Delorean at Castro

Back to the Future trilogy screening with Midnites for Maniacs trip report!

Delorean at Castro

The DeLorean parked outside the Castro Theater

Last night I had the pleasure of attending the Minites for Maniacs showing of the Back to the Future trilogy. All three films screened together for what I am told is the first time in the US since the original runs. How can you pass up seeing all three films in the classic Castro Theater for only $12? Obviously, you can’t!

The films have long gone on to classic status, creating what is one of the tightest trilogies while inspiring a whole generation of film fans. I grew up watching the original, taped off of cable, and remember how exciting it was when the sequels were announced and were going to film back to back and then release back to back. That was revolutionary for the time.

Watching all three films in a row helps emphasize how much the films play off each other. It’s not only a connection made from turning a single film into a trilogy (as the original was originally stand alone), but the repeating of scenes and tropes both within and between the various films. The Marty waking up scenes talking to his mom, the manure scenes, the Tannens telling the McFlys not to be in various places.

Not only does Back to the Future steal from itself, but it also steals from a whole history of Hollywood cinema. From the obvious A Fistful of Dollars to Marty McFly Jr. quoting Midnight Cowboy to the classic Western actors appearing in the saloon in BTTF 3.

Even the discarded original ending involving an atomic bomb and the time machine (which was at that time a refrigerator) ended up being recycled into the beginning of the fourth Indiana Jones film, minus the whole time travel angle (unless you count him getting really old as being time travel!)

The films looked amazing, high quality digital prints screened with classic trailers on good old 35mm film. Joining the screening was not just a DeLorean parked outside, but actor Jeffrey Weissman, who played George McFly after Crispen Glover has his disagreements with the producers about the sequels. Weissman told about how he was hired, originally as a photo double, unaware of what the real job was. He was a cool guy and knew how to talk to an audience. There is going to be a whole slate of things planned for the 30th Anniversary, including a themed cruise!

At this point we are 29 years on from the original, just one year shy of the future of 2015. While we may not have flying cars, Mr. Fusion, 19 Jaws films, or hover boards, we do have the enduring knowledge that the future is what we make of it, and if we put our minds to it, anything’s possible.

Thanks to Midnites for Maniacs/Jesse Hawthorne Ficks for setting up the screening!

Jeffrey Weissman Jesse Hawthorne Ficks

An incredibly blurry photo of Jeffrey Weissman and Jesse Hawthrone Ficks

Species the Awakening Species 4

Species: The Awakening (Review)

Species: The Awakening

aka Species 4
Species the Awakening Species 4
Written by Ben Ripley
Based on characters created by Dennis Feldman
Directed by Nick Lyon

Species the Awakening Species 4
The Species franchise transitioned from femme fueled Freudian nightmare to direct to video science fiction dreck so quickly that by installment number four materialized – Species: The Awakening – I had long ago put it on my lower priorities list. There, Species 4 sat, until one day I restumbled across it and decided to try it out. After all, I will get an answer to what 1902 is! (That’s the number that the camera panned to ominously at the conclusion of Species III, thus it must mean something!)
Species the Awakening Species 4
Species: The Awakening continues the premise of the prior installment in stating that there are already members of the alien Species living amongst us in hiding. While in Species 3 they were all surviving offspring of Eve or the astronaut guy from Species 2, here they were created in a lab in Mexico that does the same research that created the original alien creature in the first film. Except now in a much more safe form, in that they only kill a lot of people instead of every person.
Species the Awakening Species 4
Our lead Miranda Hollander (Helena Mattsson) is one just creation of this group, a young woman who doesn’t even know she’s the product of alien DNA technology, living a quiet life as a blooming academic with a bright future ahead of her. She’s raised by her uncle Tom (Ben Cross), who unbeknownst to her but beknownst to us, helped create her before abandoning the research because of moral quandaries. But once she gets sick and begins reverting back to Species form and goes on a killing spree, he now needs to reconnect with his former partner in order to save her life.
Species the Awakening Species 4

Hocus Pocus

Hocus Pocus 2 now a Tina Fey joint!

Hocus Pocus

Soon we’ll have more sequels than Saw!

That long-rumored Hocus Pocus sequel just got a whole lot less rumor and more factual with this latest announcement! Hocus Pocus 2 has hit the fast lane, with Tina Fey’s company Little Stranger handling the deed, and her (or someone of her “type”) starring aldong with a Melissa McCarthy “type”

The sequel will pick up years after the original, focusing on a housewife who is related to the Sanderson sisters, who teams up with a witch hunter to save her children after they run afoul of some resurrected witches while out trick-or-treating. No actors from the original film have been confirmed as returning for the sequel. In fact, no actors are yet attached to the project. My assumption is that producers are looking for a Fey type for the housewife and a McCarthy type for the witch hunter, but thinking about Fey and McCarthy’s previous work, those roles could easily be reversed.

Will the original trio of witches come back? Will there be a talking cat? Will there be an obsession with virginity? All these mysteries will unfold, eventually, as an unnecessary sequel to an average movie held aloft by Real 90s Kids nostalgia becomes reality!

via Tracking Board

UPDATE: It looks like this might not be Hocus Pocus 2, instead it’s an Untitled Witch Movie. Unless it’s not, in which cast someone is wrong. I blame the ducks for this mess! They’ve had their day in the sun, and now they want revenge, revenge on ME! I’ll show them, I’ll show them all!!!!

Descendants Disney

Cast photo for Disney’s Descendants!

TVLine dropped a cast photo for the upcoming Disney Channel Original Movie Descendants, the film where the offspring of the great Disney movie villains all go to high school together with the kids from the Disney princesses and it goes all High School Musical. The cast is packed with awesome players and it will be entertaining and possibly quite awesome.

