A Wish Come True blows out its candles on Hallmark Channel!

A Wish Come True Hallmark

My wish was to be in the rich people cars in Snowpiercer and it came true! Thanks, Hallmark Channel!

If I know anything, it’s that this youth-obsessed culture of ours seems to think that women over thirty are trash, and if they aren’t married by then, they are extra trash with trashy cherries on top. Hence all that dating advice about never dating a 29-year-old, because she’ll just want to get married. Luckily, as modern women are sticking their middle fingers up to this nonsense and getting married if and when they damn well please, the anxiety of turning thirty is beginning to lose a tiny bit of its power. But it is still very powerful, hence becoming the magic motivator of Hallmark Channel’s latest movie, A Wish Come True!

On the night of her 30th birthday, Lindsay Corwin, an unlucky environmentalist with a string of bad relationships, decides to make the ultimate wish: for all of her birthday wishes to come true. When her nearly three decades of wishes, including everything from losing weight to meeting Mr. Right, start magically coming true all at once, Lindsay is awestruck — until she
realizes the life and the man, she’s always wished for might not be the one she really wants.

I remember on my 30th birthday, I tried wishing in one hand, and crapping in the other. Then the police said I was making “a scene” at the Target. I never wished again…

A Wish Come True features a special appearance by Dean Cain as Dean Cain. Yes, he’s transitioned from playing characters in dozens of low-budget films into playing himself in low-budget films!

In addition to Dean Cain, A Wish Come True stars Megan Park (So Undercover) as Lindsay, Benjamin Hollingsworth (PopFan) as Dave, Anthony Lemke (American Psycho) as Reed, and Aidan Shipley (Frenemies) as Joey. Mark Rosman (the classic Disney Channel flick Life-Size) writes and directs. A Wish Come True was originally titled 30th Birthday.

A Wish Come True premieres Saturday, January 31 on Hallmark Channel. It’s part of their Countdown to Valentine’s Day event, where they play 300 hours of romantic movies including a bunch of new stuff like this.

Photo via Hallmark/Christos Kalohoridis

PopFan (Review)


aka Lighthouse
Written by Dean Orion
Directed by Vanessa Parise

PopFan is an amazing Lifetime flick that gives a truly disturbing take on the obsessive fan. It rises far above being simply a gender-swapped Misery to become a twisted tale of mental illness, obsession, and a critique of pop stars sexing up their image in an attempt to escape a squeaky clean background.

Chelsea Kane plays the pop princess Ava Maclaine is a pop star who is Miley Cyrus. Her hobbies are living life and partying, which means getting drunk and getting crunk. Ava has just put out her latest video and song, featuring a sexed up music video (yet still far less racy than you’ll see in many pop star’s videos!) She still has her boyfriend from her child-friendly days, Curtis Flemming, who has gone on to become a boring investment banker. Curtis is not in the mood to put up with her crazy party antics anymore, so Ava decides to make him jealous by dancing with a hot guy. And a hot girl! All of this is filmed on multiple cell phones, including the resulting fight with Curtis. Curtis congratulates her on making a video that will top her music video in views.
Ava then takes a long drive in the country to try to relax and think and write songs. She eventually ends up in Maine, and pumping her own gas. Or at least attempting to, she has help from a friendly service employee named Xavier. He warns here there is a Nor’easter coming and driving soon won’t be safe, but she continues anyway. Soon it is pouring rain and her car spins out and off the road. She awakens in a bed, with Xavier bringing her food and explaining he pulled her out of her burning car.

This alone is obviously creepy. By the next day, Xavier reveals they are in a lighthouse, and there is no phone line, no cell phone reception, and no internet. And the weather is still terrible, so they are trapped there. Xavier seems friendly, showing off the lighthouse and the work he’s been doing to the place. But he still has a creepy vibe. It soon comes apparent that he’s not all together mentally. He is physically insistent she not go into a certain room. His mood changes suddenly and dramatically. He keeps making excuses as to why they can’t go somewhere so she can contact her family to let them know she’s okay.
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