Wingnut Web – Resistnet Has Always Resisted Edition

It’s that time again! Time to bathe our squirrels? Time to eat all the border pieces in the jigsaw puzzle? No, it is Wingnut Web time! This edition brings us once again to the depths of, the resistiest website of them all. They resist all night and all day, and even resist rational thought. Rationality is totally liberal. Angry mobs who declare everything COMMUNIST! is the way to go. Resistnet will be ramping up the craziness in anticipation of the 9-12 March, which will probably give us some hilarious photos and otherwise do nothing. But they will declare victory regardless, and we will be there to laugh.

jeff knows Bozo the Clown wants a civil war in America!

The Race Game, new from Parker Brothers!

gary kaalberg has more secret intel info.

Shortly after posting this gary kaalberg disappeared from Resistnet. Hmmm….

Tex Tucker is perfectly happy having a rogue CIA that answers to no one and can kidnap and torture government officials for even asking them for information.

Slavery, schmavery, enjoy your gift!

Karen Belver is a big fan of The Dark Knight

Did they ever ask the voters if they wanted a Black President? Voters were totally bamboozled!

They would probably say “NEEEEEEEERRRRDDDSSS!”

Damn Natzis!

Jane Spain daydreams that half of America are incredible morons

David or Leisa Smith is a horrible grandparent

“Fuck the Police!” is DJ’s favorite song!

Karen Belver has never been to school a day in her life

ResistNet is now supporting Truther garbage because they want to believe the Alex Jones garbage! Excellent…

The ACLU rules schools with an iron fist. A LEFT fist!

Only COMMUNISTS help other people! Hitler Hitler Hitler!

Mike Demayo will soon be banned from Resistnet for daring to have a sane thought!

A precedent that Reagan and Bush 1.0 both did, but why let facts stand in your way, DJ?

The Department of Education is suddenly in charge of the University of Chicago now!
rn20.jpg is the gift that keeps on giving.

5 thoughts on “Wingnut Web – Resistnet Has Always Resisted Edition

  1. Looks like Demayo got banned for opposing the Fascist Admin Dee and exposing Oily Taitz for the fraud she is. Holy mother of all that is green on this blue ball…who would want a dentist with an online law degree to represent them in court? Is this the best the birthers could come up with? Or was she the only (alleged) lawyer stupid enough to assume she knows constitutional law better than the Federal Judges who actually went to law school and ONLY practice law?

    Beware Komrad Resisnet Koolaid Konsumers…commit the faux pas of opposing the birther movement or the grandjury movement, be prepaired to face the fascist firing squad and banishment.

    • I saw Demayo using facts and logic to counter Taitz’s stupidity, so I am not surprised they are suddenly deleted. Demayo was surprisingly sensible, and the experience hopefully alienates them from the conservative “movement” after getting firsthand experience of what that movement really is.

  2. Tars Tarkas, you are a liar and a fool.

    You pulled my post out of a thread, consisting of numerous other posts, in which mine was the only one not in condemnation of Alex Jones. You then claim that my post is illustrative of resistnet being supportive of “truther garbage”. How deceitful is that?

    My post was in support of a new investigation into the events of 9/11. Regardless of what one believes the truth will ultimately lead to, one thing is for certain, the offical version of events ala the 9/11 Commission Report is flawed, and therefore a new investigation is warranted, especially considering that almost every wrong turn this country has made since 9/11 was based on those events.

    To say that anyone “wants” to believe that our own government was either grossly negligent, or even complicit, is reprehensible and irresponsible. However, to deny that possibility, in contradiction to evidence and history, is the epitome of foolishness.

    To capitalize on the foolishness of others, to deny truth for the sake of one’s own ego, like you are doing here, is evil.

    To Anna Pugh: Good men do not lie. Nor does God bless them. I suggest you re-evaluate Tars Tarkas.

    • A quick view of the thread I took that from shows several pro-Alex Jones posts, as does any simple search for “Alex Jones” on Resistnet. Therefore, YOU are the liar. Please refrain from bearing false witness on TarsTarkas.NET.

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