MSNBC coverup

Attempts to mind-control Mitt Romney unsuccessful

It is with a heavy heart that I, Dr. Mobusu, must report the failure of my latest experiment. I was attempting to use my mind control rays to inject some much needed fun into the presidential race, but instead time and time again I found that the mind control rays had no effect. Who knew that politicians have such small brains? Anyway, the last effort misfired so bad that the microphones on the MSNBC Republican Debate picked up the mind control ray, with MSNBC freaking out as a result. They quickly covered up all evidence of my interference, which is alarming in and of itself. Who else at MSNBC is attempting to mind control the 2008 presidential candidates? I must get to work and uncover the plot, not to save America but to eliminate any potential rivals! Then no one will stand before Mobusu! MuHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Blog about the whisper:

Bizarre Whisper During Romney Debate Answer

Whisper: Raise taxes Romney: I am not going to raise taxes.
Friday, January 25, 2008

Tim Russert: Governor Romney, you are a big fan of Ronald Reagan.

Mitt Romney: Uh-um

Russert: Will you do for Social Security what Ronald Reagan did in 1983?

[whisper] raise taxes

Romney: I’m not going to raise taxes. What I’m going to do…

Russert: Ronald Reagan raised payroll tax and he also raised the retirement age and he saved Social Security…

What makes this whisper even more bizarre is the fact the MSNBC’s political blog had a post about it immediately afterward. You can see a screen grab of that post here. They have since removed this particular entry. Odd.

Photographic evidence of MSNBC post about the whisper before it mysteriously disappeared:
MSNBC coverup

My Martian Bigfoot Project

Sometimes great ideas just come to you. Like the time I thought to make bats large enough to ride, which also had the added benefits of saving me gas and eating the excess overgrown insects around my castle lair. Another great idea was the Bigfoot Army. A legion of Sasquatches that will march under my banner and help my reign of chaos. We all know Bigfeet are impervious to weapons and have the ability to blend into the surrounding environment. That is not even mentioning their fog effect, where all cameras trying to photograph them either end up blurred or destroyed. To make the ultimate weapons, I have to grow them in a variety of harsh environments to make them bigger and badder than any other sasquatch army out there. I wouldn’t want any other mad scientist to try to jump the gun with his own Bigfoot army. NASA inadvertently snapped a photo of one of my troops (Bigfoot #1200543-A) and that has now spread across the internet. Luckily, some have chosen to not believe, which will still allow me to take the world by surprise!


Life on Mars? Amazing photos from Nasa probe reveal mystery figure on Red Planet

Perched on a rock, she could be waiting for a bus.

But if so, she could be in for an awfully long wait.

This photo of what looks remarkably like a female figure with her arm outstretched, was taken on Mars.

Call me rocky: The intriguing image captured by Nasa on Mars
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Perhaps unsurprisingly, it has set the Internet abuzz with claims that there really is life on the red planet.

Others may well feel that it is simply an optical illusion caused by a landscape.

Alien life: What seems to be a human-like Martian is pictured on Mars
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The image was among many sent back to Earth by Spirit, Nasa’s Mars explorer vehicle which landed there four years ago.

Initial inspections revealed nothing unusual, but closer examination by amateur astronomers has thrown up this intriguing picture.

Painstaking: Space enthusiasts spent four years analysing this image, which on much closer inspection shows the ‘alien’
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As one enthusiast put it on a website: “These pictures are amazing. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw what appears to be a naked alien running around on Mars.”

Another, dismissing cynicism about the somewhat stony look of the “alien”, wrote: “If you show me another rock in another photo from Mars, or Earth, that naturally looks like that, I will reconsider.”

Say cheese: The mystery image was captured by Nasa’s explorer vehicle, Spirit

A third contributor, who might have come closer to the majority view, said: “Ah, the human eye can be tricked so easily.”


The coming of the REPTISAURUS!

On the Retromedia message board, Fred Olan Ray revealed his son Chris Ray is directing his first feature film, all of which we know about at this time is it has a creature named Reptisaurus in it! And thanks to two preview shots, we get to see the Reptisaurus, which looks pretty keen.

Disaster Shot
disaster shot

The Reptisaurus

I’ll be keeping an eye out for this one, as it looks like a neat-looking monster.

Robot Modelled On Two Year-old Child — Takes First Steps

Robotics has been increasing in a massive scale, soon normal homes will have their own robots, not just eccentrics like me and my ilk. Soon movies like AI will become reality, as child robots begin to grow… And grow… And grow… Into GIANT MONSTER ROBOTS THAT WILL DESTROY THE WORLD!!!! Unless my demands are met…as usual! No one can stand before MOBUSU!

Please ignore all the improper British spelling in the article. Just because they invented English doesn’t mean they know how to use it!

