Mini Moni the Movie: The Great Cake Adventure! (Review)

Mini Moni the Movie: The Great Cake Adventure!

aka Mini Moni ja Movie: Okashi na Daibouken!

Directed by Shinji Higuchi

What in the name of all that is holy did I just watch?

This film is BONKERS! Members of the JPop group Mini Moni work at a bakery, and get turned into cartoon characters who have to fight an evil queen who hates cake. It’s full of trippy musical numbers, CGI weirdness, and more sugar than Frosted Flakes. And, like Frosted Flakes, it is part of a complete breakfast and is GRRRRRR-reat! First we’ll try to explain Mini Moni and JPop groups from the Hello! Project in general, and then jump into the film.

Mini Moni is a spinoff of Morning Musume, one of the biggest rotating lineup girl bands in Japan. Morning Musume is the flagship group of the Hello! Project, which is responsible for unleashing hordes of JPop singing super cute acting Japanese girls upon the nation. The juggernaut Hello! Project contributed most of the cast of Yo-Yo Girl Cop and contributes the entire cast here. Besides this being an excuse to explain the departure of one member of Mini Moni and the joining of another, the movie also introduces a new underage group named 4KIDS, the four members (Sugaya Risako, Hagiwara Mai, Suzuki Airi, Sudou Maasa)would later become members of Berryz Kobo and °C-ute. I am not making any of these band names up. (Sugaya and Sudou are now members of Berryz Koubou; Suzuki and Hagiwara are members of C-ute. )

Mari Yaguchi had an idea in 2000 for a subgroup whose members were 1.5 meters (4 ft 11 inches) in height or shorter, and they soon picked up Ai Kago and Nozomi Tsuji to join. The fourth member was Mika Todd, who is not native Japanese and was added to give them some international flavor. Mini Moni gained some notoriety for acting crazy during their media gigs, including grabbing people’s butts. They are also popular on the internet for their show being the source of the Dramatic Chipmunk image. The group eventually disbanded in 2004. A great loss to the music world, indeed.

Here, we have an adventure where Mini Moni is turned into little CGI girls, meet magic fairies, fight an evil queen who hates cake, befriend a refrigerator, and try to get back to their bakery in time for it’s second anniversary. So basically it is the Gone of the Wind of the JPop world. And it’s insane. Completely insane. Get a bucket, your brain will melt.

Bananas are dirty cloners

Bananas are all the same. Pretty much, because they are almost all made by cuttings of the original plants, basically making them all clones. That also makes them genetically similar, which is bad when diseases hit. And two diseases are hitting, effectively killing off the entire banana supply. There will soon be no bananas, no bananas today. Why is that? Because Panama disease and black Sigatoka are ripping the crap out of bananas, and bananas can’t fight back because they are a bunch of cloned wusses. That’s pretty pathetic, bananas! The loss of bananas means creepy guys will never have a chance to watch girls eat bananas and get turned on. Actually, that’s probably a good thing. But it also means monkeys will riot. Ever wonder why the Apes took over the world on Planet of the Apes? It was a banana shortage! Bananas are important because they stave off nuclear destruction by the hand of evil apes. Why no one listens to me I’ll never understand. Now I have to waste time I could be devoting to making rocket-powered dinosaurs to genetically engineer some bananas that aren’t wimps. That’s right, I have to save the world from eventual Ape takeover so I can be free to destroy it myself by my own means. Jerks.

You think this is isolated? Soon we will have cloned cows, cloned animals, cloned plants. All these clones in mass production, just waiting for someone to come along and release a super-virus that can destroy them all….MuHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


It seems people just can’t resist playing God. I know I love making human-animal hybrids, intelligent robot slaves, and generally changing the size of animals for fun. And now some researchers have gone and tried to expand the number of bases of DNA.

