Wingnut Web – Resistnet Enjoys the Census Edition

Part-time U.S. Census worker Bill Sparkman, a 51-year-old teacher, was found hanging from a tree, mutilated, with the word “FED” carved into his body on September 12. His body was hung in a remote part of the Daniel Boone National Forest in southeast Kentucky. The FBI is investigating if he was a victim of anti-government violence, or what happened. That didn’t stop people from speculating. From people immediately connecting the dots to the crazy census conspiracies being preached by Michelle Bachman and the teabaggers to the Wingnuts claiming the whole thing was a conspiracy to frame them, message boards raged all over the internet. As of now, we don’t know who killed Bill Sparkman or why, but we do know that it lead a few people on to completely expose their joy in the death of an innocent census worker in their private war against Barack Obama. Remember, likes to think they are a classy place that is above all this. Right.

The Census Guy was a TEACHER, who are all Union thugs and deserve it!

George and Pat Wilkins are a double dose of disgusting

This post seems okay until…

We realize something was amiss!

All Democrats are racist and the media sucks. What was the topic again?

2010: Census War

I’ll just make up a bunch of facts now and not even acknowledge my support of murder of government employees…

What is in the water in Tennessee?

If the other guy had won, things would be different!

This is in response to another missing post. Hmmmm….

Yes, logically he was one of those tax guys that go to your home which happens all the time! And bonus DJ excusing the murder.

I agree that a census is rape! Hang them all!

Just what does Melinda know about the swamps of Louisiana???

Martin J. Fee, demanding all of you stand up and hang census workers because otherwise you are part of the problem.

Leon Birchbach, get away from Resistnet before they suck out your moral compass as well!

Pelosi hung him herself to blame us! Logically!

ACORN/Unions killed him before Pelosi could. Pelosi will be mad!

Wait, now the Fed did it, and even tagged their kill? I’m losing track of the conspiracy theories here…

Sue the media!

Ann spivey proves you can have no brain and post on Resistnet at the same time.

Secret fact: George and Pat Wilkins is really the names of the voices in this guy’s head.

Jimmy Carter’s younger brother wants random idiots to hang all his enemies for him so he doesn’t have to get off of his lazy butt.

Ann spivey will personally go to the Hill to tell Nancy Pelosi she knows she killed a guy in Kentucky.

Pelosi Pelosi Pelosi! is the new Marsha Marsha Marsha!

ADVERSE EFFECT went to see Transformers 2 and it shattered his fragile mind…

That’s enough Census death for today. Because most of it was deleted! But if it’s on the internet, it never dies! Until next time, Wingnut Web is out!

One thought on “Wingnut Web – Resistnet Enjoys the Census Edition

  1. Jesus Christ . . . and “crime blogger” Dan Riehl (last seen fantasizing about beating up some “thugs” on the subway) says Sparkman was probably a pedophile anyway, because he was unmarried and spent a lot of time around children. And “Fed” was really “Ped(o)” poorly written out. And if you say that that’s a disgusting bit of disingenuousness, then you’re a liberal who can’t handle the truth.

    I like to visit their world every so often, but I wouldn’t want to live there . . .

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