BabyBot — Robot Modelled On Two Year-old Child — Takes First Steps

BabyBot, a robot modelled on the torso of a two year-old child, is helping researchers take the first, tottering steps towards understanding human perception, and could lead to the development of machines that can perceive and interact with their environment.

The researchers used BabyBot to test a model of the human sense of ‘presence’, a combination of senses like sight, hearing and touch. The work could have enormous applications in robotics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine perception. The research is being funded under the European Commission’s FET (Future and Emerging Technologies) initiative of the IST programme, as part of the ADAPT project.

“Our sense of presence is essentially our consciousness,” says Giorgio Metta, Assistant Professor at the Laboratory for Integrated Advanced Robotics at Italy’s Genoa University and ADAPT project coordinator.

Imagine a glorious day lying on a beach, drinking a pina colada, or any powerful, pleasurable memory. A series of specific sensory inputs are essential to the memory.

In the human mind all these sensations combine powerfully to create the total experience. It profoundly influences our future expectations, and each time we go to a beach we add to the store of contexts, situations and conditions. It is the combination of all these inputs and their cumulative power that the ADAPT researchers sought to explore.

Engineering consciousness

“We took an engineering approach to the problem, it was really consciousness for engineers,” says Metta, “Which means we first developed a model and then we sought to test this model by, in this case, developing a robot to conform to it.”

Modelling, or defining, consciousness remains one of the intractable problems of both science and philosophy. “The problem is duality, where does the brain end and the mind begin, the question is whether we need to consider them as two different aspects of reality,” says Metta.

Neuroscientists would tend to develop theories that fit the observed phenomena, but engineers take a practical approach. Their objective is to make it work.

Called the synthetic methodology, it is essentially a method of understanding by building. There are three steps: model aspects of a biological system; abstract general principles of intelligent behaviour from the model; apply these principles to the design of intelligent robots. Model, test, refine. And then repeat.

To that end, ADAPT first studied how the perception of self in the environment emerges during the early stages of human development. So developmental psychologists tested 6 to 18 month-old infants. “We could control a lot of the parameters to see how young children perceive and interact with the world around them. What they do when interacting with their mothers or strangers, what they see, the objects they interact with, for example,” says Metta.

From this work they developed a ‘process’ model of consciousness. This assumes that objects in the environment are not real physical objects as such; rather they are part of a process of perception.

The practical upshot is that, while other models describe consciousness as perception, cognition then action, the ADAPT model sees it as action, cognition then perception. And it’s how babies act, too.

When a baby sees an object that is not the final perception of it. A young child will then try to reach the object. If the child fails, the object is too far away. This teaches the child perspective.

If the child does reach the object, he or she will try to grasp it, or taste it or shake it. These actions all teach the child about the object and govern its perception of it. It is a cumulative process rather than a single act.

Our expectations also have enormous influence on our perception. For example, if you believe an empty pot is full, you will lift the pot very quickly. Your muscles unconsciously prepare for the expected resistance, and put more force than is required into lifting; everyday proof that our expectations govern our relationship with the environment.

Or at least that’s the model. “It’s not validated. It’s a starting point to understand the problem,” says Metta.

From model to BabyBot

The team used BabyBot to test it, providing a minimal set of instructions, just enough for BabyBot to act on the environment. For the senses, the team used sound, vision and touch, and focused on simple objects within the environment.

There were two experiments, one where BabyBot could touch an object and second one where it could grasp the object. This is more difficult than it sounds. If you look at a scene, you unconsciously segment the scene into separate elements.

This is a highly developed skill, but by simply interacting with the environment the BabyBot did its engineering parents proud when it demonstrated that it could learn to successfully separate objects from the background.

Once the visual scene was segmented, the robot could start learning about specific properties of objects useful, for instance, to grasp them. Grasping opens a wider world to the robot and to young infants too.

The work was successful, but it was a very early proof-of-principle for their approach. The sense of presence, or consciousness, is a huge problem and ADAPT did not seek to solve it in one project. They made a very promising start and many of the partners will take part in a new IST project, called ROBOTCUB.

In ROBOTCUB the engineers will refine their robot so that it can see, hear and touch its environment. Eventually it will be able to crawl, too.

“Ultimately, this work will have a huge range of applications, from virtual reality, robotics and AI, to psychology and the development of robots as tools for neuro-scientific research,” concludes Metta.

Check out the spider!

A beautiful spider, preserved forever. It makes me want to finish my Preservation Ray so I can just point and zap things, keeping them in pristine condition forever! A movie about a giant spider was reviewed on this very site!

Early web-spinner found in amber

The orb-weavers are a diverse spider group

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Spiral orb webs, which to many people typify spiders, were catching insects in their sticky silk while the dinosaurs still walked the Earth.

True orb weaving spiders found trapped in amber from 121-115 million years ago are the oldest of their type yet found.

The spiral webs have proven an extremely successful strategy for catching prey – evidenced by the great diversity of orb weavers present today.

