Movie News Droppings – Captain America, Speedy Gonzalez, Bulletface

Captain America is casting Captain America. And since Marvel wants to pay the star only $300,000 and have them signed up for nine options for future films (sequels, Avenger films, crossover flicks…) some of the big names like Chris Pine are out. But who is in?

Chace Crawford (CW’s Gossip Girl)
John Krasinski (NBC’s The Office)
Scott Porter (NBC’s Friday Night Lights)
Mike Vogel (Cloverfield)
Michael Cassidy (CW’s Privileged)
Patrick Flueger (Brothers)
They also want Garrett Hedlund (Tron Legacy), but he hasn’t tested yet.

John Krasinski? Jim from the Office? Actually, that would probably be awesome, so we support Jim as Captain America!

Speedy Gonzalez will be a movie and George Lopez will be Speedy! Live action/CGI Speedy with non-racism, according to the producers. George Lopez is awesome, but the writers being the dudes from Garfield (Alec Sokolow and Joel Cohen) and the plot about Speedy being a misunderstood boy who comes from a family that works in a very meticulous setting, and he’s a little too fast for what they do. He makes a mess of that. So he has to go out in the world to find what he’s good at.”

That path becomes clearer once Speedy befriends a gun-shy race-car driver.

Okay. Whatever.

Albert Pyun’s Bulletface has hit DVDs and you get money off if you order through

A dirty DEA agent is sprung from prison and given a 60 hour furlough to avenge the murder of her brother by bringing down drug lords who are peddling a DNA altering drug derived from human spinal fluid. The bodies and addicts are pilling up along the US / Mexico border.

Teabagger Wet Dream Marco Rubio just another scam artist

“Duh!” says the rest of us, but it turns out that teabagger fan favorite Marco Rubio, running for the Senate in Florida and trying to take out Governor Crist for the job, is charging all sorts of random stuff to his GOP credit card. Thus, no responsible spending for Rubio, a champion of responsible spending. Granted, this will do absolutely nothing to Rubio’s chances, but it is fun watching to see how the teabaggers will explain this one off (my prediction: It was all a set up by GOP establishment!)

Records obtained by the newspaper show that during his time as speaker, from 2005 to 2008, Rubio charged $13,900 in personal expenses on the American Express the party issued him. That includes $1,000 for repairs to the Rubio family car.
Other charges:
• $765 at Apple’s online store for “computer supplies.”
• $25.76 from Everglades Lumber for “supplies.”
• $53.49 at Winn-Dixie in Miami for “food.”
• $68.33 at Happy Wine in Miami for “beverages” and “meal.”
• $78.10 for two purchases at Farm Stores groceries in suburban Miami.
• $412 at All Fusion Electronics, a music equipment store in Miami, for “supplies.”
• $2,976 for him to rent a car in Miami for five weeks

Rubio uses Apple?

These leaks my be political payback in Florida, but it remains to be seen how the teabaggers will deal with this after already having their hearts broken because Scott Brown is not insane. I expect them to be very angry at liberals for no particular reason.

Movie News Droppings – Dinoshark and Kapoww

We have a Dinoshark pic:

Fingers are for sissies!

and synopsis:

“Global warming causes the glaciers to break apart,” Corman explains. “We start the picture with real beautiful shots of the glaciers falling into the ocean. The unborn egg of the Dinoshark that has been frozen for millions of years is released.”

coming March 13th to SyFy (sigh…) It was originally Dinocroc 2, but SyFy (sigh…) prefers similar but original films to random sequels.

Malaysian super heroes are all the rage thanks to Cicak Man! Now we got Kapoww!

True to the old school Superheroes you grew-up watching, comes ‘Kapoww!!!’ a new comedy by writer/director Azizi Chunk Adnan. Follow Atoi, kampong boy turned super hero, when he is literally struck by lightning. With the help of some popular drink, watch Atoi’s super powers come alive as he runs at the speed of sound and fires a bolt of lightning with his bare hands. Overcome by his latest discovery, Atoi moves to KL to join the elite group of super heroes known as, ‘Kapoww’.

