Son of Ernest to reboot Ernest P. Worrell

Now, I love me a good Ernest movie. I’ve been known to get a hot cup of miak and watch commercial compilation videos. But that doesn’t mean I want another Ernest P. Worrell. I even reject those CGI Ernest commercials, and that one commercial done by the guy who wasn’t Jim Varney.

So when Son of Ernest was announced but a little bit ago, I was understandably angry. But then, why was I angry? It’s not like the Ernest movies are considered high art or anything. They’re escapist fun as we follow a good-hearted dolt and his wacky misadventures. The reason we do like the Ernest films is Jim Varney’s charisma. Now, if you get a likeable person into a roll that is respectful but not an imitation, then you have a way of bringing Ernest back without all the mess. John R. Cherry III is behind this, he co-created the character along with Varney for commercial spots and directed almost all the films. At the very least, he should keep it from getting too terrible. Maybe. Dan Ewen is set to write the script.

The correct way to do Son of Ernest is a way that follows the legacy of the father. Make Ernest Jr save something that his dad saved, like Kamp Kikakee, and through that learns about his father. And please don’t make Ernest a deadbeat dad.

One thing this has done is make me want to rewatch all the old Ernest films, which I have scattered around in various boxes. Time to go digging!

Son of Ernest

via firstshowing