King Kong Escapes

TarsTarkas.NET is 6 years old today!

That’s six years ago today that we first showed up on the internet with an awful review of Robo Vampire and have since become a place with reviews that are not quite as bad. One of the good things about switching from Mambo to WordPress and having to go into every article is I get to look over some of my older work, parts of which I hadn’t looked at in years. A lot of it is not as bad as I thought it was, but there are still misspellings all over the place, sentences that go nowhere, and summaries that miss important things like the plot. In the six years we’ve spawned a blog which has taken on a life of its own and a spinoff site that grew out of the blog, so in a way, TarsTarkas.NET is a media empire. And even though we’re in a state of transition as I finish up moving the reviews and Battle Beast articles into their own categories (there are almost 350 reviews) we have plenty more coming! So look out, more movie crap will be headed your way! MuHAHAHAHAHA!!!

King Kong Escapes

pac-man ghosts

Meet the Haunteds

Meet the Haunteds is a film about a white family that moves into a house haunted by black ghosts. This is a film actually being made in 2010. It’s based on a graphic novel that isn’t even going to come out until 2011.

“‘Meet the Haunteds’ is a perfect set up for social commentary on everything from race issues to family problems,” said Carr. “This is another wonderful property from Platinum Studios which is turning itself into the go-to independent comic book company.”
Oh, I can see how that could be…. NOT!!! What the frak is this guy smoking, and pass it over!

Steve Carr directed the race social commentary classics Paul Blart: Mall Cop, Daddy Day Care, and Next Friday; so there is no way this won’t be awfully awful. Will there be a “spooks” joke?

pac-man ghosts

Bustin’ makes me feel good!

Atlas Shrugged IS filming!

Atlas Shrugged is filming for real! And One Tree Hill’s Paul Johansson is starring and directing!

Why the rush to get a crappy version made? Because otherwise producer John Aglialoro would have lost the rights, which he paid $1 million for 20 years ago. This flick is budgeted at $5 million. Yes, $5 million. And it is Atlas Shrugged Part One, so it isn’t even the whole story! I guess Part Two will just be a movie of the super-long speech that slows down all the rape scenes Ayn Rand fans just love. This will be awfully hilarious.

The free market has declared no Ayn Rand photos!

Something's happening here…

What it is is we updated the main site from Mambo to WordPress! Now we’re using a front end program that’s actually been updated in the past two years! Thanks to the magic of transferring all the articles over, I now have to manually enter each article, fix one or two things (such as the movie clip code), add tags, add categories, and fix all internal links! That should only take me another month or so, then I can focus on improving the current theme and figure out a way to unite the blog and the main site while making them distinct as well. At least I don’t have to manually republish every article. TarsTarkas.NET turns six in a few days, so a fresh facelift is just what the doctor ordered.

Hot T-Shirts

Hot T-Shirts (Review)

Hot T-Shirts

Directed by Chuck Vincent
Written by Chuck Vincent and Bill Slobodian

Hot T-Shirts may have soaked into the world in 1980, but it is pure 1970’s. The soundtrack is all disco, all the time. We got disco clubs, disco songs, and montages with disco themes. You cannot escape the disco. The plot of the film, as much as there is on, is that a guy runs wet t-shirt contests to drum up business in his failing bar. Sure, there are minor subplots involving the city vs. a local college and censorship problems, but most of them dissolve away as the film gets to the main plot, girls in wet t-shirts.

Hot T-Shirts seems custom made for the drive-in circuit, coming out a few years before the VCR revolution swept across America and moved the location where millions of Americans viewed softcore films. Part of a pack of former drive in films that aren’t available on DVD (that I know of) that I acquired in trade, but as it is the only one not sealed deep away in a box at the moment, it will be the first one up.

The cast is largely people who did little acting work and went on to do no more acting. The only one I found who went on to other things was Corinne Wahl, who played a character I don’t remember (probably one of the wet t-shirt contestants.) She was a Penthouse Pet and later went on to be a Penthouse Pet again and the Penthouse Pet of the Year and got all the honors and benefits that go with that. There is also some interesting information about the director, Chuck Vincent. Chuck Vincent was a writer/director/producer/editor, which many low-budget filmmakers are out of necessity. His production company Platinum Pictures churned out a lot of hardcore films through the 70s and early 80s including on called Sex Crimes 2084 which must be awesome. His softcore fare aside from Hot T-Shirts included Summer Camp, Hollywood Hot Tubs, and Warrior Queen. He died of AIDS in 1991 at the age of 51.

The soundtrack is a bunch of disco songs mostly performed by the same artist. There is more disco in Hot T-Shirts than in Disco Stu’s garage. I don’t know what that comparison means, except to say there is a lot of disco. The opening song declares “My body is wet!” which is probably as close as we are going to get to a Hot T-Shirts Theme Song.

Joe (Ray Holland) – Owner of a bar that is failing…until he gets the idea to exploit women! Then all his money problems are solved and his girl decides to marry him. The lesson is: Exploit Women!
Charlie (Glenn Mure) – Charlie runs a junk place with his dad, so the college girls all hate him because he’s a business owner and not a trust fund baby majoring in goofing off. He manages to get the head cheerleader Charlotte due to the fact that he needed some sort of story arc.
June (Stephanie Lawlor) – Girlfriend of Joe, and professor at the local college. She won’t marry Joe, because. She also coaches the cheerleading squad. I don’t know what college department she teaches in.
Charlotte (Laura Osment) – Head cheerleader at the college. She ends up with Charlie at the end of the film after his aggressive pursuit campaign of being sleazy. Leads her girls to wet T-shirt victory.
Violet (Pauline Rose) – One of Joe’s employees who cannot keep her legs together even if you stapled them.
Pops (Nathan Tamarin) – The bartender at Joe’s who is awesome, too bad Nathan Tamarin never did anything else except be awesome in Hot T-Shirts. That should be on his tombstone, but his tombstone probably has some garbage about being a loving husband and father and other boring junk on it. Spice it up, people!

Atlas Shrugged movie actually getting made (maybe)

Will this film be 90 minutes of some smug guy talking and rape? Only if it stays true to Ayn Rand’s vision of speeches and rape!
John Aglialoro, the entrepreneur who 17 years ago paid $1 million to option the book rights, is tired of the futility and is taking matters into his own hands. He’s announced that he is financing a June 11 production start in Los Angeles for the first of what he said will be four films made from the book.
Wait, FOUR freaking films??? That’s a lot of speeches and rape!!

Sorry, Ayn Rand, the Free Market has spoken, and they want more Vanessa Hudgens bikini pics!