Fighting the bad guys, and saving old lady from thief snatcher however proved to be too easy. The real challenge comes when Atoi is lauded with the glory of fame and fortune. And in the midst of this crisis with himself, comes the ultimate villain, Alakazambo. Will Atoi overcome the challenges to win the day? Or will he succumb to his losing ways?

I guess the heroes Atoi looks up to are called the Geng Astromen:
In this film, Atoi (Zizan Raja Lawak) is a teenager who desperately wants to be a superhero like the famous Geng Astromen. His only friend is Aboo (Bell Ngasri) and Aboo always help Atoi to find the superhero powers that he always dreams of. Unfortunately, at the same time, Faibo (Khir Rahman) who is the village gangster always bullying Atoi and make him feel small. One day, after Atoi was striked by lightning, he got the superpower that he dream which are the ability to move very, very fast like Flash and the superhero eyes. After he saved Siti Nurhasnita (Lisa Surihani) from Faibo and witnessed by Persatuan Superhero Malaysia, his bad luck began to turn to a wonderful story of a superhero celebrity. But how long will it lasts?


Thanks to Avery for the tips on some of these…

All out mercenary ban introduced to congress

It will almost certainly be referred off to the darkest corner of some committee just like the 2007 version, but I can hope and watch the shameless lobbying in the meantime.

From the press release:

Two congressional lawmakers have announced legislation that would effectively remove military contractors from war zones.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) introduced the “Stop Outsourcing Security Act” on Tuesday. If passed, the act would force the United States to phase out its controversial use of private security contractors in war zones like Iraq and Afghanistan.

“The legislation would restore the responsibility of the American military to train troops and police, guard convoys, repair weapons, administer military prisons, and perform military intelligence,” the lawmakers’ offices said.

“The bill also would require that all diplomatic security be undertaken by US government personnel,” they added.

Yes, all of those things are currently done by private contractors.  The ban on private guards for diplomats is crucial as well because that’s where a lot of the money has been for armed contractors and Blackwater’s first important gig was actually keeping Paul Bremer alive in Iraq.

According to a report published last month, “As of September 2009, there were almost 22,000 armed private security contractors in
Iraq and Afghanistan.” and that “Many analysts and government officials believe that DOD would be unable to execute its mission without PSCs.”  While I wouldn’t be surprised that they believe that, it was not only possible but the way it was done up until the mid 90’s and the last 15 years or so have been far from the most impressive in US military history.  It’s more likely  that the mission needs to be adjusted.

More from  the congressional research service report:

In Iraq there are reportedly more than 50 PSCs employing more than 30,000 armed employees working for a variety of government and private sector clients. In Afghanistan, there are currently 52 PSCs licensed to operate in Afghanistan with some 25,000 registered security contractors. PSCs operating in Afghanistan are limited to 500 employees  and can only exceed 500 with permission from the Cabinet. Because of the legal restrictions placed on security companies in Afghanistan, a number of PSCs are operating without a license or are exceeding the legal limit, including security contractors working for NATO and the U.S. Government. Many analysts believe that regulations governing PSCs are only enforced in Kabul; outside Kabul there is no government reach at present and local governors, chiefs of police, and politicians run their own illegal PSCs. Estimates of the total number of security contractors in Afghanistan, including those that are not licensed, are as high as 70,000. The majority of these PSCs do not work for the U.S. government.

Pretty scary stuff.  I’m anxiously awaiting the reactions from the industry, so I’ll update this post when they get released.

Movie News Droppings

Riddick 3 is on its way, said to be more Pitch Black than Chronicles of Riddick. Vin Diesel won’t get to filming it until he finishes with Fast and Furious 5. THR had some plot details that sound straight out of my five year old self, so hopefully they are fake: the script features the character — the most wanted man in the galaxy — left for dead on a barren alien planet, dealing with “trisons” (three-legged bisons) and “mud demons.” He must then contend with two squads of bounty hunters, one of which ride rockets called jetcycles.

Is American Pie going to get rebooted? And how do you reboot a franchise that is still churning out DTV sequels?

