Poor people are ROBBING YOU!

Browsing The Drudge Report last night I came across a shocking headline (Drudge’s specialty): “ROB THY NEIGHBOR: HALF OF HOUSEHOLDS PAY NO FED INCOME TAX…”

Shocking! You mean to tell me Mr. Drudge that the 50% of the country that isn’t Black or Hispanic is supporting the other half of the country by paying the entire nations taxes? That’s like, a lot of people and a lot of money. Right? Damn freeloaders.

The link from Drudge led me to this article on Yahoo, an article which details a study by the Tax Policy Center (a joint venture between the Brookings Institute and the Urban Institute) which came to the conclusion:

About 47 percent will pay no federal income taxes at all for 2009. Either their incomes were too low, or they qualified for enough credits, deductions and exemptions to eliminate their liability.

Tax breaks in action! For a family of four with two children under 17 and two parents collectively making $50,000 a year, these families can expect to pay little to no money in federal income tax due to tax breaks, tax credits, and other deductions they will qualify for, being all in the low income tax brackets and such. The Tax Policy Center is a trusty and more or less non-partisan institute and from their findings you can draw one of two conclusions: either this study is demonstrating that government tax relief and tax breaks are working in the favor of those low income individuals they were designed to support or you see that 50% number and you think to yourself “those selfish thieving lazy good-for-nothings are taking all my tax money! Unfair!”

Readers of The Drudge Report were no doubt feeling the latter impression from the study. With our Communist in Chief in the White House it’s no surprise that half of the country is getting welfare rich off the backs of us hard-working tax-paying CEOs and Board of Directors directors! This information, along with what Chuck Norris and Jon Voight have told me, will only further justify me not paying my income taxes this year. Take THAT you shotgun-welding IRS agents!

Like most right-wing hate and anger though, you really need to look at this story and wonder if it’s at all justified, if this SHOCKING headline is anything new or if this result is the product of some other force beyond the Obama administration.

In short, it should come as no surprise that 50% of the country not only qualify as “low-income”, and therefore can receive these tax credits, but also that this large portion of the country doesn’t make enough money to even make a meaningful contribution to the tax system. Even more shocking than 50% of the country reaching a zero-sum with their tax payments is that a RIDICULOUSLY small percentage of the United States holds the vast majority of the wealth in this country, and they’re making more money than ever before!

According to Berkley professor Emmanuel Saez, the top 1% of wealth earners in the United States took home 49.7% of the total income out there in 2007:

“The top 1 percent incomes captured half of the overall economic growth over the period 1993-2007,” Saes writes.

Economic inequality is nothing new in the United States of America, but you’ve gotta wonder here who is robbing whom in this situation? Is Drudge’s headline right in blaming the bottom 50% of Americans, who qualify for federal tax breaks and credits, and accusing them of “robbing” the wealthy earners in society, or is it the top 1% of wealth earners in the United States who are brining home 50% of the total wages out there and are robbing the other 99% of us in this country?

Did you see that? Any argument for a Flat Tax just flew right out the window. Sorry Groover Norquist.

Raging Phoenix (Review)

Raging Phoenix

aka Jija Deu Suay Du

Directed by Rashane Limtrakul

Raging Phoenix is film a mix of romance and action, which garnered many reviews that weren’t that positive, largely due to disappointment it wasn’t another non-stop action film. I feel that there was plenty of action and am not really sure what all the complaints are about. I suspect it is more due to the length of time between action sequences making the film seem longer than it is.

Basically, people are complaining because this film has a plot longer than one sentence!

Now, a plot is not a bad thing, but the plot here has character arcs and an underlying plot that factors into the finale. It is constructed just fine, and try as I might I just can’t see why this was given such a harsh response. It wasn’t Chocolate 2 and it didn’t try to be, and it is unfair to expect it to be when it is screaming at you that it isn’t.

