Wingnut Web – Resist Obama edition

Barack Obama was elected president, which lead to a flurry of new Right Wing online webgroups forming all over the web as every nutjob with a computer has an idea how to save the party. Many of these will fizzle out in a year or so, but while they are here we will mock them. It is fun. The Patriotic Resistance at is one such group, they use Ning like a surprising amount of the new groups and are filled with a whole pack of idiots and racists. These are actual posts on the forums, which we aren’t linking to so because we’re jerks here. The stupid image program compressed these but they are still readable, so much for that dumb program (or me not making backups of thirty images.) Let’s get this party started!

Tex is a friend of Hawaiian independence:

Don’t tread on Ann’s White Power discussions!

jill freely admits she is a racist, while believing if you were to ever insult a black person you would go to jail

kathy randal knows MLK has a dream to NOT have Obama as president

Black people have all the cool clubs and change their names every 5 years!

In my day all Mulatos would be executed by fellow schoolchildren! Thanks for your email address…

Doug Ward knows the blacks and Mexicans cannot breath without killing each other

leo ames knows all blacks are immigrants and not descendants of slaves, and Obama is the real racist

It is Ann again, a valued member of the community

Stare at black people and DEMAND they tell you how you oppressed them!

Mama Bear refuse to use pennies or five dollar bills (with bonus Blacks are the real racists)

Wiccanwolf, furry witch commie fighter!

Black people should get on their knees and thank white people!

Yeah, “probably”

What does Sarah Palin have to do with crackers?

This totally happened and ThePhoenixFromTheAshes didn’t make it up.

Real patriotic Americans call for treason!

Another baby whines about how they can’t call minorities racist names to their faces

I’m sure if there were lions in Atlanta Kunta Kinte would have lost more than a foot.

Ann is back to tell us the horrible tale of how black people once looked at her, and a black homeless guy hit her up for change!

I have 900 degrees but can’t seem to get paid what I deserve, it can’t be because I’m a liar

Amy had a grandmother who was a white slave?

Minuteman would rather see the world burn than live under Obama

Judy Doyle comes up with the craziest Obama is fake story I have heard since the Malcolm X one!

Praying for the rapture to occur will solve this Obama problem!

Timothy is a real patriot all set to support America by destroying it for a .org secessionist government!

The South will be retarded again!

Hang all voters!

Jon A is on a watchlist like all patriots!

Black people can’t govern themselves because they are all trying to immigrate to America

3 thoughts on “Wingnut Web – Resist Obama edition

  1. I am a member of Resistnet. I think what you guys have done here is absolutely hilarious. I have laughed for about ten minutes solid. I don’t know what is more comical, these postings or that someone actually sat and looked through the site and compiled all these. I can read through liberal sites and find the same things, but you know; I have a life. Keep up the good work, we need all the advertisement we can get!

    • Luckily, the large infusement of Soros cash gets me all the free time in the world to pick through your pack of crazies and white supremacists. I am sure Phil Roe is delighted to have someone of your caliber in his district clogging up his phone lines. Thanks for being a fan of TarsTarkas.NET!

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