One fun fact is the actor who plays McAnaLovin (sigh…) previously played McLover in Disaster Movie. Yes, there is a guy who specializes in parodying McLovin from Superbad! Actor Austin Michael Scott seems to spend most of his time doing his day job, being a film editor, but if you ever need a McLovin parody actor in your film, he is but a phonecall away!
Director Craig Moss previously directed Saving Ryan’s Privates (wasn’t that a porn?), and he’s directing the upcoming remake of Porky’s. The one Howard Stern is involved in.
Our friends at BadNewsCentral are having a contest similar to a contest they had just before Disaster Movie was unleashed upon the world. This time, the contest is T40YOVWKUSMAFSAI based contest, hence why it is getting a mention. Just click on the ENTRIES category on their site to enter, or click here for the super-lazy. Basically, pick five jokes you think will be in the film, and the winner gets a cool prize.
Don’t take our word that this film is bad (warning, there are butts in this trailer! Don’t click if you can’t handle brief butts)