greedy SOB, and we got an internet game designer caught being a liar. But don’t worry, the Mass election is already stolen (unless the Dems lose, in which case it is because America is waking up and not because Coakley is a horrible candidate who basically took a month off to do nothing) and Obama is just going to overthrow everything and put us all in FEMA camps. Where life will just be like an episode of Salute Your Shorts. Just call me Kevin “Ug” Lee.

Let’s begin!

If people vote, it’s time to take down America!

Ed Miller is putting in his buck o’five

Hey, remember when the Obama’s Coup Fails guys lied and said they were a mix of Republican and Democrats? CAUGHT!

I am not sure this is legal, but here is is preserved for all time!

Mexicans, in MY America?

Look at this warmonger wanting us to invade TWO more countries!

The Bobby Jindal Birthers are out early…

Someone actually did this.

If the Republicans lose in MA, then the entire world will think Americans are wimps! Because us Republicans really care what the rest of the world thinks about us…

RICHARD SANDERS is disappointed that all his conservative heroes are selfish jerks…

Gun Avatar Moron #1 says “Screw them Haitians, give me money!”

This self-centered bigot clown is sending all his money to horrible people running for office and the poor and injured can just frak off. Like Jesus would do!

Richard Sanders can’t type like a normal human being

Melinda is a great example of crazy.

Go, Melinda! Crazy Resistnet up a notch!

If you give money to Haiti, you are like Neville Chamberlain…

Blah blah, I love to hear myself talk..

If we say we’re winning, then we are and everyone we hate are all liberals anyway…

I think if they read your posts, they would spin so fast we could hook them up to generators and power the entire planet.

Gee, it’s someone who doesn’t get it so much he almost gets it. Except he’s too stupid to know what he’s doing!

Unions suck almost as much as my typing!

Challenge anyone with dark skin. Beat them mercilessly.

The Duke’s example? So dodge military service to become an actor and pretend you are some military tough guy while in reality you are nothing but a chickenhawk? Sounds like Conservatives have been following him for decades…

Hey, Cowboy Jim, didn’t we already catch you wanting to overthrow the US Government? Now you want them all to be military (which means Dick Cheney is out, and so is Princess Palin…)

They are racist against those blacks who will all riot and burn down the inner city because blacks are little children but liberals are the real racists!

Maxstake: You are a raving lunatic. Thanks for asking!

Maxstake proving my point right here…

Let’s go crazy!

We can’t help Haiti because the Constitution specifically says “Don’t help Haiti”

Why doesn’t the Dominican Republic take the lead? That way the US won’t have to help Black people who will all become welfare queens.

Maybe your wife shouldn’t be waiting for a handout!

Me caring about nothing but getting me money? Totally moral. Jesus was all about getting wealth!

Melinda is back with a block of crazy!

Charlie Mike dares to challenge the Melinda

Melinda pounces! She probably was so upset over this she spent the night writing a manifesto about how Charlie Mike is Obama’s father.

So Sonny writes about having driven a few black people out of his town with an angry mob as if it was just commonplace. Resistnet wins again!

That’s enough Resisting for now. Tuesday is the big election, so expect a bunch of posts about how the election was stolen or about how Obama is doomed next time. Whatever the outcome, Wingnut Web wins because they’ll make the updates for us! WoooooOOOoooOOo!!!

Potato Judge

TarsTarkas.NET in 2010

Potato Judge

So 2009 was a big year for TarsTarkas.NET. Our readership tripled, the Blog took off with the Wingnut Web feature that ballooned to pretty much taking over the blog itself, we got mentioned in Chicago newspaper websites when we helped take down chicagolady/Rosanna Pulido in a special election, and we were joined by two additional writers, skiplogic and dm, who have brought a lot of cool articles and interesting (and sometimes really depressing) information to the table.

But we are just getting started…

2010 is an election year, and a year where tons of teabagger candidates are running for office while standing behind the awful things they say 100% (despite many doing the opposite of what they preach! But that’s standard practice among conservatives.) Plenty of third party candidates are also running around, many of which are regular commentors on the message boards we monitor. There will be staff members, if not actual Republican candidates, posting on some of these far right sites, and TarsTarkas.NET will be there to catch them if they are spouting hateful rhetoric. And, yes, if a Democratic candidate is absolutely awful, we will make fun of him as well (we’re talking about you, Reid and Spector!)

As the 2010 election closes in, the message boards and sites of the right will become more and more loud and obnoxious as they smell blood in the water. They will start turning on each other if certain pet candidates are slighted, and they will realize the only way they will get noticed is if they are the nastiest, sleaziest right wing sites out there. Thus, we’ll get entertainment pointing out how horrible they are and follow the stories of the various hate sites arguing with each other.

If things work okay, we should also have a few webtools to help with the tracking and mapping of fringe sites, and the tracking of mercenary news. We might also have a way for our readers to help report horrible messages written on boards and blogs and youtubes, if I can figure out a way to do it without getting spammed like crazy.

