The Three Dogateers bring more talking dogs home alone!

Can we just admit that “Talking Dog Home Alone” is a legitimate film genre now? Because it has happened again with The Three Dogateers, a film that not only exists, but stars Dean Cain, of dozens of TV movies fame. Prior “Talking Dog Home Alone” we’ve learned of at TarsTarkas.NET are: Bone Alone (Alone for Christmas), Abner The Invisible Dog, and Step Dogs. This makes four, which means you can have an all night marathon!

The Three Dogateers was written and directed by Jesse Baget, the writer/director of Wrestlemaniac. It also stars Richard Riehle as Santa, because Santa is the best friend of talking dogs who are home alone. It’s the law. The Santa Law! If you don’t know if you want to watch the film yet, just know that the dogs drive a car. Now you want to watch it, or you’re crazy! You ain’t crazy, right? Of course not.

Anyway, enjoy The Three Dogateers as I await the confirmation that a fifth movie in the “Talking Dog Home Alone” genre exists. Soon Star Trek will be outnumbered by talking dogs! MuHAHAHAHAHA!!!