But it was too late, the bad reviews sunk in and it failed to reach No. 1 at the Thai box office on its opening weekend, losing out to G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra which was in its second week. Sure, people still don’t like this film for a variety of reasons, but as I am not one of them I can’t speak as to specifics beyond the general tone of the film.

Raging Phoenix is known in Thailand as Jija Deu Suay Du, which means Jija: Stubborn, Beautiful and Fierce. As Jija’s character is named Deu, that means her character name is Stubborn. This role is a change of direction for Jija, as it involving acting beyond playing someone with emotional issues. She had to actually become a real person, which I think she pulled off rather well.

The director, co-writer and co-editor was Rashane Limtrakul, who had his debut film in 1995 (Romantic Blue) and then directed nothing until this 2009 feature. That’s about all I know about him.

This is probably the only film you have seen featuring mayraiyuth, the drunken Thai martial art. Unless you are a big fan of drunken Thai martial arts movies, in which case you would have seen more than this one and made my statement false. How dare you, sir!

But enough of the rantin’, let’s get to the reviewin’!

First up is the Roll Call, because we can’t have a review without it due to my deep mental issues of wanting formatting that makes the reviews take ten times longer than they should!

Deu (“Jija” Yanin Wismistananda) – a drummer chick, abandoned by her parents as a child and eventually abandoned by her band and boyfriend. Her drunken haze after drinking off her abandonment issues ends up getting her kidnapped, but she is rescued by Sanim. Eventually, Sanim and his boys train her in mayraiyuth, the drunken Thai martial art, and starts becoming a rescuer of kidnapped girls. And is in love with Sanim, even though he only has eyes for his kidnapped fiancée.
Sanim (Patrick “Kazu” Tang) – a strong, mostly-silent type who hangs out with a couple of other guys rescuing girls. Looking for his abducted bride Mye. Deu falls for him, but he is focused on his lost love. Sanim is played by French-Vietnamese martial artist “Kazu” Patrick Tang.
Kee Moo (Nui “B Boy Mr. 60 Rock” Sandang) – The Mohawked member of the rescue gang. Helps to train Deu when she first joins up. Kee Moo means pig dung.
Kee Ma (Sompong “B Boy Haste” Leartvimolkasame) – The long-haired member of the rescue gang who is good pals with Kee Moo. Kee Ma means dog dung.
Kee Kwai (Boonprasert “B Boy Dman” Salangam) – The enigmatic dreadlocked member of the gang who is usually out doing stuff. Kee Kwai means buffalo dung, so we got the three dung brothers. And by now you should have a pretty heavy vocabulary in Thai.
Jaguar London (Roongtawan “Sing” Jindasing) – Jaguar’s chief enforcer, played by the female bodybuilder Roongtawan Jindasing. She has won more body building competitions than you can shake a stick at, you girly man! No offense to our actual lone female reader. You can see her official website here.
Jaguar Tokyo (Hoang Nghi) – a Scarred Jet Li-looking guy who is part of the Jaguar gang and steals women. What a nice guy!
Jaguar Bombay (David Bueno) – A red hair guy whose hair looks brighter thanks to the filters used in the film. He’s a member of the Jaguar gang and steals women. Another nice guy!

George Lucas ruins everything – again!

George Lucas is still on a rampage after destroying his legacy with the prequel trilogy. Beyond the upcoming Star Wars live action TV series Lucas has announced a Star Wars sitcom to be done with the Robot Chicken guys. In addition, there will be another animated Star Wars series for preschoolers. Basically, Lucas doesn’t have enough money and wants more more more. Not that anyone should be surprised after the Christmas Special fiasco. I’ve not cared for any new Star Wars material for years, having been burnt out. But – One good thing has come from the Star Wars Prequels. The reviews of RedLetterMedia. Besides being some of the best film deconstruction criticism ever, they are thoroughly entertaining and even better then the actual movies they are tearing apart. And they have the added benefit of being 1000000 times better than any other video reviewer, putting them all to shame. Which is good, as most of them are horrible on their lonesome. Most YouTube video reviewers are so bad they’ve inspired me to never to video reviews. RedLetterMedia shows that good video reviews are possible. So maybe..one day…

Since part one of the Attack of the Clones review is back up after a dumb copyright claim problem (luckily I downloaded the videos just in case…) here is a link. Not safe for work for language reasons, but you shouldn’t be watching 90 minute videos at work. Without also hiring me at a job where I get paid to watch YouTube!

