Free Republic's No Good, Very Bad Week Part 1

Its a tough time to be a Patriot, suddenly, in Obama’s newly UHC-ized America. In the space of 8 days Freepers went from repeating the same warning cry of impending civil war they have been for the last god knows how long to doing something constructive about the shockingly passed Kill Grandma Forever Bill, like cheering  other keyboard commandos on government assistance who tells everyone else its time to start throwing rocks. In response to the liberty bricks being thrown through the glass windows of communism – or maybe the nooses of freedom faxed through the Canon 3-in-1 of self-determination – Generalissimo Obamao has sent his Black Panther crack slave Eric Holder to scare your weekend Tea Partying grandparents into submission by blitzkrieging  the peace-loving white Christian militia Hutaree instead of that terrorist cell running the Stop n’ Go on the bad side of town. Thank your lucky stars that the web’s premiere conservative forum isn’t shy about melting down in public. (Note: all headline links go to the Free Republic thread the quotes were taken from; lots more crazy there, but probably not work safe.)

Brick thrown through Window in Slaughter’s Falls Office

You get the idea. Although its worth noting that welfare recipient
Mike Vanderboegh’s infamous brick breaking screed
is linked in the thread, its nothing compared to the day your freedom actually finally for real died…

Tea Party protesters refused entry into congressional buildings

(its not cupcakes)


Dear mods: pulling a post doesn’t work so well when you leave the posts that quote it.
This is still prior to the vote, mind you.


Stupak, Dems reach abortion deal; ‘eight or nine’ will vote yes


CNN Claim: John Lewis Called a N*****, Barney Frank Called Sexual Slur by Tea Party Protesters

Imagine these were all interspersed between claims of “IT WAS A PLANT!”


This goes up in the Hall of Fame of mindfucks:

Blacks in the middle class? SOCIALISM! Just like the nazis wanted!

Another thread cheering on and denying racial slurs against representatives


Nothing like a cartoon nose winking emoticon when referencing centuries of violent white power mob lynchings!

central_va posted this to multiple threads, but the mods must have missed pulling this one!

Krauthammer: ObamaCare ‘Will Be the Law of the Land as of Tonight and We’ll be a Different Country’

If he’d only have waited a week he’d realize the FBI comes in full daylight while you’re at a funeral!

Do your kids know you’re signing them up for this?

They don’t let you take those things out on a day pass, you know.

Boy, I can’t imagine any hyperbolic rhetoric over an extended period of time could have had any bearing on your emotional reaction to this piece of legislation.

God bless the White Boomer, holder of the American-American cultural memory.

Time to get the military on our side before they misinterpret our restoration of the republic as a revolution!

Up next: the health care bill fallout, lots of explanations of how Democrats are being pussies over death threats they totally deserve, and the War on White Christians Who Aren’t Terrorists Because They’re White and Christian!

Another Damn American Godzilla Movie!

Not again! When will we learn? When?? When????

Legendary Pictures will co-producing and co-financing with Warner Bros. for release in 2012. End of the world 2012.

Quoteth the Legendary Guy:
“Our plans are to produce the Godzilla that we, as fans, would want to see. We intend to do justice to those essential elements that have allowed this character to remain as pop-culturally relevant for as long as it has.”

Yeah, right. I’ll believe that when I see it. You may call me bitter, but I got experience on my side!

Have you ever thought to yourself “Self, rich people just don’t have enough money and the rest of us should be paying more of our taxes to help them get richer!”? Do you also hate doing anything besides filling out a short form on the internet? Than you will love this useless gesture now being offered by people who are spending millions of dollars to try to get a flat tax passed because they know they will end up saving much more than that if it does! We bring you, where the flat taxers are revolting! They’re also having a revolt.

This is billed as the First-Ever Virtual Protest of Current U.S. Tax System – I bet Second Life already did it, and it was filled with Furries.

This looks to be the brainchild of Ken Hoagland, a flat tax champion who loves the flat tax so much he married it. Marriage void in 47 states. There will also be an in-person march in Washington DC on April 15th using real, live people! How exciting! I am sure that these people, marching on public property paid for by tax dollars screaming about how they don’t want to pay tax dollars, will see the irony of the situation and go home instead. Ha ha ha!

More from
There is a massive rejection of the established powers taking place in our country. Americans are mad as hell and we are not going to take anymore. The Online Tax Revolt is about sending a clear message to Washington that we are a growing and vocal movement that is calling for real change.

The first-ever Online Tax Revolt, a free, interactive march on Washington was launched using state of the art technology. Concerned Americans can have a voice on tax policy, culminating on April 15 with events in Washington, D.C.

“The Online Tax Revolt is open to every American who believes taxes and spending are out of control, harmful to our country and a threat to our nation’s future,” said Campaign Chairman Ken Hoagland. “Our economic future and that of future generations is at stake. We need taxes that are lower and a tax structure that’s fair.
“We’re in serious trouble and it falls to us to get the nation back on track. This march is a wake-up call to everyone in Washington that the American people won’t be ignored any longer,” said Mr. Hoagland.

The web page:

Let’s have a look!

Here is the high-tech Google map of the marchers heading to DC!

Let’s join the march, because I have a compulsion to join Right Wing groups. My fake identities are probably on several FBI watch lists just because they’re members of groups on FBI watch lists that I am watching myself.


Marcher WheresThe BirthCertificate from Beverly Hills, 90210 is ready to march!

