The World Without Us

The World Without Us, a book written by Alan Weisman that also has been turned into a documentary series, is going to be turned into a feature film. Exact details weren’t forthcoming, but everyone is pretty much hoping it is like the first part of I Am Legend. I read the book (most of it) at Borders and found it a pretty passable science book, but I never saw the documentary miniseries. This might turn out surprisingly well, so I’ll stay on the lookout. And, yes, this news broke weeks ago but it has been sitting in my bookmarks waiting for me to write it up. So enjoy this paragraph which is the end result of a whole month!
Reuters sez:

Fox does not aim to make a documentary but rather a fictional feature buttressed by the book’s science. It would, for example, show an event that would lead to man’s disappearance.

Mark Protosevich will write the script, and Francis Lawrence will direct. They tackled similar material with the sci-fi monster movie “I Am Legend,” which featured Will Smith as the only man left in post-apocalyptic New York.

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