Below is Dove Cameron as Maleficent’s daughter Mal, Booboo Stewart as Jafar’s son Jay, Cameron Boyce (Jessie) as Cruella De Vil’s son Carlos, and Sofia Carson as the Evil Queen’s daughter Evvie.

Other cast members include: Kristin Chenoweth as Maleficent, Maz Jobrani as Jafar, Wendy Raquel Robinson as Cruella De Vil, Kathy Najimy as the Evil Queen, Mitchell Hope as Belle and Beast’s son Ben, Brenna D’Amico as Fairy Godmother’s daughter Jane, Zachary Gibson as Dopey’s son Doug, Jedidiah Goodacre as Cinderella’s son Chad, Sarah Jeffery as Sleeping Beauty’s daughter Audrey, Dianne Doan as Mulan’s daughter Lonnie, Stephanie Bennett as Snow White, and Dan Payne as Beast.

In a present day idyllic kingdom, the benevolent teenaged son of the King and Queen (Beast and Belle from Disney’s iconic Beauty and the Beast) is poised to take the throne. His first proclamation: offer a chance at redemption to the trouble-making offspring of Cruella De Vil, Maleficent, the Evil Queen and Jafar who have been imprisoned on a forbidden island with all the other villains, sidekicks, evil step-mothers and step-sisters. These villainous descendants (Carlos, Mal, Evvie and Jay, respectively) are allowed into the kingdom to attend prep school alongside the offspring of iconic Disney heroes including Fairy Godmother, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel and Mulan. However, the evil teens face a dilemma. Should they follow in their nefarious parents’ footsteps and help all the villains regain power or embrace their innate goodness and save the kingdom?

Kenny Ortega, the Emmy Award-winning director and choreographer of Disney’s record-setting High School Musical TV movies and feature film, returns to Disney Channel to direct Descendants.

Descendants Disney

Disney Days of Future Past

Zodiac Comics

Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse aligns the stars on SyFy!

Zodiac Comics

We have nothing to do with this movie!

August 16th has seen the rescheduling of original film Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse. The film was originally slated to premiiere in April, but was pushed back and replaced by Bermuda Tentacles. But baring any other last-minute replacement, Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse should finally get its moment in the sun.

A museum curator gets more than she bargained for when an ancient astrology board shows up at work… an ancient astrology board that could DESTROY THE WORLD!

Damn, astrology is more dangerous than I thought! Must be the fault of those darn Scorpios! Trust me when I say this is sort of intriguing in a weird sort of way. Here’s hoping it just doesn’t turn out to be something stupid! This is the first original film after the whole Sharknado Week promotion, and maybe it means we’ll get some more regular SyFy original movie action! Or they’re just filling an empty slot on the schedule.

The film stars Joel Gretsch, Christopher Lloyd, Aaron Douglas, and Andrea Brooks. Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse is directed by W.D. Hogan (Independence Daysaster) and written by newcomer David Sanderson.

Rick Santorum Frothy

Rick gets his frothy Santorum all over the Hobby Lobby!

The ink has yet to dry on the idiotic Supreme Court decision on Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, and a movie is already set to be released from Rick Santorum’s film studio. The timing of this release – the day of the ruling – is patently obvious that they were looking to capitalize in on the result of the case. And the subject of the documentary, that religious “liberties” are being taken away by godless atheist communist Islamic liberal homosexual Obama voters, actually gets a bit weakened by the ruling in their favor. But a quick voiceover edit about how the war is still going on should cover that up nicely!

One Generation Away: The Erosion of Religious Liberty is the culmination of the current rebranding of religious bigotry as freedom, which has accelerated in earnest as state after state has struck down anti-gay marriage laws.

In a way, the awful ruling is sort of hilarious at taking the wind out of this documentary. Now suddenly the Religious Right has very special privileges that override what a woman wants to do about her own body. In fact, the argument specifically tries to say it doesn’t count for all sorts of other religious exceptions like blood transfusions. The logic behind the reasoning is strained at best, and nonsense at worst. What has happened is SCOTUS put omen as second class citizens beneath corporations, which suddenly have a lot more rights than they should.

Conservatives have gone extremely nutso over birth control access in the past few years. Who can forget Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke a slut because she wanted birth control for her fellow law school students, including one affected by polycystic ovary syndrome which is helped by birth control hormones? Or how about this lovely tweet from noted goat sex expert Erick Erickson:

My religion trumps your “right” to employer subsidized consequence free sex. —@EWErickson

Exactly why they go so crazy over this, I will never understand. I’ve heard plenty of theories, but when it comes down to it, these guys just don’t like women having sex at all, except if it is with them. And even then, they shouldn’t enjoy it. I can say with certainty that every one of these guys must be terrible in bed.

But enough about how awful old Republican white guys are, let’s get to the film. Echolight Studios has decided that making money by producing awful films isn’t enough, they need to get in on the distribution methods as well! So One Generation Away is the inaugural release of EchoLight Cinemas, which will have special screenings in churches before the nationwide rollout. Heck, maybe they’ll even give away sweater vests!

One Generation Away: The Erosion of Religious Liberty is written and directed by Ken Carpenter, who has made a career of producing Christian documentaries with subjects you might find familiar. Also stuff on John Tesh and hunting, but sadly nothing on hunting down John Tesh. Expect lots of prominent rightwing media personalities yakking and yakking, and then obligatory Reagan quote.

One Generation Away: The Erosion of Religious Liberty releases September 1st.

More on Hobby Lobby CEO David Green
More on the Religious Liberty rebranding
More on Rick Santorum, Echolight Studios, studio infighting, and their recent releases
One Generation Away site
via THR

Rick Santorum Frothy