D-War director Shim Hyung-rae has no money

If you were hoping for a sequel to D-War to materialize anytime soon, keep wishing on that star, because director/producer Shim Hyung-rae is all out of money, is being sued for money he says he doesn’t have, and has a batch of legal problems beyond the no money.

Shim Hyung-rae was a former comedian who made mad dough with his comic character Younggu – the namesake of his company Younggu-Art Entertainment. He also directed the Ureme series and the Yonggary remake. His latest attempt was the gigantic flop The Last Godfather. But by July of 2011, Younggu-Art Entertainment was broke and folded, with Shim claiming to be 41 billion won in debt (~$35 million) He’s now being sued by former employees for 890 million won ($760,000) in unpaid wages.

In addition, Shim faces weapons charges for having an illegally modified gas gun (what the frak??!) and is being alleged by his spurned ex-employees that he has a gambling problem and bribes politicians and businessmen with prostitutes.

What all this means, is no more D-War. A sad day for Korea, and a sad day for America.
Shim Hyung-rae

Miss Korea 1995 Han Sung-Ju 한성주 – the latest Korean Sex Scandal

There is a hilarious and confusion sex scandal happening in South Korea at the moment involving a bunch of alphabet letters, sex tapes, the mob, leaked medical records, abortions, urinating on laptops, and “he said, she said” tall tales. So here is what we know, as far as we can tell. Things may be wrong, but what are you going to do:

Han Sung-Ju (한성주 sometimes Han Sung-Joo), Miss Korea 1995, has turned that beauty queen prize into a career in media, namely being a tv star. She is totally not related to the person the Korean media are dubbing Celebrity A. So don’t get any ideas. Wink. There is also Individual B (Celebrity A’s ex-boyfriend) and Individual C (some dude uploading these things to the net)

At some point Celebrity A dated a Korean-American businessman named Individual B. They had a normal relationship where he gave her tons of money to buy all sorts of crap and new boobs, and also abortions. Then he dumped her, so she went nuts and had some mobsters beat him up and made him sign a NDA in his own blood. So Individual B is mad, and gives Individual C a bunch of stuff to release on the internet, including her passport, medical records, and photos and videos of A and B getting it on. The first video was short, but rumor has it more has hit the net. As you can guess, this has caused a media circus of hilarity, especially since everyone keeps using the Celebrity A name. We will all soon learn that ABC isn’t as easy as 123.
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Edison Chen dated 16 year old model Cammi Xie

Edison Chen just can’t stay out of trouble. Word is the 31 year old Chen dated a 16 year old model named Cammi Xie Zhuhui. And by word, I mean photos of them kissing turned up online! You would think by now Edison would have better sense than to take controversial photos of him and girls! Both now insist that they are no longer dating.

Cammi Xie is trying to claim she didn’t know anything about the scandal because she’s too young. That’s totally believable, except for the fact that it isn’t. The Edison Chen scandal/Sexy Photos Gate was the biggest story out of Hong Kong that year, and is still brought up all the freaking time today.

Of course, Cammi (a member of the model group Fantasy) is no stranger to weird fame, as she originally made headlines in August when a male model got her drunk and tried to rape her. Someone keep this girl away from every male ever!

More info:

Edison has also spoken about the photos and revealed he split from Vincy, his girlfriend of 5 years, “I had mixed feelings after reading the reports. I broke up with Vincy Yang about six months ago. I felt horrible about falling out of love. When I met Cammi, I thought we could give it a try. We had just begun our relationship when [the leaking of the photo] happened. I’ve nothing more to say, other than I’m currently single. ”

Cammi’s management believes the photos were leaked from her phone, which she lost last Thursday. The photos have gone viral since the leak, though (thankfully) none of them are of a sexually explicit nature.

And let’s hear it for scandal with this quote:

“I didn’t have sex with him! I’m only 16,” Cammi shouted.

Ah, respectable journalism (says the guy talking about this scandal for cheap web hits!)

Here are the photos of Edison and Cammi, along with some random Cammi Xie photos:
Edison Chen Cammi Xie
Edison Chen Cammi Xie
Edison Chen Cammi Xie
Edison Chen Cammi Xie
Edison Chen Cammi Xie
Cammie Xie Zhuhui
Cammie Xie Zhuhui
Cammie Xie Zhuhui
Cammie Xie Zhuhui
Cammie Xie Zhuhui
Cammie Xie Zhuhui
Cammie Xie Zhuhui

Sex and Zen 3D star Vonnie Lui Hoi-Yan loses iPhone, naughty pics therein…

Although news reports are claiming these photos are circulating around the net, I have found no evidence of that. Newspapers are also trying to whip up hysteria like it is Edison Chen part 2, but even if she did have explicit pictures on the phone of her with other guys, they are most likely businessmen and not famous actors. That’s assuming this isn’t just a giant publicity stunt for 3D Sex & Zen: Extreme Ecstasy or whatever the title is this week. Which it probably is. Damn, suckered in again…

Have you seen my phone? Also my shirt? I'm so forgetful!