What else is in store for 2010? Hopefully we’ll have a new blog theme. Atahualpa is nice, but as the blog is evolving into two channels, it needs a theme that can handle two channels and allow audiences who are only interested in one side to follow without getting turned off by the other. I have a few potentials, but this might take a few months if I can’t find exactly what I am looking for (I can be stupid picky about things…)

We will still be reviewing films throughout 2010, complete with some of the most obscure things to come out of Taiwan, Japan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, America, Mexico, Turkey, and other countries. We got more Hidden Frontier on the way. We’ll have upcoming cult movie news, and a few side articles about some of the films we’ve done already. The annual March of Godzilla will have to be delayed due to most of my discs being in storage, but the moment I get them out Godzilla will stomp around again.

Hey, I managed to get this written before January was over!

Megapiranha is coming!

Megapiranha is the upcoming mockbuster from The Asylum set to coincide with the upcoming 3D Piranha remake. We got 80s pop star Tiffany fighting the swarming beasties as Dr. Sarah Monroe, much like her fellow 80’s pop star Debbie Gibson fought monsters in Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus. Next up Cyndi Lauper will fight Megagoonies! Joining Tiffany is Paul Logan, aka the Terminator from The Terminators (as well as Curse of the Komodo and Komodo vs. Cobra). Logan is CIA analyst Jason Fitch. The final cast member is the Brady Bunch’s Barry Williams as CIA Director Bob Grady! Check it out April 27, if you dare to watch DTV trash like this!


Besides Megapiranha, we have their Sherlock Holmes film out alter this month, followed by Meteor Apocalypse on Feb 23rd starring Joe Lando and Claudia Christian. March 30th gives us the western 6 Guns, I am not sure what that is ripping off. They go back to directly ripping off things with 7 Voyages of Sinbad, their take on Clash of the Titans that will probably have some giant monsters. We also have an upcoming flick called Airline Disaster that has no other info. Yep.
Official site

Haiti's other catastrophe

It’s not often that Haiti comes up in the news, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to draw attention to the “aid” it has already been receiving up until this point.  Following the 2004 coup in Haiti, the UN established a mission in Haiti called MINUSTAH.  The US component of MINUSTAH is the Department of State’s CIVPOL program, which sends contractors over to train up a national police force.  If this sounds kind of similar to what’s being done in Afghanistan, it’s probably because one of the same companies, DynCorp, was given the contract to do it.  Unfortunately, the results have been very similar as well:

– Tuesday, 26 October, Fort National, Port-au-Prince. Individuals reported to be members of the police burst into a house and kill at least seven people;

– Wednesday, 27 October, Carrefour Péan, Port-au-Prince. Four young men are killed in the street in broad daylight by individuals wearing black uniforms and balaclavas. Witnesses identify their vehicles as police patrol cars.

– Martissant, October. A 13-year-old street child is arrested near the National Theatre by the naval police. At the police station, he is questioned about the hiding places being used by the “chimères” (armed groups said to be supporters of former President Aristide) are hiding and brutally beaten by police while handcuffed and blindfolded.

– Martissant, 20 October. A man is arrested in front of witnesses by individuals wearing black uniforms and balaclavas. They put a plastic bag over his head before brutally beating him. He is being detained at a police station in the capital.

These abuses continued all the way through 2008, when they were awarded with a contract to expand their mission.  They proceeded to do so right over some nearby homes:

According to Cite Soleil mayor Charles Joseph and a DynCorp foreman at the site, funding for the base expansion is provided by the State Department’s U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), a very unorthodox use of development aid.

Lawyer Evel Fanfan, the president of the Association of University Graduates Motivatd For A Haiti With Rights (AUMOHD), says that about 155 buildings would be razed if the base expansion goes forward.

“They started working without saying a word to the people living there,” Fanfan said. “The authorities have not told them what is being done, if they will be relocated, how much they will be compensated or even if they will be compensated.”

Most of the buildings targetted are homes, but one is a church.

“They have begun to build a wall around the area to be razed,” explained Eddy Michel, 37, an assistant to Pastor Isaac Lebon who heads the Christian Church of the Apostle’s Foundation, which serves some 300 parishioners. “They have already built a 10-foot high L-shaped wall, which cuts us off from the road. Once they complete the rest of the wall, the remaining ‘L’, we will be completely enclosed and we fear the destruction will begin.”

I’m still waiting to see what happens with the new aid being sent after the earthquake, but President Obama has named a new USAID administrator who appears to be handling things well.


No contractors for the relief effort at least:

The deployed soldiers were coming from the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and more forces from the 3,500-strong 2nd brigade would be heading out on Friday.

“Things are in motion,” Tallman added. “We’re getting folks there as fast as we can to provide humanitarian assistance.”

It was still unclear if the entire brigade would be deployed, he said.

The military had ordered the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier to Haiti along with a hospital ship, destroyers, several Coast Guard cutters and transport planes as part of a major operation to bolster relief efforts after Tuesday’s massive quake.