Check out his other reviews and his website for more cool stuff!

The military's very bad transparency and accountability

Now that WikiLeaks has gotten a lot of publicity, I have an excellent opportunity to showcase how horrifying some of the activities considered by whoever exactly it is that does them to be “national security” that protects our freedoms. I must stress the whoever because if you have a reason to ask, you won’t find out; It’s a matter of national security.

The most immediately relevant example is a 32-page report [PDF] on how to destroy WikiLeaks that was subsequently leaked to WikiLeaks, a “security” breach that obviously constitutes a threat to national security itself.  I’ll post some excerpts to show the logic that goes into protecting our freedoms.

The first example pretty much speaks for itself.


The next concerns a report on an incident that violated the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC).  The nation’s protectors went on to clarify that, due to an executive order and an amendment inserted into the Senate resolution approving the CWC which,  “[S]tated United States‘
interpretation of how RCAs [Riot Control Agents–the chemical in question] might be used for specific defensive purposes.”


In a similar vein,  after blocking a provision that would have bombed aerial bombardment of civilians from being inserted into the Geneva Conventions, former British Prime Minister Lloyd George remarked that he was reserving Britain’s “right to bomb niggers.”  Many in the Pentagon must be very grateful at the moment for his pioneering work.

The document goes on to ask if the activities performed by WikiLikeaks is “Free Speech or Illegal Speech?”  It might be useful to recall the recent 5-4 Supreme Court decision about what’s considered free speech for this last excerpt.


I feel safer with the random guys on the internet from Iceland.

The military's very bad week – Collateral Murder and FreeRepublic.com

Several stories have broken in the past week or two that have painted some bad light on the military. Yes, I said painted bad light, just ignore that the phrase makes no sense and go with it. The three major stories are General McChrystal admitting most of the people shot up at Iraqi checkpoints were unarmed, NATO admitting two US special forces soldiers covered up a civilian murders in Afghanistan, and WikiLeaks releasing video of a 2007 incident in Iraq where a photojournalist was killed by the US military and the incident was covered up.

Now, here at TarsTarkas.NET, we support the troops. We support them by not wanting to send them off to die in pointless wars so some schmuck can play dress-up in a pilot suit with a big codpiece. We support them by wanting to send them into battle properly equipped and not “with the army you have.” We support them by wanting an exit strategy not developed by morons. We support them by not wanting a bunch of accountless mercenaries running around who shoot up civilians and cause problems for our forces. We support them by wanting to give them raises. We support them by wanting their rotations in and out of war zones to be done in a responsible manor. We support them by not wanting funding for head trauma cut. We support them by not using them as props to hide behind while launching bombs about who is the real patriots (the same real patriots who are currently waiting for someone to start Revolutionary War II: Through the Portal of Time.)

So these stories are the results of irresponsible morons being in charge of the military industrial complex for decades who have to answer to no one. Arrogancy and entitlement at their finest, with no consequences for anyone except a few low-level fall guys.

Gen. McChrystal: We’ve Shot ‘An Amazing Number Of People’ Who Were Not Threats

In a stark assessment of shootings of locals by US troops at checkpoints in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal said in little-noticed comments last month that during his time as commander there, “We’ve shot an amazing number of people and killed a number and, to my knowledge, none has proven to have been a real threat to the force.”

The comments came during a virtual town hall with troops in Afghanistan after one asked McChrystal to comment on the “escalation of force” problem. The general responded that, in the nine months he had been in charge, none of the cases in which “we have engaged in an escalation of force incident and hurt someone has it turned out that the vehicle had a suicide bomb or weapons in it.”

