Defendor (Review)


Written and directed by Peter Stebbings

Oh, there will be spoilers. So don’t read if you don’t like them.

Defendor – “Fight Back!”

When I first heard of Defendor, it was word of mouth describing Woody Harrelson running around as a super-hero with a duck taped “D” on his shirt. But the film is much more than just some guy as a low-rent superhero. It is a twist on the superhero mythos as well as a semi-realistic take on what a real life “superhero” would be. A guy who isn’t all there upstairs but has his heart in the right place. Most comic inspired films don’t have the same sweet sadness feel of Defendor.

Oh, let’s get this out of the way…

Arthur Poppington / Defendor (Woody Harrelson) – Woody Harrelson is one of the great underrated actors of our times and delivers another great performance as Arthur Poppington and as Defendor. That’s Defendor! He’s got duck tape, marbles, and wasps. Eat your heart out, Batman!
Kat Debrofkowitz (Kat Dennings) – Hooker who ends up crashing at Arthur’s place after they continually cross paths under his guise as Defendor. At first, she is using him, but learns to love the big dope.
Chuck Dooney (Elias Koteas) – Crooked cop whose nasty deeds means he and Defendor run into each other often, especially when Defendor becomes convinced his crook boss is the evil Captain Industry. It’s enough to make a guy want to become a masked vigilante and pal around with some mutated turtles.
Paul Carter (Michael Kelly) – A friend of Arthur’s and his boss at work. Spends most of the film trying to get Arthur out of jams.
Dr. Ellen Park (Sandra Oh) – Psychiatrist appointed by the courts to determine if Arthur is fit to stand trial. Helps set the narrative structure.
Captain Fairbanks (Clark Johnson) – Local police Captain who becomes the Commissioner Gordon for Defendor.

Arizona Nazis

Arizona is like the Roadrunner and Non-Racist America is Wile E. Coyote. That’s the only explanation I can think of for the recent activities of our friends in the Grand Canyon State.

First of all, the draconian Immigration Bill was passed, basically making it legal for cops to demand proof of citizenship from anyone they suspect might be an illegal immigrant. Which means anyone brown. Telling people to “show me your papers” is sooooooo American.

Then we find out the bill was co-written by a lawyer for an actual Nazi! Lawyer at FAIR’s Immigration Reform Law Institute Kris Kobach was the co-author of the Arizona law. The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)founder and current board member John Tanton is a noted Nazi propaganda distributor.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has a lot of neo-nazi fans, he even poses with them for pictures!

Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s immigration raids have made him a hero, he even briefly considered running for governor before he realized that was a fast track to getting charged with crimes from the investigations now underway.

Oh, and he also forced a woman to give birth while in shackles. No wonder the teabaggers love him!

Repubican Arizona State Senate Majority leader Chuck Gray has been caught following Stormfront and a second hate group (ScarecrowWPWW) on Twitter. He claims to have no idea how that could have happened and is now unfollowing them. Right. Does anyone believe anything Republicans say anymore?

What America needs is Blues Brothers 3: I Hate Arizona Nazis.

Wingnut Web is on the march!

We’re moving! Wingnut Web and the other political posts will soon be hosted on their very own spin-off blog! That way, we can focus on two separate high-quality sites instead of one high-quality site that has weird visitation demographics. Who knew a few random articles would evolve into something so big? And we’ll still be covering all the hate sites you know and love, and much much more. Once the initial setup is completed, we will be dropping links to the new location. Often. Lots of times. So much you will dream about the links to the new site every night. They will haunt you. Steal your soul. Sell it on ebay to a guy named TurnipLover44. He’ll leave bad feedback and there will be PayPal disputes. Lawsuits. Arguments before the Supreme Court. Where’s the Birth Certificate, TurnipLover44?

Kuky Returns will be awesome

Yes, Kuky Returns, a film you have never heard of unless you follow news on cult movie sites that have suddenly taken an interest in it, will be awesome. A stop-motion-ish children’s film about a stuffed bear and his return to his child owner who was forced to lose the bear due to asthma. Thus, Kuky the bear gets involved in a magical adventure with all sorts of crazy stuff. I haven’t bothered to pay attention to Czech film much due me already having too many countries that I pay attention to. But I’ll pay attention to this film. And you should too.

