Teabaggers Are Monsters

[adrotate banner=”1″]And not the cool kind that destroy cities with radioactive breath. Real life monsters.

Low Tea Party moment symbolic of muddy week

As a journalist covering Chicago politics, verifying information is like climbing a mountain of sand. With each step you take, the deeper you sink.

Last week while researching claims from a local Tea Party activist, I found myself asking a family for proof that they had lost an unborn grandchild.

The family, Dan and Midge Hough, of Chicago, spoke in favor of health care reform and in support of U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-3rd) at a Nov. 14 town hall meeting in Oak Lawn.

Their daughter-in-law, Jenny, and an unborn grandchild died recently due in part, they believe, to a lack of health insurance. They said Jenny was not receiving regular prenatal care and ended up in an emergency room with double pneumonia that developed into septic shock. Her baby died in the womb, and Jenny died a few weeks later, leaving behind a husband and a 2-year-old daughter.

Catherina Wojtowicz, of Chicago’s Mount Greenwood community, an organizer for a Tea Party splinter group, Chicago Tea Party Patriots, falsely claimed that the Houghs fabricated their story. In an e-mail, she called them operatives of President Barack Obama who “go from event to event and (cry) the same story.”

When the Houghs spoke at the Lipinski event, some Tea Partiers ridiculed them. They moaned and rolled their eyes and interrupted. Midge Hough began to cry.

The audience, Wojtowicz later explained, was exasperated by stories of isolated tragedies that cloud debate over the health care bill itself.

“What we are talking about is the bill,” she said. “We’ve all had family members pass away, but would this health care bill really have prevented (Jenny’s) death? We do question it.”

It certainly was a low mark in a very dark week. What could be more illustrative of our state’s political marshland than openly mocking a grieving family?

“I’m very sorry about the whole lack of dialogue,” Wojtowicz said. “My reaction to Midge? I don’t know what to say.”

Neither do I.

EDIT: FreeRepublic has figured it out! They are all Gypsies!

Wingnut Web – FreeRepublic "Ship 'em Back to Africa" Edition

[adrotate banner=”1″]FreeRepublic.com racist? Who would have thought! No one, obviously. But it is amazing how worse they have gotten since Obama got elected. FreeRepublic is an awful, awful place that we spend too little time making fun of, mostly due to them being so awful and the fact there are several others like us who monitor them. But in an effort to revisit some of our old Wingnut Web targets, FreeRepublic.com will get the “treatment” a bit more often. And they have plenty of cannon fodder.

It starts out with an innocent story of sending inner city youths to Africa for new experiences..

And FreeRepublic.com is uncharacteristically generous to the poor for some reason…I wonder why…

Mystery solved! They want to ship off the Negroes!

cripplecreek worries they will come back with guns and shoot up the rusty trailers in Nebraska he lives at

Let’s ship every Black person ever back to Africa!

Providing an opportunity to go to Africa = forced busing!

funblonde has a fun idea to get rid of a whole different “undesirable” ethnic group…

More generosity…

guitarplayer1953 and his gun porn sig line would prefer shipping them off into camps with horrible living conditions. Maybe name it Alaskawitz…

Because the pirates are Black, see! Unlike the good pirates, who are Johnny Depp…

Sorry, TurtleUp, but I am quoting them IN CONTEXT and they still make FR look bad.

How could new experiences help children in any way???

RJS1950 thinks Africa is one giant BF1942 Map.

All Africans are Muslims as well despite being gangbangers and pirates.

cripplecreek is going nuts over this idea!

In response to cripplecreek being shown evidence that Africa is not one entire giant civil war he says…

That’s enough racism for one day, but FreeRepublic can’t stay non-racist for long. In fact, old guys on rascal scooters are probably posting racist comments as I type this! And as long as they do, Wingnut Web will be in business…

Wingnut Web – The Susan Herbert Gravy Train Chugs Along!

