John Carter of Mindless Violence

Here’s the last John Carter (of Mars, dammit!) trailer, and it looks like they went from explaining nothing and looking boring to explaining nothing and having mindless violence. So. Yeah. Still no mention of “Directed by the guy who did Wall-E” or “From the writer who brought you Tarzan”. It’s a damn shame that people on the internet have done a way better job promoting John Carter than Disney, and we have absolutely nothing riding on this except the cost of our movie ticket. At least my old copies of the Barsoom books will still be there (though mine are in storage atm with most of my other pulp novels!)
It takes a Carter to bring peace to Mars...
Jimmy Carter of Mars via

One thought on “John Carter of Mindless Violence

  1. I can’t wait to watch the John Carter movie, this film looks like a very good storyline and a new genre (I just found out that this film comes from the novel after reading from the web). Could this film be able to compete with Avatar?

    I hear this film in its production cost is high enough. I hope this film can eventually enter the ranks of the box office!

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