Rihanna will be in the remake of The Last Dragon??? As a dominatrix, even. Sam Jackson is still signed on to do Sho’nuff, no word on if Keshia Knight Pulliam will return

Friedberg and Seltzer are back!!! NOOOOOooOoOOoOooooO!!!!! They are helming something called LA Art Movie, which besides being absolutely awful might also be a major Twilight Spoof. It will still be absolutely awful.

Tekken photos!

Johnny and Melissa Tekken prepare to fight

Guest Starring Wesley Snipes from Demolition Man!

Those of you who like Jim Wynorski softcore flicks will be thrilled to hear about Para-Knockers Activity, an upcoming erotic parody of Paranormal Activity that you knew was going to happen.

Wingnut Web – Every French city is burning, every day and night.

So I was cruisin’ down the street in my 6-4, listening to a guy opine about how his shorty is a melody that constantly replays in his head and I realized I hadn’t stopped by lately to see how their Patriotic Resistance to sanity, decency and common sense was going. So here is the low-down: They are still crazy! Shocking, I know. What is sad is I haven’t even posted literally hundreds of posts of crazy stuff, and yet each time I go there I find dozens of stuff. It’s like a never ending fountain of garbage! So let’s turn this trash into treasure and bring on the Wingnut Web!

Because nobody paid Resistnet to participate in this Tea Party!

Real Patriots watch conventions that are actually giant scams

Wait, I though Scott Brown was your new dreamboat, now you’re throwing him under his own truck?

Just make up Sarah Palin returning the money if that makes you feel better, even though she’s spending it on shoes to crush little people like you beneath her heels with.

Forget those guys, do stuff for us!

McCain, You Got DUMPED!!!

Melinda is completely nuts, but what do you expect from the Pray for Princess Palin Guy’s “wife” (aka his second third fourth account)

Yes, it will be easier to take over the GOP than it will be to ignore one part of the Teabagger Union

Marty McFly takes on Sarah Palin, Resistnet gets their panties in a bunch!

No one believes the facts of Sarah Palin speaking only for money, except Marty

We should all support Sarah Palin ripping off all of our money because of Free Markets!

Henry’s Mom does not have it going on.

Larry Braid is in the trenches every day! The trenches of claiming everyone is a fake patriot but him.

Going Rogue (aka vomiting out conservative talking points while being an attractive female) paid millions, but whatever…

If Sarah was VP, SusieL would be in a ditch, shanked in the back by Sarah Barracuda herself

Sarah Palin’s star continues to get dimmer and dimmer…

And here come the morons to defend Sarah Palin writing on her hand!

Melinda is completely making crap up here, because facts are for losers!

Henry’s Mom is perfectly okay with making Sarah Palin rich and keeping herself poor doing so!

Henry’s Mom is also very knowledgeable about Anti-Sarah Palin trolls… Hmmmm…..

Marty is burnt out on Palin, while Henry’s Mom repeats a lame joke

Mindy fantasizes about having sex with the Orkin man…

Henry’s Mom is obsessed with pee…

Palin didn’t stutter when reading three words off of her hand, thus proving she should be president!

Let’s just post our dirty laundry for everyone to see!
rn291.jpg keeps it classy!

Every French city is burning, every day and night.

Your husband said to get off of the internet

The Republicans were NEVER a third party because I declare it so!

I have determined the secret of Glenn Beck: He is Lady Gaga!

Hey, way to sound exactly like the guy who crashed his plane into an IRS building!

Birthers rule, Truthers drool!

In steps Beau Burdge, Truther extraordinaire, to go completely off the rails. Complete with bonus CSA avatar!

Oh, you might be mistake about one or two things…

Basically, if you write anything long on the internet, dozens of people will assume you are an expert and believe you without any evidence

Enough indeed

Gun Avatar Guy is very obsessed with Obama being shamed. Almost as if he has a black guy shaming fetish. So now we know what kind of gay porn AZ-concerned rents

We end on some now deleted Truther craziness from our new favorite Truther!
rn461.jpg will only get nuttier and nuttier.