[adrotate banner=”1″]Our good friend and crazy train conductor Susan Herbert popped up again, this time on FreeRepublic.com. It’s the same old story, she posts ginormous paragraphs of text and claims she is the real president because she filed a motion in SCOTUS or something, and she has a beef against Roberts. She really, really, really hates Justice Roberts for some reason. Regardless, FreeRepublic.com seemed more immune to her crazy than Resistnet.com, which should tell you something about Resistnet.com. It also made me realize I still have piles of her crazy crap from Resistnet.com (which seems to have all been deleted, btw) which I might as post as well, because I did all that copying and pasting! That’s my job, thanks to George Soros. 100 Ameros a post. MuHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Previous Susan Herbert here, here, and here (and the other, better Susan Herbert is here)

Keep in mind this entire thing is JUST ONE POST!!!!!!

Good to know…


And that was the end of Susan Herbert. I don’t know what happened, but she probably got deleted because she was too distracting to what Grassfire.org/Resistnet.com wants to do (earn that sweet donation money for themselves!)

FreeRepublic.com HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Most Freeper Reactions are like thus:

But there is always a few loons who are unaware that the thin line between genius and insanity exists for a good reason!

Wingnut Web – What happened to being Good Christians?

Us Americans can never be satisfied.

So September 11th happened in 2001 and after an entire day of fear and uncertainty (I went through it, I should know! It was scary!) our country did what it used to do best. Despite any and all of our differences and disregarding any areas of thought where we all might disagree, Americans came together in a unified show of support and love for one another after that attack, support and love for their fellow neighbour, for their friends and family, and finally for the greatest country on the face of this Earth, The United States of America (cue wailing guitars shooting out stars and stripes and then exploding into a flock of Bald Eagles).

Back on September 12th, 2009 Glenn Beck’s 9/12 Project march was held in Washington, D.C with, among other expressed goals, to return the country back to the unstable emotional grounds we all experience after being suddenly attacked by terrorists. The march sure encapsulated the “unstable emotional grounds” part of the metaphor, one could also say like our country’s response to 9/11 the 9/12 march lacked any kind of clearly defined purpose or identifiable strategic outcome, but I also understood this idea of harkening back to the dark days after September 11th to mean that as a people who might not otherwise unite around every issue every day, us Americans can simply come together and we should come together around the fact that we are all citizens of the same country, a large group who can do more good if we work together than if we stay seperate and bicker amongst ourselves.

“United we stand” was the motto of the day, wasn’t it? Maybe times were different back then because we had our 43rd old white male Christian president sitting in the Oval Office of the White House, but the same God-loving Americans who just a few short years ago wanted the whole of the country to come together and celebrate the greatness of the United States and it’s overwhelming ability to confront crises head-on and create working solutions to deal with our toughest problems now would rather see the country cleaved into two very separate unions and have our leaders, especially the President, maimed, deported, killed, raped, impeached, or otherwise have his good name sullied.

I don’t like to play cards necessarily (No Limit Hold’em is fun though), but there is a glaring similarity through-out the different factions of the far-Right Anti-Obama movement, and not only does the theme seem to follow along the lines of religion but more specifically it falls along the lines of a particular sects of Christians. Pointing the finger isn’t the point of this post, though it’s obvious enough to see who we’re talking about from all the coverage they’ve been garnering on TV anyway (hint: it rhymes with Smevengelical), but as a non-Christian who has seen some of the amazing and wonderful things that religion can do to help bring groups of total strangers together in love and unity I would really like to know why and how many of these Born-Again believers can continue to call themselves loving Christians without fear of breaking the Commandment of bearing false witness and incuring the wrath of God upon their hides.

As far as I know, Christianity is a religion based on a couple of primary documents that contain all the tenants that good Christians have to follow in order to be accepted into the Kingdom of Heaven. In short, these tenants more or less direct followers to first accept God/Jesus/Holy Spirit/whoever into their lives, as a guiding force in their decision making and outlook on the world, and then thereafter they are instructed to live good friendly lives where they don’t steal from one another, murder one another, lie to one another, commit adultery with one another, and just generally have a basic human respect for every one of God’s creations whether it be someone who holds different ideals, a stranger from a foreign land, or even an adorable little puppy dog they find on the side of the road. Jesus Christ, according to the stories, was a pretty nice guy at the end of the day, but I doubt he’d be all about the ways in which many of his followers who bear his name are promoting their religion these days.

