Dark Haul trucks up SyFy!

Dark Haul

Quick, switch to the BFG!

SyFy inches back to showing regular features in October, with three new films as part of their 31 Days of Halloween series. Dark Haul (aka Monster Truck) is the first, featuring a monster, a truck, a monster girl, and Tom Sizemore.

A team of secretive guardians transport a deadly creature and its half-human sister to a secure location, but the beast escapes and threatens to fulfill a prophecy – by destroying the world. Dark Haul stars Tom Sizemore (Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down), Rick Ravanello (The Cave, Hart’s War) and Evalena Marie (Remains, Serena and the Ratts). Dark Haul is a production of Synthetic Cinema International.

Hey, it’s a monster and a sister and they fight some humans, will she realize her brother looks like a video game villain? I’m probably most excited about Evalena Marie going demonic all up in there! The prophecy and conspiracy and arguments about if demons can be good I can take or leave, but we need some demon fighting action and people being torn to shreds and that truck that flips over running down demons and basically make the body count like a trillion people and a trillion demons. Give or a take a few billion.

Dark Haul is directed by Daniel Wise and written by Ben Crane, neither of which have any substantial credits. So this is a complete mystery going in as far as track records are concerned.

A trailer is on ShockTillYouDrop in case you want to check it out!

Dark Haul premieres Saturday, October 4 at 9PM on SyFy!

Dark Haul

Did the monster brother braid her hair?