2016: Obama's America to get even dumber "sequel", America

America D'Souza

Dinesh D’Souza is taking a break from cheating on his wife to try to rake in some more cash (after all, he did resign in a totally not forced way because he can’t keep it in his pants!) and putting out a sequel to his hit documentary 2016: Obama’s America. You might remember 2016 is the second highest grossing political documentary of all time (at $33 million, to Fahrenheit 9/11‘s $119.1 million)

America will be a pseudodocumentary featuring a world where America never existed.

In America, D’Souza intends to re-create some famous moments in American history and ask the question: What would the world be like if the U.S. had not existed? He likened America, in fact, to Frank Capra’s 1946 film It’s a Wonderful Life, in which George Bailey learns what his town would have been like had he never lived.
“President Obama looks at America as an oppressive force,” D’Souza said, “while I and millions of others around the world have a different view: that America has been a great blessing to its own people and to the world.”

It also makes sure to tell you what the fuck REAL INDIANS are, you ignorant idiots! I also enjoy D’Souza’s logic behind this film: Saying something can be improved=wishing it never existed. That really explains so much.

D’Souza once again teams up with producer Gerald Molen, and John Sullivan is set to direct for a mid-2014 release. Just in time to “influence” more elections. Will there be free copies of this one sent out like 2016? Will the country even exist by 2014, if the movie 2016 is to be believed? Because I think by then it should be too late and we’re all dying, so who’s gonna take some time and see a movie? It’s almost as if this is made up junk being peddled to suckers…

We covered 2016 and similar conservative documentaries here, including mentioning Movie to Movement, who will undoubtedly be involved again.


If you can’t get enough of crazy rightwing nuthouse movies, don’t miss this spectacular fake trailer from the Tea Party Patriots – A Movement On Fire!

Justin Bieber's Mom will be the queen of abortion films with Crescendo!

Justin Bieber Puking

I know America just can’t get enough of abortion and Justin Bieber, and now the two great things are combined in one appetizing movie short as Justin Bieber’s mom Pattie Mallette brings us Crescendo. Crescendo will let us know that abortion is bad and tiny American flags are good. Which is truly odd because she’s Canadian… Our friends at Movie to Movement is producing. You might remember Movie to Movement when we discussed the Right Wing Nuthouse flicks, as they’re responsible for 2016: Obama’s America getting popular thanks to their “theater captains” (they also worked with Hating Breitbart, which didn’t work out so well for them!) But wingnut welfare is a lucrative business, and the movie propaganda arm is chugging full steam ahead. Crescendo will screen across the country beginning February 28th, with Pattie Mallette appearing at some of the shows. Movie to Movement is hoping to raise $10 million for “pregnancy centers.” Of course, as soon as that baby comes out, don’t ask for help, because then you are one of the 47% of takers, you monster! You just have to wait until your kid becomes a millionaire pop star like all children of teenage mothers.

via HuffPo

Invasion of the Right Wing Nuthouse movies!

Atlas Shrugged

2016: Obama’s America has made over $33 million, making it the second highest grossing political documentary of all time (behind Fahrenheit 9/11’s $119 million), and that’s making right wing nutjobs have dollar signs spring from their eyes like some sort of cartoon. So you can now expect a title wave of similar films coming to a theater near you!

2016: Obama’s America expanded from a single screen to hundreds thanks to the work of Movie To Movement‘s “theater captains”, approximately 1200 volunteers who acted as a street team, calling, emailing, and social networking conservative Christians. MJM Entertainment and distributor Rocky Mountain Pictures made sure their film was mentioned and advertised on many conservative hangouts and radio shows. In fact, they’re even still making headlines, complaining about “dirty tricks” to stop 2016 and other ridiculous conspiracy theories.

The first to cash in was Occupy Unmasked, the latest film from writer-director Stephen K. Bannon (the guy who made the pro-Sarah Palin documentary The Undefeated last year.) Occupy Unmasked features the late Andrew Breitbart and also David Horowitz, who provides 2 of the 3 Press Quotes about the film featured on the website (they are essentially the same quote, one has his name misspelled, and the other “press” is Sarah Palin!) Despite already being available on DVD and VOD, it got a release via Magnet Releasing.

Next up this Friday, October 12th, will be Atlas Shrugged: Part II. Atlas Shrugged: Part II follows in the heals of producer Harmon Kaslow’s mega-successful Atlas Shrugged Part I. Mega-successful = Mega-bomb. Part I made $1.7 million on 300 screen, expanded to around 465 screens, and saw business sharply drop off for a total take of under $5 million on a $20 million budget. The DVD release also made headlines when the cover jackets were all recalled because the package said “Ayn Rand’s timeless novel of courage and self-sacrifice.” Despite the Free Market speaking, Part II continued with production, anyway.

Part I marketed heavily through astroturf Teabagger groups like Freedomworks. Part II is getting a more heavy media blitz, with radio ads attempting to tie it into the election (“Will it influence the election?” asks the ad I hear daily. No, no it won’t.) Oddly enough, none of the ads mention this is Part II of Atlas Shrugged. This is part of a $5 million media blitz to advertise the film, which is scheduled to open on 850 screens.

Hating Breitbart is a documentary about the enemies of Andrew Breitbart made by Andrew Marcus, and they’re also using Movie To Movement to promote the film. Rocky Mountain Pictures is doing the distribution, they also did 2016, Atlas Shrugged Part I, the anti-evolution movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, and the anti-ACLU flick Last Ounce of Courage. It was shown at the RNC convention. Hating Breitbart was also supposed to open October 12th, but the producers got into a spat with the MPAA because Breitbart uses “fuck” like a bajillion times in the film. They’ve edited it down to only four fucks, and are fighting to keep them because they’re essential to the plot or something. So fucking look out for Hating Breitbart on October 19th, fuckers!

They hype is even causing former bombs to come back to life. Runaway Slave (another Rocky Mountain Pictures distribution) bombed in theaters, but was resurrected for another 2 dozen or so theaters.

Of course, not every Right Wing Nuthouse film will be a hit. Won’t Back Down was an anti-teacher union film from Walden Media (who also released the 2010 anti-teacher union documentary Waiting for “Superman”) as propaganda for the parent-trigger option laws to create privately run charter schools (which are then immune to said laws no matter how bad they are!) Walden Media CEO Philip Anschutz is behind both films, and Won’t Back Down was gifted over $2 million in publicity via right wing groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Thankfully, the public wasn’t buying it, and Won’t Back Down became the biggest box office bomb for the first weekend of a film opening in over 2500 screens.

But with money on the line, you can be sure that there will be more Right Wing Nuthouse films coming to a theater near you, all playing to a specific audience of true believers and all designed to suck out all of their money.

Atlas Shrugged 2

I hope they keep the part where Ayn Rand died poor and on government assistance!