The Husband She Met Online creeps around on Lifetime!

The Husband She Met Online

Worst wedding since Kim Kardashian’s last wedding

How many movies is it going to take before people stay away from the internet??? Hopefully no one will ever learn, and we will continue to get crazy movies that explain how everything and everyone related to the internet is evil! In that spirit, Saturday is the premiere of a new amazing Lifetime movie The Husband She Met Online, about an innocent woman who meets a man online. Spoiler alert: He’s EVIL!!!!!

When hotel event planner Rachel breaks up with her boyfriend John for cheating on her, she decides to go looking online for a new boyfriend. In the expanse of cyberspace, she meets a charming, wealthy man named Craig, who at first, seems perfect. He’s attractive, fun, romantic, and he’s been successfully running his mother’s global real estate company while his mother, Doris travels the world. But Craig is far from perfect. He’s obsessive and controlling, and once he sets his sights on Rachel, he has no plans of ever letting go…

The Husband She Met Online stars Jason Gray-Stanford and Meredith Monroe.

REMEMBER: Stay away from the internet!!

via Lifetime

The Husband She Met Online

Never date someone from the internet who is friends with street magicians!

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