That exclamation point means that you better run, squirrel, because The Starving Games looks like a disaster of epic proportions! Run, don’t walk, to shelter and duck and cover until the madness has passed. One day, our children will have to live in a world where The Starving Games was released in theaters. And they will look at us and ask why. What will we say? WHAT WILL WE SAY?????
Because a dodo would just confuse the target audience…
This is your Katniss. Yep.
A year late, but what the heck!
Keep copying, maybe you’ll go all Asylum and trick people into paying for tickets!
Actual footage of the target audience for The Starving Games!
As we reported before, Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer are gearing up for their Hunger Games "spoof", The Starving Games. Casting has been announced and the film begins shooting next week. Hey, isn't the end of the world supposed to happen soon? Naw, couldn't be related. Cast as Kantmiss Evershot…
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer have announced their next film will be...The Starving Games! Yes, they're parodying The Hunger Games. And also Avengers, Harry Potter, and Sherlock Holmes. Because they hate us. Seltzberg will kill us all... No word on if this is the continuation of their 3D flick,…
Starving in Suburbia (original title: Thinspiration) is another Lifetime feature about how the internet is dangerous, with a look at those disturbing websites that promote eating disorders, bulimia, and anorexia, commonly called thinspiration sites. Honestly, this is an internet demon that I don't mind a movie taking on, because that…