
I got this email recently from Avery:

Now’s our chance guys!!!! They’re giving us a chance to let them know if we want ‘GUALAGON’ and they’ve given’ us a better explanation of the project; on the official website there is now[at the left hand bottom corner] an option for English: “A hearty Hello to all of you international Kaiju Fans out there! We’ve noticed, that our Gualagon project has created a lot of interest in the community, so we decided to include this text on the website as well.
First of all, let us clear up some misunderstandings. Gualagon will be a radioplay (although the term radioplay is not quite appropriate, since this will not be played on the radio, therefore we prefer the term audioplay) and not a movie. Apparently there had been two facts that led people to believe, that Gualagon will be a movie. Although it is correct that the main creative person behind the project is indeed the same Ralf Lorenz who helmed the (in)famous Kongula Movie Project, this time he decided to create and produce an audioplay. This was not done due to budgetary reasons, as some people believe, but because this time he wanted to make sure that he would have a team behind him to ensure the completion of the project. The other reason for people to think we would be doing a movie, was the button marked ‘trailer’. There will be a trailer on our homepage soon, alas it will be an audio trailer only.
Also there were reports that there will be a comic book etc. for Gualagon. Neither a comic book nor other variations of the project are planned right now. There was also speculation on an english version of the audioplay. Sorry to disappoint you again, but so far we are not considering this as anything that will happen soon, if ever. Of course we would love to do all those things, but at the moment our tight budget will not permit us to do so. However, we are considering to release the soundtrack separately, including an English booklet, if there is enough demand for it. So send us an E-Mail: : and let us know what you think.” Speak now or forever hold your peace. Maybe, they’ll except donations as well, since their budget seems to be the issue?? Anything you can offer would be of help. All it takes is one e-mail!!!!Even if you’re not able to donate, at least send them an -mail to let them know how bad you really want “GUALAGON”.

Sounds great, but you are probably wondering “WTF is Gualagon??” Well, here you go!:

Gualagon – Frankenstein’s Schreckengigant (Gualagon – Frankenstein’s Fright Giant)
Official Website

The Story (rough translation)

In 1966, just off the Japanese coast, the freighter Asahi Maru fights its way through a heavy storm, when something incomprehensible happens: the ship is destroyed and the only survivor maintains that it was destroyed by a gigantic kraken-like monster! Professor Tamblyn, specialist at the Serizawa institute in those forms of gigantism caused by radiation, examines the wreck of the ship and is dismayed to realise that a tremendous danger threatens Japan! While the military mobilises and naval forces patrol the coastline, reporters Keisuke Kusano and Isao Ogawa come upon traces of the monster Gualagon — and thereby put themselves in deadly danger. Panic breaks out when the monster comes ashore one night and attacks Osaka… The race is on for scientists to develop new weapons to deal with the fright giant of Frankenstein! From the depths of the sea he comes! Inexorably, gigantically, all destroying!

So it is a German daikaiju audio play done in the style of the classic Japanese monster movies. Note some of the Godzilla-universe names in the summary. Sounds like this will be a nice tribute. If you are interested, be sure and tell them so!

Article on Gualagon at Undead Backbrain

Thanks to Avery!

UPDATE: This article has an incorrect email, is the correct email.

Also, there is more info for Gulagon here:

Runs this joint!

One Comment

  • Avery

    August 20, 2008 at 5:42 pm

    THANKS!! I sure hope they will give us a version in English or at least with that English booklet so that we can have the chance to enjoy this awesome-looking new kaiju project!!


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