Godzilla #13 (August 1978)

Godzilla Marvel 13

Triax stole the rocket boots idea from Spock in Star Trek 5!

Godzilla #13 – The Mega-Monsters From Beyond! Part 2 Triax (August 1978)
Writer – Doug Moench
Penciler – Herb Trimpe
Editor – Archie Goodwin

When last we left Godzilla, he was kidnapped by aliens and told that he’s about to get used as an intergalactic Pokemon! Godzilla wasn’t too pleased, but he was less pleased with the jerkoff evil monster Triax, who showed up to beat him up. Triax will soon be joined by his two buddies and we’ll be off at the races. If you need catching up on the who what and wheres, check out the Godzilla Marvel Splash Page, and yes, March of Godzilla 2013 is marching into June!

Triax looks like a rhino that forgot his horn and instead put his eyes on stalks. Luckily for us, he also has rocket thrusters on the bottom of his feet, allowing him to fly around like he’s Iron Man or something. Triax is also arrogant and leaves psychic taunts, except for when the taunts are coming from the Megan controllers, at which point I just assume the writer wasn’t paying attention. Fellow Mega-monster Krollar looks like a giant red Leech toy from Master of the Universe, with a horn on his head and the ability to burrow underground (Hello, Baragon!) Krollar does one better by eating dirt and crap and spitting it back out as a weapon. Krollar is a giant flying green monster with dinner plates for jaws and a tail that turns into a helicopter blade. He was altered by the Megans and is a “Biomech”, something the Megans have to remind Krollar of, because he’s too stupid to realize he’s now a freak of nature. Alien nature. Krollar has only one eye, because the last thing you want a flying monster to have is depth perception.

Triax in the mood for slaughter (and refers to himself as the “first” of the monsters…) He has hover jets on the bottom of his feet, and can transform into a sleeker flying attack mode to battle both Godzilla and Red Ronin.

The Megans spend their time taunting Robby with psychic babbling. Robert gets over his reluctance to kill because this monster is intelligent and evil. Very convenient!

Triax tries to trash Salt Lake City! How often do monsters attack Salt Lake City? Not very…

The Megans send the other two Mega-Monsters to help, Rhiahn and Krollar. The Megas declare their monsters are more powerful thanks to their biomech genetic alterations. Triax’s jet feet, Rhiahn’s helicopter tail, and Krollar’s burrowing and super-spitting ability.

Godzilla Marvel 13

The truth about the Housing Bubble!

The Megan ship Megan Booster-One arrives and plans to zap the Mega-Monsters with the Energex-ray, which will give them ten times their strength but will ultimately kill them. It’s the world’s worst stempack! The Betans expose their secret moon base location in an attempt to intercept the Megan spaceship, the Betan Leader volunteering to fly the ship to stop them.

“Snurf” — Triax
“Grooo” — Krollar
Actual quotes!

The Betans damage the Megan crash but get destroyed (and crash into the air dome of their base, rupturing it and dooming everyone inside!)

Riahn uses his Anterior Bio-Blade to decapitate Red Ronin! You might say, Red Ronin has lost his head over all this excitement!

The Megan ship fires its Energex-ray! (and then explodes!)

Oh noes, the monsters are Energexed! What will Godzilla do now that these monsters have gone all Super Mario and ate mushrooms? Find out in the next exciting issue! Be there, or catch it eventually, I know life can get busy at times…

Godzilla Marvel 13

Not the Energex-Ray! Explain the Energex-Ray! Not the Energex-Ray!

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Godzilla #12 (July 1978)

Godzilla Marvel 12

Godzilla realizes a new story arc has begun!

Godzilla #12 – The Mega-Monsters From Beyond Part 1: The Beta-Beast! (July 1978)
Writer – Doug Moench
Penciler – Herb Trimpe
Editor – Archie Goodwin

More Godzilla is the way of the world, and it is a good way. So we are pleased to give you yet another issue of Marvel’s Godzilla series! This time, more monsters show up and things get fighty! And alien abductions with trippy space art. It’s what we call cosmic. If you need a reminder of the cast, stop by the Godzilla Marvel Splash Page, and check in on everything with March of Godzilla 2013!

Dum Dum pontificates on Robert’s actions, and how they seem to help, but the kid is too much trouble to let slide. He did steal a deadly war machine THREE TIMES!!!! Robert is upset over killing Yetrigar and flies around randomly in grief.

Aliens abduct Godzilla via sucking him into a vortex that travels him through space. That’s what Godzilla gets for wandering near Roswell, New Mexico! Just kidding, I have no idea where he was, but New Mexico is nearby, so why not?

Godzilla is transported all the way to the moon, where Godzilla is surrounded by an energy field that lets him breath and hear even though the moon is a vacuum. And waiting for Godzilla is a new enemy…the Beta-Beast! This new monster can spit fire and shoot quills. But all of that is for naught, as Godzilla shoots his own atomic breath, and soon Beta-Beast is ash.

Godzilla Marvel 12

Suddenly the Chitauri invade!

Godzilla then sees a domed city rise from beneath a crater, and attacks. But the aliens zap him with an Id Ray, which immobilizes him. (Just wait until you see how powerful their Ego and Superego Rays are!) Thanks to the power of telepathy, the aliens explain they are the Betans. They’ve been at war forever with their rival planet, Megan.

Yes, Megan.

Megan, that bitch! I knew Megan was up to no good!

The Betas are purple humanoids with weird bullet shaped heads, while the Megans are red monkey dudes with one giant eye. Their planets are depleted of resources, so they instead get monsters and alien dinosaurs and use them to fight each other. There are some cool monsters shown during this flashback with no other information.

The Megans have almost defeated the Betans, and will soon attack Earth with their three best monsters – Triax, Rhiahn, and Krollar, to get more resources.

The Beta-Beast was the Betans best monster, and it couldn’t defeat any of those three. That’s why they outsourced to Godzilla, who as you saw, easily defeated Beta-Beast.

It’s too late to explain any more, the three Megan monsters are flying to Earth. The Betans quickly send Godzilla back, as the monsters are seeking out the most powerful beings on Earth.

Mega-Monster Triax attacks Red Ronin/Robert, and begins mocking him in his mind. And Godzilla is there!

Once again, the main fighting begins next issue! Until then, it is anticipation time for the royal rumble that will happen. This storyline is my favorite of the series, because it is both cosmic in scope, but also features lots of monsters fighting.

Godzilla Marvel 12

Why Jarts were banned!

Godzilla Marvel 12

The Freak Parade is strong in this issue!

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Godzilla #11 (June 1978)

Godzilla Marvel 11

Red Ronin is in the Choom Gang!

Godzilla #11 – Arena for Three! (June 1978)
Writer – Doug Moench
Penciler – Herb Trimpe
Editor – Archie Goodwin

When last we left Godzilla, a rumble was afoot between Big G, Yetrigar, and Red Ronin. And now the rumble will happen! If you need a reminder of the cast, stop by the Godzilla Marvel Splash Page, and check in on everything with March of Godzilla 2013!

The three monsters (Godzilla, Red Ronin, Yetrigar) battle, with Robert trying to help Godzilla, but Yetrigar is good at fighting them both. Some river rafters get caught in the crossfire, while Robert in Red Ronin is oblivious to their plight.

Dum Dum and Gabe get in a fighter and fly after the monsters, while the crashed Behemoth begins repairs.

Robert also doesn’t want to kill Yetrigar because the yetrigar of legend are supposed to be related to men. Even though this one has clearly lost it and is a danger to everyone. Of course, Robert also doesn’t try any real nonlethal attacks, either.

Robert eventually sees the Yetrigar is mad with rage and can’t be reasoned with, and will kill them both if he doesn’t kill it first. Robert has learned that sometimes the world is shades of grey. An important lesson. Robert buries Yetrigar under the side of the canyon (where he will remain until he pops up some time later in the West Coast Avengers!?!!) Dum Dum and Gabriel Jones end up saving the river rafters, if you were worried about the safety of these random one-issue flavor characters.

Godzilla Marvel 11

Red Ronin is just making excuses now…

Godzilla then wanders off, his work done. His work being to start a fight and then watch someone else end it. Robert flies away in shame that he had to take a life and is a fugitive from SHIELD.

Now that Robert is a murderer, will he come to grips with the fact that Godzilla might have to be put down like a foaming mouth dog? Or will Robert have learned an important lesson about monster morality, and which monster is good and bad? More likely, Robert learned that being an adult means you have to sometimes make adult decisions that you don’t like, but have no other choice.

And just wait until you find out what he learns next month!

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Godzilla #10 (May 1978)

Godzilla Marvel 10

I might be just a tiny yeti now, but I’m drinking milk!

Godzilla #10 – Godzilla vs Yetrigar (May 1978)
Writer – Doug Moench
Penciler – Herb Trimpe
Editor – Archie Goodwin

A new monster who will be a King Kong analogue, sort of, and more giant robot action as Red Ronin returns. Yes, it’s more Marvel Godzilla comic fun! If you need a reminder of the cast, stop by the Godzilla Marvel Splash Page, and check in on everything with March of Godzilla 2013!

Godzilla Marvel 10

Godzilla is a big fan of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid!

In the deserts near Arizona, Godzilla wanders near a nuclear test area, where an underground blast a few months back somehow traveled via underground caves to Alberta, Canada, and a frozen Yeti-caveman was thawed out and irradiated so he grew huge. This is an actual origin story, folks. The now gigantic Yeti-caveman then wandered all the way back to the desert nuclear blast site without anyone noticing.

Yetrigar tosses a giant rock at the Behemoth carrier, which promptly crashes. D’oh!

Soon Godzilla and Yetrigar battle at the Grand Canyon. It is the grandest fight the canyon has ever seen since Pecos Bill and Teddy Roosevelt exchanged fisticuffs.

Robert steals Red Ronin again while Jimmy Woo and Tamara Hasioka are making googly eyes at each other. Can’t anyone take the keys out of Red Ronin and keep them in their pockets or something?? This robot is easier to steal than candy from a sleeping baby.

Robert in Red Ronin flies to Godzilla’s location, and sees him battling the mosnter. Robert claims yetrigar are a giant yeti legend from Japan, and thus we now have a name for the new monster.

Red Ronin soon pops up in the middle of their battle, turning it into a three-way brawl. At least, it will be so, next issue! Until then, we gotta wait. And wait. And wait! Thanks goodness this isn’t 35 years ago and I already have the next issue!

Godzilla Marvel 10

Yetrigar goes all Captain America!

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Godzilla #9 (April 1978)

Godzilla Marvel 9

Don’t come in, Dad, I’ll be out in a minute!

Godzilla #9 – The Fate of Las Vegas (April 1978)
Writer – Doug Moench
Penciler – Herb Trimpe
Editor – Archie Goodwin

It’s time for some filler! Godzilla gets arty for a bit as we buy some time before the next bigger battle issue. If you need some catching up on what the heck is going on (it has been a bit since I posted one of these) drop on by the Godzilla Marvel Splash Page, and be sure to check out all the goings on for March of Godzilla 2013!

“I felt like destroying something beautiful.” — Narrator, Fight Club

Godzilla smashes Boulder Dam (aka Hoover Dam) because he feels like smashing something. The torrent of water washes him away. Godzilla lands next to Vegas, and debates whether to go do a Hangover prequel or just hang in the desert. Of course Godzilla goes and starts destroying casinos, because gambling is a sin and Godzilla is all about the Jesus. And the comic would be boring if Godzilla just sat in the desert and meditated.

Godzilla Marvel 9


Luckily the Vegas cops are on the scene, all Las Vegas cops wear military style blue uniforms with red visoered helmets and red gloves and carry assault weapons. It was in a comic book!

At Hoover Dam, the rest of the dam gives way and another flood heads towards Vegas. It causes more dmages than Godzilla, and even pushes Big G around. Godzilla decices to go wander in the desert.

Dum Dum pursues Godzilla in the Behemoth, while Robert has finally been coaxed out of the Red Ronin and grounded. For life! Not really. Only most of his life.

There is also a simultaneous story of a gambling addict during the whole story that sort of paralleled, but not entirely.

I sort of like these stories that are basically filler. Godzilla shows up and attacks Vegas because he has to make a stop by at some point to trash landmarks. But like Vegas, once the fun has been done, the city is then really boring and it’s time to go wander in the desert, as that is more exciting than Vegas.

Godzilla Marvel 9

Godzilla vs. Philosophy!

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Godzilla #8 (March 1978)

Godzilla Marvel 8

The weirdest jump rope game ever!

Godzilla #8 – Titan Times Two! (March 1978)
Writer – Doug Moench
Penciler – Herb Trimpe
Editor – Archie Goodwin

When last we saw Godzilla and Red Ronin, they were just about to fight. Now they do fight! Amazing how that works. Yes, no filler episode this month, it’s a full-fledged battle issue! For those new to the Marvel Godzilla comics, make sure you are informed via the Godzilla Marvel Splash Page, and keep up with all the March of Godzilla 2013 marvelness!

Godzilla and Red Ronin fight! Finally, Godzilla is battling a giant robot like we all demanded! Red Ronin pilot, the 12-year-old child Rob Takiguchi doesn’t want to hurt Godzilla, so he’s reluctant to break out the big guns like the laser sword (aka a light saber) or heavier laser guns. Godzilla is not reluctant to do anything and blasts Red Ronin with his atomic breath. Robert’s unfamiliarity with the controls prevents him from putting up the shields in time, and his roboride is damaged more than it should be.

The SHIELD helicarrier Behemoth moves in to fight Godzilla, but Robert uses Red Ronin to attack the helicarrier as a distraction, then grabs Godzilla via magnetic grappling hooks and uses rocket boots to fly away, Big G in tow!

Godzilla Marvel 8

Godzilla is literally a cat!

Godzilla is not too crazy about being suspended in the air by some dumb robot and squirms loose. By now the action has moved to San Diego Bay (answering the question of where we are.)

Red Ronin blasts the Behemoth again, then stands in front of Godzilla and points away from San Diego towards the open countryside.

And Godzilla walks that way…

Towards land where more people will be, not the ocean where he can find a nice island. D’oh!

Godzilla Marvel 8

Go home, Godzilla, you’re drunk!

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