The one bonus of Susan Herbert’s crazy lawsuit is Googling Susan Herbert lead me to this cool cat painter named Susan Herbert. I doubt this is the same Susan Herbert, but regardless, cat paintings like this are just hilarious. So kudos to Susan Herbert!

October 8, 2009 at 7:28 amthis is incredible
October 8, 2009 at 12:31 pmHa! I just spent about 20 minutes looking at Susan’s (not the crazy one I’m sure) paintings of cats.
Susan of Resistnet fame is the most well equipped to handle the crazy train to date. Where in the hell do these people come from and for crying out loud keep them away from any children. Jesus, has there always been so many nuts running around? OMG, the Hidden 13th Amendment!!! Let’s meld the Susan crazies with some Code Pink type crazies and we’ll come up with a new brand of crazy! Makes me think we’re all screwed either way.
Tars Tarkas
October 8, 2009 at 1:04 pmDude. She posted A LOT more stuff. I’m changing the next update to just be her, and some of the stuff she posted later makes her original rant look sane.