Direct To Video news: Paramount Danger!

Yes, Paramount has decided to make their own division that will focus on just DTV films, joining Warner Brothers in this cash-in, horrible move that is a detriment to quality cinema.

Thanks to the success of the “American Pie” low-budget direct to video sequels amongst others, the studios have been setting up divisions to do the same with long thought dead franchises.

Now Paramount has joined the fray, starting up a new division to develop and produce sequels, prequels and remakes of popular titles from the libraries of Paramount Pictures, Paramount Vantage, DreamWorks, MTV Films and Nickelodeon Movies reports Slash Film.

Amongst the titles that could be on the list: Beverly Hills Cop, Crocodile Dundee, Clueless, Collateral, Coming to America, Days of Thunder, Deep Impact, Event Horizon, Face/Off, Forrest Gump, Ghost, Grease, Indecent Proposal, Tomb Raider, Mean Girls, Mission: Impossible, School for Scoundrels, Star Trek, The Addams Family, The Brady Bunch Movie, The Italian Job, The Longest Yard, The School of Rock, and Top Gun.

Those last movies are being thrown all around the net as if they are actually being discussed. That is not so, this is just some guy listing all the films Paramount owns. Fun news: the Brady Bunch already have a DTV sequel that went straight to TV: The Brady Bunch in the White House. Though we will get bad movie sequels, and we will weep.

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