Site News

After long last every review has been fixed and tagged, so now all the videos should work and all the internal links should work. Of course, as soon as I say that I’ll find things that are broken…

The complete movie list has been finished as well and added as a page. It’s the easiest way to find all the reviews. I’ll try to add it on the sidebar as soon as I sit down and actually do it. Now the real fun can begin and I can work on making a wordpress theme for the main site! I have a few candidates in mind for modding purposes, and have even figured out how to fix a table spacing issue that was causing problems with some of the themes I wanted to test out/steal parts from. As much fun as hard to read blue menus and a generic mountain range is, it’s time for a change. Hopefully this doesn’t take more than a month or so, but as I got a lot on my plate right now who knows…

The video reviews have started! I’ve been trying to work on an angle for them for a while, and hopefully this will at least be not boring. The first one is up and the second one will be up soon, they’ll probably show up two at a time in keeping with the show’s theme and how quickly I can watch films that would work better in video format. The Discount Puppet Explosion 411 show has pages on YouTube and if you want to follow them that way. We even have a subscriber already, and going through his movies he uses photos from TarsTarkas.NET for his Godzilla reviews. Since he isn’t a jerk like the guys at the Godzilla Wiki, that’s fine by me. This might not be the only multimedia expansion of TarsTarkas.NET in the near future…

Written reviews will continue and the next one should be up in another day or so, maybe sooner if I have time tonight. We also managed to find a way to get twitter to update when we post so now TarsTarkas.NET can be even more lazy. And that’s the greatest victory of all.

The fixed articles mean I will have more time to devote to cult movie news articles here on the blog, so they should start appearing with more regularity, assuming the wireless internet at work gets fixed so I can actually do stuff during my lunch break on the laptop. But if it’s broken still I’ll just have to play more Space Empires 4…

Runs this joint!

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