Harmless – when good boxes of porno go bad!

Hey, loyal readers, do you like movies?

Do you like pornography?

Do you like horror movies?

Do you like found footage horror movies?

Do you like found footage horror movies with pornography?

Do you like found footage Christian horror movies with an evil box of woods pornography?

Then you will love HARMLESS! The movie about evil porn and how it is evil. Check out the trailer, drop a couple thousands in funding, and we’re off at the races! Rich Praytor is the creator.

Harmless is a feature film shot in the popular found footage style. It’s the story about a husband and father and his battle with a box of porn that is found in the closet. Once opened, the box of porn begins to torment the family, much like a poltergeist. It’s sort of a social commentary on how pornography can destroy a family. Actual home movies and interviews tell the story of the terror the family faces when a box of pornography is opened and something is unleashed.

Official Site

Only 14 days to go, people!
