Pacific Rim viral images and clips

Pacific Rim came out with some viral vids and a bunch of jaeger blueprints to make all the mech lovers drool. Jaegers are the name for the giant mechs that the pilots will use to battle the giant creatures attacking the planet. Judgeing from the videos released, Pacific Rim will be damn awesome. It’s getting so much good buzz already that they’re going ahead and writing a sequel! Though we don’t get a good clear look at any monsters or the jaegers, there is a dead monster in one of the videos. The second video is below all the images.

Pacific Rim stars Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba, Ron Perlman, Charlie Day, Burn Gorman, Clifton Collins Jr., Robert Maillet, and Rinko Kikuchi. Guillermo del Toro directs.

Striker Eureka Jaeger

Coyote Tango Jaeger

Russian Jaeger

Gipsy Danger Jaeger

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