More details on the aliens in the Battleship movie

Latino Film Review got bribed by Peter Berg with a private plane ride and tour of a Navy destroyer to sound all excited for their interview where he explains more about the aliens in the upcoming Battleship movie (the one based on the board game) because the Navy is fighting the aliens. With battleships. And the aliens…are on a boat. A space boat. With guns. Yeah. I’m gonna stay warily on the fence on this one. If you want to read the interview, it’s here. If you want to make jokes about someone sinking your battleship, there is a comment field below. If you want a movie made from the California Raisins’ Board Game, I am sorry to say that hasn’t been optioned yet. Yet.

E8?  B4?  Us aliens don't use your Earth Letters!  ::Nukes entire planet::

E8? B4? Us aliens don't use your Earth Letters! ::Nukes entire planet::

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