Will she find love, or continue looking past the guy who’s looking at the offstage gaffer? Find out this Christmas!
Although she is still upset from a recent breakup, Corrine (Gilsig) happily prepares for her favorite holiday: Christmas! A gifted musician, Corrine auditions for a solo in a community Christmas concert and plays Christmas carols on the piano to patrons of the music store where she works with childhood friend Dave (Abbey). Her holiday season gets an unexpected dose of romance, when Harold (Di Zio), a mysterious new coworker, tries to form a love connection between Corrine and Dave. With Harold’s help, Corrine begins to view Dave in a new light, though she questions Harold’s intense interest in her love life. Unbeknownst to Corrine, Harold is on a Christmas Eve deadline from a higher power to fulfill this holiday fairytale! As the clock ticks down to Harold’s fairytale mission deadline, Corrine must decide if she will open up to Christmas love.
Angels and Ornaments stars Jessalyn Gilsig (Vikings, Smart Cookies) as Corrine, Sergio Di Zio (My Daughter Must Live) as Harold the angel, Graham Abbey as Dave, Samantha Espie as Janie, and Roger Doche as Tim. It’s directed by Alan Goluboff (Penny’s Odyssey, Mutant X, did a bunch of assistant directing work for Bob Clark) and written by Kevin Commins (Cybermutt, Pegasus vs. Chimera, Aladdin and the Death Lamp)
Angels and Ornaments premieres November 16th on Hallmark Channel! Will there be Christmas love???????????