Busty Hong Kong porn star Vonnie Lui Hoi-Yan claims she has lost her iPhone 4 and about 100 explicit photos that were in it, all of which are being forwarded around the world on the Internet, according to Sohu and Apple Daily.

Carina Lau photos lead to jail time

Before the Edison Chen scandal, there was the Carina Lau scandal. Carina Lau was kidnapped by gangsters in 1990, possibly raped, and photos of the indecent were published in a magazine in 2002. This caused a bunch of outrage and lead to investigations. So just like the Edison Chen leaker is going to jail, now the Lau photo publisher is going to jail as well.


The former chief editor of a Hong Kong-based magazine has been sentenced to five months in prison for publishing a topless photo of a kidnapped actress seven years ago.

The picture of Carina Lau appeared on the cover of East Week on October 30, 2002, after she was kidnapped in 1990. She was released unharmed, and the reason for the abduction has never been revealed. Media reports speculated it may have been done by mobsters who were angry at her.

The defendant, Mong Hon-Ming, 52, earlier received a six-month suspended sentence after he pleaded guilty last December.

But the Court of Appeal in Hong Kong ruled on Tuesday that the original magistrate had been misled and the sentence was too lenient.

When East Week published the photo, the eyes and breasts of the actress were pixilated. But Lau admitted she was the person in the image, sparking outrage in Hong Kong. Actor Jackie Chan vowed to organize a boycott of East Week, and other Hong Kong actors and entertainers also condemned the magazine.

A protest a month later by more than 500 leading Hong Kong celebrities – including Jackie Chan, the late Leslie Cheung and Anita Mui – demanded that the media show greater respect for people’s privacy.


Korean actress Jang Ja Yeon scandal blitz – forced sex, suicide, investigations

Korea has seen a string of tragedies in their entertainment industry. The latest trend is suicide, which has claimed the lives of many entertainers, including Ahn Jae-hwan, Choi Jin-shil, Jang Chae-won, and Kim Ji-hoo in late 2008 alone. Actress Jeong Da-Bin and pop singer Yuni were high-profile suicides from 2007, and 2005’s suicide of Lee Eun-Joo spawned several imitation suicides by fans. Korea’s suicide rate has soared recently, from 11.8 per 100,000 people in 1995 to 26.1 per 100,000 in 2005, and on average 38 people a day take their own lives.

The latest and current most controversial suicide was by actress Jang Ja Yeon. Her death has caused much controversy due to the note she left, where it was alleged she was forced to do sexual favors for producers and other VIPs in the Korean entertainment industry. These allegations have caused the police to start to take notice.
jan ja yun

Her manager speaks out:

Recently deceased Boys Over Flowers actress Jang Ja Yun past and possible reasons for her suicide are beginning to surface.

First it was reported that she died of depression and there were even reports saying that her manager stated she was murdered, well, that might be true… to some extent.

It has now been exposed that the up and coming actress was beaten and forced to sleep with the Production Director (PD). Her manager is now revealing the gruesome first hand accounts of the suffering and assaults against her, despite her family not wanting this information to be leaked. Jang Ja Yun hand wrote documents listing her tragedies. Before her death, she asked her manager to expose the person responsible for her attacks. She told him she didn’t want her family to think she died of just depression but from something far worse.

The manager has yet to reveal more specifics regarding the documents but he did state the contents to be very shocking and disturbing. He only said so far that there were incidents at room saloons and bars, and being forced to sleep with the Dirty Ass PD. Other abuse include being physically beaten with water bottles and receiving threatening text messages. All this abuse took place in the past year and even just a week before she committed suicide, she went to the head of her company to ask for help from the harassment. But she was beaten and told to just endure it.

She confessed in her letters that she was forced to do the dirty deeds, because she had no money and was emotionally weak. Jang Ja Yun’s manager made a public statement that although exposing her truth to the police and media is going against her family’s wishes, he wants to see the person pay / punished for her death.

