3-D Sex and Zen

It looks like Asia isn’t immune to the 3D Remake craze, and they have decided to turn up the heat! We will get a 3D remake of the Category III classic Sex and Zen! Is this Category III-D? Because that is the obvious joke.
Variety reports

Lensing will begin in April on what its producer claims will be the world’s first erotic movie to be made in stereoscopic 3-D

Producer Stephen Shiu Jnr, chair of One Dollar Production, says his company will make “3D sex and Zen,” a sequel to the 1991 title “Sex and Zen” produced by his father Stephen Siu Yeuk-yen.

According to newspaper reports Shiu says pic will be made on a budget of HK$30 million ($3.9 million)

The small problem is that this isn’t the first erotic movie in 3D (perhaps he is referring to the newest methods of 3D, but whatever) There is even porn in 3D! We also have an upcoming 3D porn system from Nvidia and Glacier Media Systems. Probably perfect timing!

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