In many cases, he added, families were in the vehicles that were fired on.

So a large number of innocent civilians are being fired on by US troops. This can’t possibly have any bad consequences for the troops over there now and future relations with Iraqi people over the next fifty years, so let’s move on to the next incident…

US special forces ‘tried to cover-up’ botched Khataba raid in Afghanistan

US special forces soldiers dug bullets out of their victims’ bodies in the bloody aftermath of a botched night raid, then washed the wounds with alcohol before lying to their superiors about what happened, Afghan investigators have told The Times.

Two pregnant women, a teenage girl, a police officer and his brother were shot on February 12 when US and Afghan special forces stormed their home in Khataba village, outside Gardez in eastern Afghanistan.

NATO military officials had suggested that the women were actually stabbed to death — or had died by some other means — hours before the raid, an explanation that implied that family members or others at the home might have killed them.

This will undoubtedly win the hearts and minds of the Afghans as their current thug in chief threatens to join the Taliban.

A video of the July 12, 2007 killing of Reuters photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen, 22, and driver Saeed Chmagh, 40, was released by WikiLeaks on a site called Collateral Murder. Reuters has been trying to get a copy of this video for years.

An original report on the incident

The original reports tried to cover it all up:

The American military said in a statement late Thursday that 11 people had been killed: nine insurgents and two civilians. According to the statement, American troops were conducting a raid when they were hit by small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades. The American troops called in reinforcements and attack helicopters. In the ensuing fight, the statement said, the two Reuters employees and nine insurgents were killed.

“There is no question that coalition forces were clearly engaged in combat operations against a hostile force,” said Lt. Col. Scott Bleichwehl, a spokesman for the multinational forces in Baghdad.

More here

a review session after Lt. Col. Ralph Kauzlarich, commander of the Army’s 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment and his soldiers returned to base, which “concluded that everyone had acted appropriately.” (Kauzlarich was also involved in the Army’s Pat Tillman cover-up, and later told ESPN that the reluctance of Tillman’s parents to accept the military’s story that he was killed by enemy action, rather than friendly fire, was the unfortunate result of their lack of Christian faith.)

That Kauzlarich is some piece of work…

You can go to the Collateral Murder site and see the video for yourself. I am not embedding it in case you are the one guy who browses here at work and automatically clicks on all YouTube videos before reading what they are about. You know, a guy who is begging to get fired.

The videos are pretty damning that they shot at unarmed civilians.

Now, this is where Wingnut Web comes in! You see, the WikiLeaks story hit FreeRepublic.com! And they reacted pretty darn horribly. As usual!


It is the kids’ fault for being Iraqis in Iraq!

All terrorists walk in groups. If you ever walk in a group, it is the same thing as flying a plane into a building and you deserve to die. Keep this in mind for the next teabagger gathering!

They purposely got their kids shot up in a planned response to an attack happening minutes ago by a guy who just happened to be driving by. Any other reason for what is in the tape is purely propaganda. I have my fingers in my ears LALALALALALALALALA!!!!

I see nothing wrong with this murder, please help me own some dudes on this economic blog!

We got a guy calling journalists terrorists, and a guy who thinks all the US people in the video were undercover terrorists. I see.

He deserved it, because I didn’t like him!

Good kills. What did you reply? I can’t read it because of all this ejaculate on my monitor after watching this hajis get wasted!

It was a good shot! If you are not masturbating furiously to this footage and the thoughts of all Arabs dying you are a traitor to America! (we give props to the lone Freeper who isn’t crazy, probably banned now)

Check out this dumb fuck

NO MERCY! Especially in my MYSTERY VAN! How about a Scooby Snack! It’s Jihad-licious!

That’s great, except these were journalists and civilians.

That camera was totally an rpg! Ung ung ung ung SPLOOOGE!!!

FreeRepublic.com in a single post.

Now that your faith in your fellow man is at its lowest, remember….these guys want to vote their leaders into power next election! Are you going to let those guys win?