The Bullet Vanishes

The Bullet Vanishes

aka 消失的子彈 aka Xiao shi de zi dan aka Ghost Bullets
The Bullet Vanishes
Written by Yeung Sin-Ling and Law Chi-Leung
Action Directed by Nicky Li Chung-Chi
Directed by Law Chi-Leung

The Bullet Vanishes
Bodies begin appearing at an ammunitions factory that have been shot but with no apparent bullet. The mystery crimes draw the investigators into a web of corruption, murder, and betrayal. Thus, The Bullet Vanishes sets the tone, as a mystery/police procedural that has all the layers of government and business corruption that you’d find in an episode of The Wire.
The Bullet Vanishes
Part of the fun of The Bullet Vanishes is just watching Inspector Song (Lau Ching-Wan, Black Mask) do his thing. Song is methodical and deductive, not afraid to put himself in danger in order to get to the truth. Song values the truth above all else, this integrity is why he’s appointed as an officer to weed out corruption.
The Bullet Vanishes
Song immediately attaches himself to Captain Guo Zhui (Nicholas Tse Ting-Fung, Treasure Inn), who is Song’s new department’s best detective, in that he doesn’t let the rich and powerful get away with anything, either. Captain Guo is more brash, more likely to threaten and fight, but he’s also the fastest draw in town, so his threats are backed up with deeds. Guo’s also showing the ropes to his partner, the junior detective Xiaowu (Boran Jing Bo-Ran, The Guillotines), including advising Xiaowu to take some bribes so he doesn’t become a target.

Guo’s instincts and Song’s scientific approaches mesh well, helped by both of their obsessions with finding the answers. Much of their time is dealt with impatient factory owners, rude foremen, panicked workers, and their annoyed corrupt Chief, who is just trying to get to retirement with all his bribe money before these murders muck everything up.
Yang Mi The Bullet Vanishes
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A new Mulan film is coming again!

Mulan fans rejoice, because there will be yet another version of Mulan coming from Chinese cinema! I know what you are thinking: “Wasn’t there just a new Mulan film a few years ago?” Yes, there was! Zhao Wei was Mulan in 2009’s Mulan! And let’s not forget Jan de Bont filmed a Mulan in 2011 starring Zhang Ziyi that seems to have disappeared from the face of the Earth. But the world needs yet another Mulan, and so a Mainland China production company has stepped up and recruited Yang Mi to be the new Mulan for Mulan Ji Qian (木兰奇缘) which appears to translate into Mulan’s Romance. So now Mulan is a love story, unless it’s talking about Mulan’s love for duty to her country. Or, since Yang Mi likes to pretend to kiss Liu Shishi in photos, maybe it is something else.

The director will be Barbara Wong Chun-Chun – she codirected Protege de la Rose Noire along with Donnie Yen as well as other films in recent years.

Since you will be Googling it, here is Yang Mi pretending to kiss Liu Shishi many times…
Yang Mi Liu Shishi
Yang Mi Liu Shishi
Yang Mi Liu Shishi
Yang Mi Liu Shishi
Yang Mi Liu Shishi

via ChineseFilms
Yang Mi pretending to kiss Liu Shishi via cfensi