Grave Halloween and Zombie Night spook out SyFy!

Our good friends at SyFy (SciFi Channel for all you retronauts!) are bringing us some more original movie premieres that will blow. Your mind. Maybe.

Saturday October 19th brings us Grave Halloween!

An American college student studying in Japan risks her own life to save the spirit of her dead mother who killed herself in the notorious real-life Suicide Forest. Grave Halloween stars Cassie Thomson (Big Love) and Graham Wardle (Supernatural).

Grave Halloween was originally known as The Last Halloween, but not any more! Check out the IMDB for proof. This synopsis is all we know so far about Grave Halloween. I do notice they didn’t mention Kaitlyn Leeb, aka the three-breasted hooker from the remake of Total Recall. I wonder why… There is a large Asian cast, unusual for a SyFy flick, but welcome, even though the main characters don’t seem to be Asian.

Next up is Zombie Night on Saturday, October 26th.

Two families in a small American town face off against zombies in a long night of horror, torn between helping each other and saving themselves. Zombie Night stars Darryl Hannah (Kill Bill), Anthony Michael Hall (The Breakfast Club) and Shirley Jones (The Partridge Family).

Why does that press release not mention Alan Ruck is also in Zombie Night? He’s Cameron, for crying out loud! More info on the IMDB, where you can see the amazing cast for this film. The director is John Gulager, director of Piranha 3DD.

Both films are part of the “31 Days of Halloween” Scare-a-Thon, so be scared or some SyFy exec will get fired.

There are no images to go along with this press release, so enjoy this photo of a Sexy Sea Turtle costume from, guaranteed to be culturally more terrifying than either of these films!

Sexy Sea Turtle Costume

SyFy – Thursday Flicks and Future Fun – Roswell, Robocroc, Bering Sea Beast, Last Halloween!

SyFy logo animals

The SyFy twitter page has been a bit active giving a few clues as to future features. Rise Of The Dinosaurs on May 11th will be the last Saturday show for a while, as Saturdays become the realm of SyFy original and imported tv series. Movies are moving to Thursday, the first of which scheduled is Axe Giant on June 13th, it’s the Paul Bunyan is a crazy killer flick that looked pretty fun.

The next batch of Thursday flavor is on June 27th, which will give us a double-feature of Stonados (making a triumphant return after getting yanked due to the Boston bombings) and Independence Day-saster, which has an awesome name and we mentioned it long ago.

The twitter dropped an image of four screeners that just arrived: Robocroc, Roswell, Last Halloween, and Bering Sea Beast.

Of the three new ones, I can find nothing at all about Roswell (the generic name does not help in searching!), while Last Halloween is maybe this film

A tradition as old as life itself. A tradition old as the demonic forces it represents. The story of a group of people unwilling to face the truth, and unable to reconcile the past. And one man who can. But is he even a man? When humans can’t put the past away. And another entity who simply does not want to.

Starring Nathaniel Sylva, Vanessa Leigh, Michael Thurber, Tom Paolino, Olivia Larsen, and David Erin Wilson, and is directed by Christopher L. Ferreira.

Bering Sea Beast has no imdb info, but I have found from twitter it stars Jonathan Lipnicki, Cassie Scerbo, Brandon Beemer, and Jaqueline Fleming, and is sort of a take on the realty TV series I never heard of called Bering Sea Gold. And it has Sea Vampires.

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