Infestation – upcoming Giant Bug flick

An upcoming movie in production now is a Giant Bug film called INFESTATION
Official Site

We got giant bugs out of nowhere eating people, which is always a good thing!

Our hero, Cooper, awakes to find himself nauseous, weak and covered in webbing, hanging from the ceiling of an office where, just minutes ago, he started his new job. As he struggles out of his slimy prison he comes face to face with his opponent – a grotesque, powerful and very angry bug. All 3 ft of it.

And so begins a hideous, nail-biting, comedic, all-action adventure to find a safe haven while constantly outwitting an infestation of monstrous proportions. As Cooper embarks on his journey, he befriends a ragtag group of survivors including Sara, a feisty attractive female. Although the situation is dire, Cooper can’t help himself from trying to solve his dating problem while trying to save his life.

Will they make it to safety before they are picked off one by one? And what other surprises are in store for our group of unlikely heroes?

About the director

Kyle Rankin has been writing and directing for fifteen years.

Two independant features and four award-winning shorts led to the opportunity to co-direct Miramax’s THE BATTLE OF SHAKER HEIGHTS through PROJECT GREENLIGHT 2.

He has, most recently, created the internet-based series HELLHOLES.

Thanks to Avery for the scoop

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