First of all, the new bases, D and M (dSICS and dMMO2), have the stupidest names imaginable. Someone rename them things like damnedinine and monsterine quick! A bunch of letters is unacceptable. Secondly, we’ve had other bases pair up for years. RNA is rip with this, it is not that new. Thirdly, none of these are coded into any codon triplets yet. So this is basically the equivalent of announcing you’ve invented two new letters for the alphabet but haven’t invented any words to use them in. Color me unimpresses. Once you got working super-rats that have thirteen arms thanks to their monsterine bases coding for Tyro-mega-lysine Amino Acid thank you will have my interest. Until then, go suck on a pipetter!

Artificial letters added to life’s alphabet

* 13:07 30 January 2008
* news service
* Robert Adler

Two artificial DNA “letters” that are accurately and efficiently replicated by a natural enzyme have been created by US researchers. Adding the two artificial building blocks to the four that naturally comprise DNA could allow wildly different kinds of genetic engineering, they say.

Eventually, the researchers say, they may be able to add them into the genetic code of living organisms.

The diversity of life on earth evolved using genetic code made from arrangements of four genetic “bases”, sometimes described as letters. They are divided into two pairs, which bond together from opposite strands of a DNA molecule to form the rungs of its characteristic double-helix shape.

The unnatural but functional new base pair is the fruit of nearly a decade of research by chemical biologist Floyd Romesberg, at the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California, US.

Romesberg and colleagues painstakingly created a library of nearly 200 potential new genetic bases that are slight variations on the natural ones. Unfortunately, none of them were similar enough in structure and chemistry to the real thing to be copied accurately by the polymerase enzymes that replicate DNA inside cells.
Random generation

Frustrated by the slow pace designing and synthesising potential new bases one at a time, Romesberg borrowed some tricks from drug development companies. The resulting large scale experiments generated many potential bases at random, which were then screened to see if they would be treated normally by a polymerase enzyme.

With the help of graduate student Aaron Leconte, the group synthesized and screened 3600 candidates. Two different screening approaches turned up the same pair of molecules, called dSICS and dMMO2.

The molecular pair that worked surprised Romesberg. “We got it and said, ‘Wow!’ It would have been very difficult to have designed that pair rationally.”

But the team still faced a challenge. The dSICS base paired with itself more readily than with its intended partner, so the group made minor chemical tweaks until the new compounds behaved properly.
Novel DNA

“We probably made 15 modifications,” says Romesberg, “and 14 made it worse.” Sticking a carbon atom attached to three hydrogen atoms onto the side of dSICS, changing it to d5SICS, finally solved the problem. “We now have an unnatural base pair that’s efficiently replicated and doesn’t need an unnatural polymerase,” says Romesberg. “It’s staring to behave like a real base pair.”

The team is now eager to find out just what makes it work. “We still don’t have a detailed understanding of how replication happens,” says Romesberg. “Now that we have an unnatural base pair, we are continuing experiments to understand it better.”

In the near future, Romesberg expects the new base pairs will be used to synthesize DNA with novel and unnatural properties. These might include highly specific primers for DNA amplification; tags for materials, such as explosives, that could be detected without risk of contamination from natural DNA; and building novel DNA-based nanomaterials.
Increased ‘evolvability’

More generally, Romesberg notes that DNA and RNA are now being used for hundreds of purposes: for example, to build complex shapes, build complex nanostructures, silence disease genes, or even perform calculations. A new, unnatural, base pair could multiply and diversify these applications.

The most challenging goal, says Romesberg, will be to incorporate unnatural base pairs into the genetic code of organisms. “We want to import these into a cell, study RNA trafficking, and in the longest term, expand the genetic code and ‘evolvability’ of an organism.”

Stanford University chemist Eric Kool, has studied the fundamental chemistry of base-pair bonding. He foresees challenges, but great potential in the unnatural bases.

“It requires a long effort by multiple laboratories, but I think ultimately it will lead to some important tools,” he says. “The ability to encode amino acids with unnatural base pairs will be quite powerful when it comes.”

Journal reference: Journal of the American Chemical Society (DOI: 10.1021/ja078223d)

The new bases in question:
new bases