Wingnut Web – Rosanna Pulido, the Freeper on the Ballot edition!

Rosanna Pulido just became the republican candidate to replace Rahm Emanuel in the 5th district in Illinois. She also posts on as chicagolady. That means a Freeper is on the ballot! She hates immigrants. Hates, hates, hates them! She really, really, really hates them. She also posts on a site filled with people who think Obama was born in Kenya, think he is a socialist (or worse), and think Obama used an army of dead voters ran by ACORN to steal the election. You are the company you keep.

Official site:

Freep links:

Freep Page
election night
Post History

Some of her own posting history:

Check out tis hilarious exchange about how Liberal Women are too ugly to be raped by the invading Muslim Horde!

Rosanna Pulido is also very active with the Illinois Minutemen project:
They seem to be pro-Overthrow of the US Government by the Military!

More garbage:

10 thoughts on “Wingnut Web – Rosanna Pulido, the Freeper on the Ballot edition!

  1. Ron Paul is very concerned by this. Ron Paul is entranced by the virulent anti-immigrant and xenophobic rhetoric but cannot fathom a woman in power, something the FRAMERS OF THE CONSTITUTION did not INTEND

  2. I’m linking to you this afternoon in a follow-up post. You mentioned that Rosanna Pulido was posting to another web site, “She also posts on a site filled with people who think Obama was born in Kenya, think he is a socialist (or worse), and think Obama used an army of dead voters ran by ACORN to steal the election.” What is that web site?

    Congratulations, as far as I can determine, your site was the first with this story.


  3. Illegal aliens are not immigrants.

    Why do Liberals continually forget this? It is because under every Democratic bumper sticker is a Marxist, like Obama.

  4. ‘Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It.’ – Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals. That’s what Barack Obama taught his ACORN followers in all his Community Agitator classes in Chicago. That slogan defines mob scapegoating, of course. It is an exact prescription for whipping up mobs — by race, by gender, by ethnicity, by religion. If you want to know how to whip a mob of Pakistani Taliban fascisti to whip a young girl for flirting with a young man in public, this is exactly what you do: Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personality It, and Polarize It.

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