33D Invader stills and trailer – 蜜桃成熟時33D

UPDATE: Click here for a FULL REVIEW of 33D Invader!

33D Invader aka 蜜桃成熟時33D aka The Fruit is Ripe 33D has put out some stills and a trailer ahead of its September 22 release. And it looks like 33D Invader will be the official overseas title, but these titles change more often than a chameleon in a crayon factory. We got alien dudes, goofy effects, naked time travel, Macy Wu Qing-Qing, and a lot of getting it on, alien time traveling special powers girl style. Honestly…this looks more fun than 3D Sex and Zen. More stupid, but more fun.
33D Invader
33D Invader
33D Invader
33D Invader
##D Invader

Trailer – Copy and past because there are butts and badly blurred boobage:

4 thoughts on “33D Invader stills and trailer – 蜜桃成熟時33D

  1. At first I was a little disappointed that this was not the Marvel Comics Invaders series. But then I saw the pics and read naked time travel so now I am interested.

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