Two specimens are described in the UK Royal Society journal Biology Letters.

The fossil spiders were found embedded in amber from Alava in northern Spain. They date to the Lower Cretaceous.

Silky skills

Amber is a form of protective resin extruded from trees that has hardened over millions of years. It is very useful to scientists studying the history of past life because ancient animals and plants are often preserved in the gem-like material.

David Penney of the University of Manchester, UK, and Vicente Ortuno of the University of Alcala, Spain, assign the arachnids to a new species: Mesozygiella dunlopi.

Typical orb webs consist of outer frame lines to which radial (spoke-like) lines are attached, providing support for the characteristic spiral sticky line that occupies most of the web’s surface.

By using two different types of silk – one strong and rigid, the other weaker but stretchy – the orb weaver creates a web with the required strength and flexibility to cope with the impact of fast-flying insects – and the struggling which occurs once the prey is captured in the sticky trap.

Web of intrigue

The evolutionary success of this design can be seen in the high diversity of true orb weavers, which currently number 2,847 living species.

This astonishing diversity also owes much to the way in which the basic design can be easily modified.

“One modification to the web is quite fantastic,” Dr Penney told the BBC News website.

“Picture a normal, spiral orb web and picture running down from it a ladder-type structure which is also made from sticky silk. This has evolved to trap moths, which have scales that rub off.

“When a moth flies into a normal orb web, it’s the scales that stick and the moth tumbles out of it. But with the ladder structure, the moth tumbles down until all the scales come off and eventually it gets caught.”

Diverse group

In Biology Letters, Penney and Ortuno write that spiders may have expanded in number and diversity during the Cretaceous.

An explosion in the abundance of flowering plants begot an expansion of the insects which pollinated them. These in turn provided prey for the spiders, the authors suggest, which prospered as a result.

There are fossil spiders that date from the Devonian (350-420 million years ago) – long before even the dinosaurs.

In some of these mineral fossils, it is possible to see evidence of spinnerets, the organs spiders use to spin their web silk.

But it is often unclear how fossil spiders used them; some species spin web silk to line their burrows and to protect egg sacs.

Upcoming movie campiness – Antoo Fighter and Recycle!

Two upcoming cheesefest reported in Kaiju Shakedown

Movie campiness from Malaysia in the form of Antoo Fighter
The director is named Azizi Chunk, the film is impossible to describe better than they do themselves on the Antoo Fighter official site (warning, site is slow as frozen molasses)

“A group of ghostly creatures from the past led by Drakulat Van Listerooy returns to the present time terrorizing and dominating the town after they had escaped from a group sworn to fight against evil spirits in the past. Drakulat and his sidekicks journey to Kuala Lumpur and conquered the KL Tower and made it their headquarters. There they began to destroy the city till it brought the whole nation to a dangerous state.

The main objective of Drakulat is actually to free Lord Sharon, satan’s spawn, so they could conquer and destroy the whole world together. In order to make it all happen he needs to locate the chosen girl, Delyla, who carries the blood line of having extraordinary powers and becoming the perfect sacrificial victim to Lord Sharon and freeing him into the world. The presence of Drakulat’s clan is felt by Pak Din (one of the last Antoo fighters in the late 50’s). Antoo fighter is a top secret group consisting of 5 chosen people on earth to protect the world from evil spirits every 60 years.”

Dudes in rubber suits battling it out, Satan/vampire guy, and the Power Rangers feel=awesome!

Trailer link

Wallpaper (click for big)

Movie number two is an entry from the Philippines where pilots of giant robots made of junk fight each other in a post-apocalyptic future. Robot Jox??? More like Recycle (Resiklo)!

”2021, the not too distant future. Global devastation has been brought about by an alien invasion has left the whole planet in chaos. In the Philippines, a rag-tag group of survivors strives to survive in a secret sanctuary called “Paraiso”. Crisval Sarmiento, an ex-military colonel, is the reluctant leader who defends the whole compound from two threats. That of the “Mutanos,” mutated humans serving the insect like alien race (aptly called “Balangs” by the humans) and the alien invaders themselves. Crisval, together with other human survivors soon discover the real reason that the “Balangs” have invaded the planet earth… the conversion of humans to serve their needs. In order to survive, they must go up against a technologically-advanced alien race using robots they have engineered from recycled parts of derelict everyday machines and military components.”

See, it’s also an alien invasion story, totally different! Directed by Mark Reyes. Starring Dingdong Dantes (what?) and Jennylyn Mercado, it also stars Philippines Senator Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr., who is a major action star. Just imagine Barack Obama driving a giant robot fighting aliens and you see how things could be. But then my governor is the Terminator, so take that as you will.

Official site with trailer. The 33rd Metro Manila Film Festival (2007) Best Picture was Resiklo, so you know it has to be good.


Wallpapers (click for big)