CGI Cartoon Terminator movie with minimum violence coming soon!

Because when you think of the Terminator, you think of cartoons and minimum violence. Maybe the CGI Governator will be driving around with a cap gun. Maybe Skynet will be like Cobra in the GI Joe cartoons and do wacky schemes to try to take over the world via hypnosis or shady real estate deals. All done out of a computer-shaped secret island volcano base. And I will bet you real money that this film will get released in 3D.

I'll be bawk bawk bawk!

Terminator 3000

Story details for “Terminator 3000” are being kept under close wraps, but the writers and production team have a stated goal of minimizing violence in order to obtain a PG-13 level of material.

EDIT: Oh, SNAP! Cease and desist action on this CGi cartoon! We got us a lawsuit fight over who is the real Terminator owner!

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