Edison Chen dated 16 year old model Cammi Xie

Edison Chen just can’t stay out of trouble. Word is the 31 year old Chen dated a 16 year old model named Cammi Xie Zhuhui. And by word, I mean photos of them kissing turned up online! You would think by now Edison would have better sense than to take controversial photos of him and girls! Both now insist that they are no longer dating.

Cammi Xie is trying to claim she didn’t know anything about the scandal because she’s too young. That’s totally believable, except for the fact that it isn’t. The Edison Chen scandal/Sexy Photos Gate was the biggest story out of Hong Kong that year, and is still brought up all the freaking time today.

Of course, Cammi (a member of the model group Fantasy) is no stranger to weird fame, as she originally made headlines in August when a male model got her drunk and tried to rape her. Someone keep this girl away from every male ever!

More info:

Edison has also spoken about the photos and revealed he split from Vincy, his girlfriend of 5 years, “I had mixed feelings after reading the reports. I broke up with Vincy Yang about six months ago. I felt horrible about falling out of love. When I met Cammi, I thought we could give it a try. We had just begun our relationship when [the leaking of the photo] happened. I’ve nothing more to say, other than I’m currently single. ”

Cammi’s management believes the photos were leaked from her phone, which she lost last Thursday. The photos have gone viral since the leak, though (thankfully) none of them are of a sexually explicit nature.

And let’s hear it for scandal with this quote:

“I didn’t have sex with him! I’m only 16,” Cammi shouted.

Ah, respectable journalism (says the guy talking about this scandal for cheap web hits!)

Here are the photos of Edison and Cammi, along with some random Cammi Xie photos:
Edison Chen Cammi Xie
Edison Chen Cammi Xie
Edison Chen Cammi Xie
Edison Chen Cammi Xie
Edison Chen Cammi Xie
Cammie Xie Zhuhui
Cammie Xie Zhuhui
Cammie Xie Zhuhui
Cammie Xie Zhuhui
Cammie Xie Zhuhui
Cammie Xie Zhuhui
Cammie Xie Zhuhui

Edison Chen and the Poo Patrol

Disgraced Sex Scandal survivor (and former Hong Kong star) Edison Chen got another honor this week – someone threw a bucket of poo at him! Throwing poo seems to be the weapon of choice in China, as long ago Vicki Zhao Wei had poo thrown at her for wearing clothes made out of the Japanese flag. But all Edison Chen did was bang a lot of Hong Kong celebrities and “accidentally” have the pictures leak all over the internet. I guess this guy was an obsessed Twins fan. Or maybe and obsessed Cecilia Cheung fan. Or he was upset because there should have been more photos. In any event, expect Hong Kong celebrities to be packing umbrellas for a while until the rain of poo comes to an end.


More info on Edison Chen scandals

This is not poo.  Or is it Rainbow Brite's poo?  Edison Chen, you sex maniac!

This is not poo. Or is it Rainbow Brite's poo? Edison Chen, you sex maniac!

Edison Chen photo leaker found guilty

Computer technician Sze Ho-chun was found guilty of leaking the photos of Edison Chen with various Hong Kong celebrities including Cecilia Cheung Pak-chi, Gillian Chung Yan-tung, Bobo Chan Man-woon, and Rachel Ngan Sze-wing

HONG KONG : In Hong Kong, a computer technician who leaked sex pictures of disgraced pop idol Edison Chen with female stars, has been found guilty, and faces a maximum of five years in jail. Sentencing will take place on May 13.
24-year-old Sze Ho Chun appeared in Kowloon City’s magistracy on Wednesday, and was found guilty of stealing, copying and distributing about 1,300 photos showing actor Chen having sex with at least half a dozen women, including several Hong Kong starlets.

Sze Ho-chun is not only guilty, he also has Swine Flu!

Sze Ho-chun is not only guilty, he also has Swine Flu!

Edison Chen plays a sex pervert in Coweb!

Edison Chen, he of the sex scandal, reportedly shot a five-minute cameo in the upcoming girl fighter flick Coweb, where he plays a sex pervert! The scene was shot before he was involved in the scandal, and it is unknown if he will be cut out. This is the perfect thing to guarantee them a good box office weekend, so they should totally keep Edison in. Coweb comes out May 1st. Edison Chen’s part in the film Sniper was rumored to be reshot with another actor, but he has ended up in the final cut.

source – sina via HKMDB news

Edison Chen Death Threat!

The latest twist in the Edison Chan controversy arrives as someone sends a death threat for Edison to a cable station! A cable station? Regardless, Chen had received two death threats last year when the controversy first broke, but this new one is being treated more seriously for reasons unknown.

Firesheepy on Asian Fanatics has translated one of the articles:

Just when the ‘in bed incident’ male lead Edison Chen announced that he was to have a comeback, he received a warning stating that he was ‘chased and killed worldwide’ yesterday! Somebody warn him that if he did not quit the entertainment circle before April 1st, he would be chased and killed worldwide! This incident caused his plans to face mortality, actually he already received death phone threats a year ago, as for the female leads of the in-bed incident, they chose not to answer!