Pastor Steve Anderson

First off we have Pastor Steven Anderson, a Baptist, from Arizona who prays daily for our first African-American president, who was rightly elected by the American people, to be struck down and killed by the hand of God in his sermons to his congregation:

Now, look, if somebody wants me, it somebody twisted my arm and tells me to pray for Barack Obama, this is what I’m going to pray, because this is the only prayer that applies to him: ‘Break his teeth, O God, in his mouth. You know, as a snail which melteth, let him pass away. Like the untimely birth of a woman, that he thinks — he calls it a woman’s right to choose, you know, he thinks it’s so wonderful. He ought to be aborted. It ought to be, ‘Abort Obama.’

Nope. I’m not gonna pray for his good. I’m going to pray that he dies and goes to hell. When I go to bed tonight, that’s what I’m going to pray. And you say, ‘Are you just saying that?’ No. When I go to bed tonight, Steven L. Anderson is going to pray for Barack Obama to die and go to hell.

The good pastor has gotten a lot of attention over his comments the past few months, comments which not only incite congregates to want to murder President Obama but comments which also come from a man of God, who if he really is a man of God would clearly know more about the tenants of his own religion. Even if he is defiant in his beliefs and prays to God for the death of Obama wouldn’t it occur to him that God doesn’t condone murder in the first place? He dictated those 10 Commandments word for word to Moses right? Is this like the Constitution where we have the original words written by the primary framers but insist that God or the Founding Fathers actually meant B when they wrote A? Clearly there is something very wrong with a preacher, not only preaching for the death of someone, but preaching for the death of the highest ranking person in the country! I don’t remember ever hearing about Christians preaching for the death of any of the previous 43 presidents.

Then you have the congregates who echo the these Wingnut preachers’ sentiments. No one ever said it was wrong to disagree with the President or that you’re a bad person if you don’t support Obama, that right there is critical thinking and critical thinking is an important component to any right-thinking person. Then again, those who believe in a strict factual interpretation of The Bible and who are blindly led by those of their faith were never much for critical thinking in the first place. This is why when a fellow Christian or a church pastor invokes rhetoric like “Obama is a Socialism” or  “Obama wants to force you to get abortions” or “Obama is the Anti-Christ” (a charge so widely believed that Snopes.com had to deticate an article to it) these people take those claims seriously and verbatim, repeating them and repeating them until they believe there’s just no way these claims can be false. Stubborn non-wavering belief is a funny thing like that.

Granted, this is a very small portion of the country I believe. We are a country of 304 million, and considering in their HIGHEST estimate the 9/12 protest was almost 2 million strong (more like 29 times less than that number but let’s keep the judgement fair for now) you still can’t really call that a majority in the United States, and let’s face it, everybody who is anybody in the fringe community attended that dang 9/12 protest. But a believer is a believer, and besides being told the message from up on high every Sunday, there is little to nothing rational human beings can do to change these people’s minds. I’ll even put it in terms they like to fashion their arguments with: A group called THE NAZIS also expressed  non-waivering faith to their leaders that defied all logic or bounds too, but they followed through anyway because that’s what they had been instructed to do by the people around them. No, I am not seriously saying that Christians are like the Nazis, I’m merely just talking about the ones who make up this small little fringe community that likes to post on messageboards alot (Hi guys!).

In my mind I really want to believe that it’s one thing to talk about the Westborough Babtist Church in-terms of level of deeply-seeded hatred of fellow human beings and size and talking about the Patriot Teabagging movement, but unfortunately there are a lot of similarities that follow through (namely that there are other generic groups of people living among them that they blame everything on, want to exterminate, and will never come to accept in society ever and their small sizes!). Finally, I don’t want to have to believe that I need to draw this point out any more that I already have in the above. Faith preaches kindness but preachers dictate something entirely different, out of their own interests, and isn’t that like bearing false witness in the end?