The manager is cooperating with police to bring the PD in question to justice. Currently, the PD is in Japan (wonder what he’s up to?)…. how convenient.

It’s been reported that the manager has tried to commit suicide also after revealing this statement and is currently hospitalized. He tried to commit suicide to avoid any backlash from exposing the truth about Jang Ja Yun.

The police stepped up and are investigating the management agency, even going so far as to raid their headquarters!

Taken fromSeoulfull:

Police raided the office of the late actress Jang Ja-yeon’s management agency in Seoul amid growing allegations that the office had been used for years as a room for secret entertaining and sexual intercourse between show business VIPs and its actresses.

The Bundang Police Station said investigators arrived at the office in Samseong-dong, southern Seoul, at 1 a.m. They confiscated more than 200 documents, surveillance camera records and computer files in a three-hour search of the building. They confirmed the veiled three-story building had a bedroom and shower on the third floor and the first floor was remodeled like an upscale bar.

The raid was aimed at securing evidence backing the late actress’s claims in a suicide note that she was pressured to entertain and have sex with media and corporate executives in exchange for raising her media exposure through their influence, police said.

The investigation was initiated based on her note, but has failed to make substantial progress due to lack of evidence.

“We found a secret room on the third floor, which has a shower and a bed,” chief investigator Oh Ji-yong said. “But how the room was used is yet to be verified.”


Nearby residents said parking lots in front of the building were packed with luxury sedans almost every night and most lights in and outside the building remained turned on almost every night for a party.
Police have yet to summon her former manager Yoo Jang-ho for questioning as his attorney asked for a delay, citing health reasons.

Other sources move on from the mysterious rooms thing and call it something worse. They claim they found a freaking brothel!

Police Find ‘Brothel’ at Jang Ja-yeon Management Firm
Bundang police on Sunday raided the management company of the actress Jang Ja-yeon, who committed suicide two weeks ago after alleging the firm pimped her to several influential figures and threatened violence if she refused to have sex with them. Police said they raided a building the company used until December 2008 and confiscated 201 items such as computers and contracts with entertainers.

The fugitive head of the firm, identified as Kim, bought the building in Samseong-dong, southern Seoul, in August 2005, and used it as his office until October 2008. It had two stories at the time of purchase, but Kim added a floor and kitted it out as what looks like a brothel. The ground floor was used as a wine bar, the middle floor as office, and the top floor has a bedroom, shower and karaoke facilities, the police said.

Police suspect it was there that Jang was forced to serve drinks, act as an escort and have sex with media executives, CEOs, producers and politicians who would help boost her career.

jang ja yun
The management agency is not going down without a fight

Police said they obtained the list of names mentioned in the document but would decide on making them public after confirming whether the document in question is “authentic.”

The police searched nine places including Jang’s former and current agencies and her residence and seized the document from a broadcasting station, Saturday. The document will first go through a graphology test to confirm her handwriting and then police will investigate the content.

The letter also had some 10 names of program directors and other VIPs, but the police said they must conduct further investigation to verify the credibility of the document before summoning those mentioned.

“The document had thumbprints and a social security number and seems to have been written by Jang,” a police officer said.
However, police said they are not sure whether the document they have found is the one Yoo disclosed and presumed the possibility of the existence of more than one document. Yoo said he burnt the letter in front of Jang’s family and does not have any copies of the letter.

Kim Sung-hoon, head of Jang’s last agency, was quoted as claiming that the documents are fabricated, adding that Jang’s former manager “fabricated” the letters out of his disgruntlement over four criminal and civil lawsuits filed against him.

Meanwhile, the Fair Trade Commission (FTC) will provide standardized contract forms to entertainment agencies in the first half of the year.

“Jang’s letter aroused concern toward the unfairness of entertainers’ contracts once again,” a FTC official said. “We found several unfair contracts at big agencies last year, but it’s almost impossible to investigate hundreds of small- and medium-sized companies.”

The FTC will continuously supervise management agencies to rid them of unfair contracts in addition to the enforcement of standard contract terms.

The head of the management company has agreed to meet the police

The head of the talent agency that was managing actress Jang Ja-yeon at the time of her suicide has said he will turn himself in for police questioning tomorrow.

The Bundang Police Precinct in Gyeonggi announced yesterday that if Yoo Jang-ho does not show up, they will consider filing for an arrest warrant against him. Yoo missed a police request to appear on Saturday.

This whole situation is tragic, but it might be the event needed to change the way the entertainment industry operates for the better, and to provide for better treatment of people suffering from depression.