I am this athletic Black female who goes jogging in a skirt for some reason…

Wait, this avatar means I am a working family!

I guess it is better than being Zombie Reagan With Finger Glued To Forehead!

Next I get to pick which team I want to join. Look at all these teams…

Where is Team Jacob? So I joined Dick Armey’s Army, because I love being a member of the Dick Army.

I have never been so proud to be revolting!

As you can see, I have a long march ahead of me. Luckily, as a member of the working class, I an afford to take a month off of work to wander around the country to head to DC for a protest so I’ll pay higher taxes. Rank has its privileges.

Now some fun! OnlineTaxRevolt has some leader boards!

Check out these disturbingly accurate avatars of the leaders of the Flat Tax March Revolt Thing!

Ken Hoagland, the scum in chief!

John McCain has never been more accurately portrayed in any medium

Joe the Plumber is now Joe the Methhead or something. What happened???

Neal Boortz, idiot.

Saul Anuzis, I don’t know who he is, but he looks like someone who ties women to railroad tracks…

Mike Huckabee! Wait, I thought everyone hates Mike Huckabee because he’s a socialist…

When Dick Armey isn’t being an astroturfing kingpin with FreedomWorks, he’s being rendered in pixel form for online astroturfing action!

Grover Norquist, giant crybaby who hates America

Herman Cain is listed here probably because they needed a Black guy to break up the White Parade, but how come this black guy has Pink Lips???

Lew Uhler must have had an accident where he was photocopied again and again and is now a 54th generation copy of himself…

How come my avatar ain’t giant and blue?

EDIT: I should let you all know that Ken Hoagland has responded to this article, I’ll post more when I have more time to go over his very long email.

Ideal messengers

WikiLeaks recently obtained and published a leaked CIA report (pdf) on influencing European populations to maintain support for the war in Afghanistan that includes such gems as:

Afghan women could serve as ideal messengers in humanizing the ISAF role in combating the Taliban because of women’s ability to speak personally and credibly about their experiences under the Taliban, their aspirations for the future, and their fears of a Taliban victory. Outreach initiatives that create media opportunities for Afghan women to share their stories with French, German, and other European women could help to overcome pervasive skepticism among women in Western Europe toward the ISAF mission.

What makes this even more awful than it is on its face is that conditions have not improved for women under the occupation.  Indeed, the Karzai government is currently looking at bringing Gulbuddin Hekmatyar into the government.  RAWA, an Afghan feminist organization that predates the 1979 Soviet invasion/Islamist insurgency offers this description of his past:

Hekmatyar’s fighters killed tens of thousands by deliberately shelling Kabul. They kidnapped, tortured, raped and killed countless civilians in ways so gruesome that many Afghans, especially Kabul residents, flinch at the mention of Hekmatyar’s name to this day. (An Afghan refugee once described to me Hezb-i-Islami fighters entertaining themselves by pouring hot oil on a freshly decapitated body to make it flail involuntarily.) When Hekmatyar was done with Afghanistan’s capital city, it looked like Hiroshima, and it will still be recovering decades from now.

He does, however, have a friendly past with U.S. and Pakistani intelligence services.

Wingnut Web – Zero Tolerance In Action! got pretty angry this past week when people found out what was being said publicly on It’s like they don’t want anyone to know it is a cesspool of ignorance and hate! So they decide to once again repeat their unenforced zero tolerance policy. Wow, way to do nothing at all! The secret no one wants to admit is that if got rid of all the crazy people, the only members would be the four fake accounts we set up to monitor them. And that is not enough of a source of donations for president Steve Elliott to use to pay his mortgag— I mean, further the conservative cause!


Of course, right after this was posted, the Resistnet Admins and Moderators got right back to not moderating at all. Okay, they did do one thing, they came over to TarsTarkas.NET and started hanging around in the comments and acting like three-year-olds. Streetsweeper is our biggest fan! I guess that’s how they are moderating their site, they plan to yell at us.

Gun avatar, talking of REAL WAR, lying about Obama planning to murder children, been a member for a year – All Acceptable Policy!

Racism – Acceptable Policy!

Are all blacks prejudice? Why don’t they want to hang around with a bunch of old white racists? It must be racism!
Oh, yes, you are.

Thanks to the new Zero Tolerance policy, this post gets a warm welcome….

Gun Avatar Fuckwit is back, with more racism – Acceptable Policy!

No, how can I convince these guys of my crazy beliefs?

All black countries are terrible – Acceptable Policy!

The racism is even starting to annoy the guy starting the thread, who was asking for advice, not people screaming that blacks are the real racists

What is the chance that TWO guys with Star Trek episodes show up on on the same week?

Wake up!

Old guys talking about kill zones and lying about HCR – All Acceptable Policies!

Secession is inevitable – Acceptable Policy!

America should see a marriage counselor

If your town doesn’t have its own money, you are DEAD!!! – Acceptable Policy!

Pledging 100 heads for every patriot killed by government agents – Acceptable Policy!

Wait, I thought we wanted our cities and states to be making their own money? And now Resistnet is just some guy ranting about the garbageman not taking his buckets of mystery goo.

Let’s revisit Secession – Acceptable Policy!

Not having a problem with the n-word and even using it – Acceptable Policy!
Chris Rock making that joke did not justify your racism.

As you can see, Zero Tolerance inaction! Will Resistnet ever enforce their site policies? Or will we just get more angry moderators posting here instead? Find out…next time!