Wingnut Web – They Have Increased In Numbers Edition

[adrotate banner=”1″]Here is part 2 of FreeRepublic.com going racist crazy once again. RAHOWA and all is the word of the day, with posters wishing they could freely be more racist, claiming blacks will riot over everything, and the ever-popular “Blacks make us racist!” There are too many of these posts to blame them on bad apples and FreeRepublic does, FreeRepublic is an entire barrel of rotten bile that deserves nothing but scorn. So let’s scorn these mofos! For part 1, click here.

Maverick68 is licking his chops to be able to spout of the N-word without being yelled at.

Hmm…Awakening, Spade, Race Card….I wonder if all his sheets have eyeholes

Black people make us racist!

Hey, guys, I just registered to tell you about my white son who is totally white and a he-man woman hater who beats up minorities who all see the errors of their ways and bow before my white son, champion.

Halls must not have read any of the other posts in the thread or at all on FreeRepublic for the past decade

Well, let’s burn down all the cities and cure racism, then! (also another no racism before welfare claim!)

Racer X makes so much money off of racism he never wants it to end!


Let’s make a law to get rid of the blacks!

Classism != Racism

Is remembering the Gaul like remembering the Knights Templar?

Hey, pepperhead, this thread is about bashing black people, not white people!

They surround us! But we surround them! Wait a minute…

Kill all minorities or they will destroy all our businesses!

How dare liberals respond to racism by calling it racism!

Boucheau is another famous white race battler!

I wonder if I Buried My Guns (nice Turner Diaries reference, btw) thinks the US invading Iraq was a fair fight.

Morgana knows the truth, even if it flies in face of the truth!

Because only white kids will get vouchers, or something…

Yes, there are no black people who have gone on to do anything productive ever.

Cheetahcat is not familiar with colonialism and the consequences thereof

calex59 is running around claiming Obama wants to start a race war, then wonders why people call him racist

I believe in Krystallnact, because I believe in me!

More Black people force us to be racist comments!

Gargantua so wants to be able to call black people monkeys, and somehow thinks Sarah Palin won.

Wingnut Web – FreeRepublic Secret Go Code To Mau Mau Whites Edition

[adrotate banner=”1″]FoxNation.com showed they love RAHOWA and hate black people, but what about other Right Wing sites? Surely it is an isolated incident and the repeated instances of casual racism on FreeRepublic.com are a thing of the past! NOT! Get another puke bucket, because the Wingnut brigade is going postal, teabag style! Kanye West, Serena Williams, black kids on school buses, President Obama, there are black people everywhere and only black people ever do anything bad!

One of several articles that started it all… My favorite part is he even mentions McEnroe and other tennis temper tantrums, but decides Serena is a special case entirely due to her race!

Jackie Robinson was a THUG KING!

Unprecedented, except the fact it has happened many times before…

Darn Blacks and their not feeling ashamed for being black!

One guess on what the “88” stands for!

His tribe.

The media totally ignored Kanye. The media on Mars in the cave I live in.

Because Black people are savages, see…but I’m not racist…

Those BLACKS!!! How dare they think we’re racist still!

LBJ invented racism!

Mau Mau! Woof Woof!

Blacks never did anything wrong until Obama Mau Maued the USA!

Yeah, this is totally a true story

luvbach1 sees Kenyon birth certificates everywhere he looks

I swear I have never been racist to those Black people, all of who are arrogant!

We are seconds away from a post saying President Obama sent Kanye on a secret mission to destroy Taylor Swift

Black people are ferril animals

It was totally about race, even if everyone says it isn’t!

Remember the good ol’ days when blacks were out of sight and out of mind?

LBJ and Obama created packs of SUPERTHUGS!!!

We got more, a whole ‘nother update! Coming soon

But before we do part 2 of FreeRepublic.com going racist crazy, we have a special treat:
