Lynn Collins on John Carter of Mars

Lynn Collins, who will be playing Dejah Thoris in the upcoming Pixar John Carter of Mars, gives a brief hint of what the pre-production is doing. She says Dejah Thoris is “a priestess of science and letters.” And spills more to MTV:

“We’re actually getting into some hair and makeup tests this week to see what the look is like,” said Collins. “It’s really collaborative and really creative and I’m really excited about it.I think they’re going more like a really great tan, like the best-tan-you-can-ever-imagine type of thing.”

“We went to Pixar and saw some of the workups of some of the fighting that we have to do. I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s just no guy better for the job. He’s so athletic and wonderful and such a great actor and so positive.’”


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