The ‘in-bed incident’ was actually getting to the point of exposure, and there was a big progress in the plot yesterday, Edison received a warning that he would be ‘chased and killed worldwide’! Cable Tv received a warning letter addressed to Edison Chen yesterday afternoon, and warned that he would be dealt with if he did not stop all his function by April! Edison, who just announced his big plans, not only had obstacles to his comeback, but his personal safety was also threatened.

from The Sun

Asiaone is claiming he was threatened with a gold bullet!

Edison Chen threatened with bullet

Hong Kong sex scandal star Edison Chen has been threatened with a gold-coloured bullet, 13 days after making a public appearance in Singapore.

The bullet, accompanied by a warning letter written in English, was sent earlier today to Hong Kong television station, Cable TV.

It specifically warned Edison not to take part in any promotional activities after April 4, reported Shin Min Daily News.

The sender also wanted him to disappear forever.

People take their Hong Kong celebrities seriously!

Gillian Cheung tv interview snippits

Gillian Cheung did an interview this week that will air Saturday about the photo scandal. We have to wait until the weekend to get the whole interview, but little bits have been leaked out. Clips posted online keep getting taken down due to copyright claims, so it is hard to find anything still up. There is some video of the pre-interview stuff up here (in Cantonese) Thus, we have these stories of what she supposedly says!


HONG KONG – HONG Kong pop star Gillian Chung contemplated suicide after explicit photos of her with another famous singer were plastered on the Internet last year, a report said on Friday.

Chung, half of Canto-pop duo Twins, said she was devastated when photos of her with actor Edison Chen appeared on the Web, the South China Morning Post reported.

Chung said the idea of killing herself was only fleeting, the newspaper said. ‘If I died, all my problems will be passed on to the people around me, the people who care about me,’ she said in a television interview due to be screened on Saturday, according to the Post.

Chung was one of several starlets pictured in compromising positions with Chen, who has told a court the images were posted on the Web after his computer was stolen.

Chung said she lost all her dignity when the photos were released. ‘There’s no privacy any more,’ she was quoted as saying.

‘I showed everything to everyone, and no matter what I do I’ll get the blame. But dignity is the most important.’ Images from Chung’s tearful interview were plastered across the front pages of Friday’s newspapers in celebrity-obsessed but conservative Hong Kong, where the photos caused a storm when they appeared in February last year.


‘I blame myself for doing such a foolish thing,’ said Chung, who has kept a low profile over the past year but is hoping to make a comeback in a high-profile ad campaign next week, the report said.


Gillian Cheung was all tears and full of remorse when she first spoke out about the sex photo scandal publicly during an exclusive interview with TVB host Stephan Chan in Hong Kong on Thursday night.

Snippets of the recording and script from the hour long interview were soon circulated via various media outlets and caused a big splash by early this morning.


As much as she has endured, the actress says she harbours no ill feeling for her ex, Edison Chan, but can not figure out why he did not apologize to her in person after the scandal broke. That’s also what Cecilia Cheung, another victim of the scandal, pointed out in a recent interview.

The actress also confessed she was deeply in love with Edison Chan and “didn’t want to lose it”. That answers why she took such intimate photos with him. However, Cheung bluntly says she does not want to see him again, adding “it is over”.

The actress stressed dignity is the most important thing for her.

During the interview, they also touched upon her favourite film making experience. That is ‘Beyond Our Ken’, a 2004 Hong Kong film starring Gillian Cheung and Daniel Wu.

The story centres on Ching (Gillian Chung), who is dumped by her playboy boyfriend Ken (Daniel Wu). After dumping her, Ken allegedly uploads nude photos of Ching to a website. Ken apparently has a hobby of taking nude pictures of his girlfriends.

Cheung finds it has so many similarities with her real life.


Charlene Choi, the ‘Twins’ partner, also said in response to the scandal that she was quite happy to see Gillian now stand up to face herself and the public.


Source: The title and content are directly translated from The Sun
Translated by travelbug @ http://asianfanatics.net

Blindly in love to have pictures taken, Gillian Chung thought of committing suicide

More ripples from artists sex photo scandal, after Cecilia Cheung’s i-CABLE interview, in which she denounced Edison Chen as ‘shedding crocodile tears’, another participant Gillian Chung (Ah Gil), appeared yesterday for an exclusive interview with TVB to talk about her true feelings. Ah Gil with tears streaming down her face, admitted that she agreed to the pictures because she was afraid of losing Edison and loved him blindly. She revealed that after the pictures were taken she was in a constant state of anxiety, the exposed pictures were ‘hastening her death’, because she felt desperate about her future, she thought about committing suicide. Because she did not want to leave her problems and pain to loved ones and friends, she finally managed to pull herself back from brink of death. About her old lover Edison, Ah Gil complained that he did not even call to apologize and outrightly said she never wants to see him again.


More Edison Chen fun here, here, here, here, here