
I upgraded Firefox and now it looks like Flowplayer doesn’t work with it (but still works with IE)
Thus all the flash movie files don’t work
I have an older version of Flowplayer, I am guessing that is why.
So now I get to learn how to configure the new version to work.
Fun times ahead!
I am sorry to anyone who can’t see the video clips on the main site, it will be fixed soon (hopefully) than I can get around to upgrading the forums.

EDIT: Hmmm… Firefox 3.0.5 is not displaying these on my XP box, but they show up fine on the Vista laptop running 3.0.5. Now I am confused. Maybe I still need to upgrade, maybe not.

EDIT 2: I upgraded Flowplayer to the newest version and finally figured out a configuration that works on my XP box, need to test it on other comps first, and if it is good then I only have to redo EVERY video clip on the site. Annoying. It still beats having Youtube delete everything randomly.