English trailer:

Other trailers:

Obama has learned the art of satanic magic

Hey, it looks like some idiot on suddenly realized what 2012 was all about and now is going all nutso fantastic on Barack Obama, satanic magic champion. He also must have saw the movie 2012, saw Danny glover as the black president, the world ending, and people on arks, and now thinks that the movie is a prophesy or something. People, this is what happens when Roland Emmerich is allowed to make movies. We all know that Roland Emmerich needs to be stopped, Godzilla is prove enough alone. Just wait until this guy sees Independence Day! So if you want to know about Obama and his satanic magic artistry, here is the post by Armageddon:

I see nothing wrong with wanting a black guy to be my slave…

When will blacks learn that we hate them because we love them?

Bonus random shots! Here is some reaction to a white supremacist getting killed by a black guy. Sadly, I missed a few of the posts which were deleted “because of use of an AP image” even though it was because they were racist. But they missed these other ones…

Obama has ordered blacks to murder all whites!

Black people are things

The Whore House is where Obama practices his satanic magic arts!

Little Devil

Little Devil (Review)

Little Devil

aka The Devil Warrior

1969HKMDB link
Directed by Chan Lit-Ban
Written by Sze-To On

Taiwan has been a source of lots of rarities, but for once let us look at a Taiwanese rare film that doesn’t have giant monsters in it. Sad, I know, but we’ll have more Taiwanese giant monster flicks soon enough. Instead, we got a sort of fantasy film that has a demon dude and funky kung fu powers, but only goes over the top in various parts. There is good fight choreography, best I have seen so far from a Taiwanese production back then. There are also lots of blood sprays and blood packs that make the sword kills rocking good fun.

Little Devil is also known as The Devil Warrior. It does not look like it was ever released in the US, so get your butt to the rare tape circles if you want a hold of this one!

Now, TarsTarkas.NET doesn’t need no stinking subtitles, and we especially don’t need no stinking subtitles when the subtitles are only in Korean! The language spoken is Mandarin, which my wife can understand but not well. So even though I scored a coup by actually getting her to watch this one (probably due to her recognizing Bobo Fung) the words were flying by too fast to catch all the small details, but we should have all the big ones. Most of the rest is a guess based on what is happening onscreen and the plot synopsis off of the HKFA.

Yeung Siu-fung (Petrina Fung Bo-Bo) – Despite being a boy, Yeung Siu-fung is played by a girl! Totally unheard of in Chinese cinema. I mean, totally normal in Chinese cinema, the weird films are the ones where everyone is the correct gender. Fung Bo-Bo was nicknamed “Shirley Temple of Hong Kong” as a child star, the daughter of actor/director Feng Feng. Her most recent role that Western audiences will know is 1992’s 92 Legendary La Rose Noire (unless you recognized her cameo in All’s Well Ends Well 2009.)
Chui Yuk-wah (Nancy Sit Ka-Yin) – Speaking of weird gender stuff, Yuk-wah is a girl played by a girl who disguises herself as a boy. Nancy Sit was a teen movie queen who retired to be married, raise kids, and get divorced. Oops! Thus, she returned to show biz in the popular Auntie Ho tv series and made mad money, and even popped up in The God of Cookery and Black Rose II.
Pak-chuen (Chiang Nan) – Yuk-wah’s father and evil dude. He hate orphans so he kills Siu-fung. He’s so evil his daughter runs away, and then he uses his magic eye power kung fu to attack Sound Devil.
Sound Devil (Gu Sam-Lam) – Sound Devil is a crazy devil guy who always has a weird look on his face, flies around, spends his spare time being buried in snow, and also rescues murdered orphans and trains them in kung fu. Just like the real devil! Gu Sam-Lam is also known as Ku Sum-lam
Mui Yau-tang (Adam Cheng Siu-Chow) – Owner of an inn with his sister. Yau-tang longs for some action in his boring life, but he can’t even get the guests at the inn to pay their bills. Gets more than he bargains for as the film progresses. Adam Cheng is probably best known to cult movie buffs for his role in Fantasy Mission Force as the boss of the female tribe, and he also appeared in The Eight Hilarious Gods.
Mui Fung-kei (Sum Chi-wah) – Sister and co-owner of the inn that Siu-fung and Yuk-wah end up at, and thus she and her bro get dragged into the drama going on.